If you have no spending limits, this is a very (very very very) bad idea.
OP please revoke the key ASAP
- email app might not show the actual sender email adress but just their "name"
- links can look legit on a screenshot (e.g. yourBank.com) but the actual linked address is scamYou.com.
Given these obvious limitations, I'm really doubtful how trustworthy this solution can be.
- the contact page does not show any names, just claims a " team of cybersecurity experts "
- about page in the footer 404s out.
This could as well just be a scam itself to read others' emails.
I remember when I was young in the early 2000s, the internet was a place you could make friends. These pig butchering scammers are working to wreck what little social fabric the internet has left.
A scam might, for instance, say "If you don't go to phishingpage.xyz RIGHT NOW your account will be DELETED!" to capitalize on urgency. That appeal to urgency can be detected. The scammers could of course just choose not to appeal to urgency, but then that would reduce the number of people who'd fall for their scam.
Another domain, but the same result [1]. Better detectors just yield better fake.
1: https://proceedings.neurips.cc/paper/2019/hash/3e9f0fc9b2f89...
Dear sir... (SCAM!)
Voicemail half cut off starts talking about "I see your papers on my desk here" (SCAM!)
It is amazing though Twilio, you can write a voice mail via XML and start dialing away.