[0] https://github.com/Wack0/maciNTosh
[1] Windows NT for Power Macintosh (github.com/wack0)
298 points by TazeTSchnitzel 7 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 215 comments
Because Wii and GameCube were PowerPC-based, both can technically run Windows NT. This seems to be the main reason why this project was doable.
I think we are witnessing a historical accident materialized by obscure hardware legacies.
NT4 included all the supported architectures on the cd-rom. You didn't buy an x86 version or a PPC version or a MIPS version or an Alpha version... You just bought NT4 client or server and it was all there. Microsoft may have had analytics of use on ppc, but not specifically sales. OEM sales, sure.
More likely, no PPC oems were interested in selling NT5 (Windows 2000) bundled with their hardware, and so Microsoft gave up on that. Alpha was supported into the release candidates (and I've seen comments that builds continued but were no longer distributed outside Microsoft), but Alpha imploded during the release time frame.
Apple was going to get NT on at least the Apple Network Server (Ellen Hancock once claimed there would be upgrade ROMs that could boot it), but that never happened.
Alpha, at least, had vendors, and existed in some numbers. My AlphaPC 164LX [0] was made by Samsung.
[0] http://oldvcr.blogspot.com/2023/03/refurb-weekend-dec-alphap...
Considering I had no idea how to use AIX then it was nice to have a machine with a Sound Recorder application (probably to hook up to a cd player and play to a tape recorder), the ability to play canyon.mid, run MS Paint, and change the cursor to an animated horse. That's what workstations are for right?
I seem to recall hearing that Linux also developed its 64-bit support on Alpha.
I just like the valid MSDOS stub header executable on the front of every DLL and executable.
Notably the Dreamcast ran WinCE on SH4 CPU.
Subsystems https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/debug/pe-for...
There are also a few others usually NE for older win16 and LE for OS2 and other interesting win16 overlay types.
From a technical standpoint, there's no reason Windows couldn't be brought to RISC-V in some form or fashion. It's designed for that portability.
Also, "cooling" is relative - the highest power draw of a 21164 Alpha is around 40-60w, which is normal to low these days, but was huge back then.
The OS-level was much more CPU agnostic at the time and programs would aim for an OS rather than an OS/CPU combo.
Linux preserved that for much, much longer than many others (the only other big name was NeXT into MacOS).
Now with ARM finally "catching up" we see it growing again; nothing is new.
If you can find evidence that’s the case, I’m intrigued.
If you can find evidence supporting the useless information you posted, I'm intrigued.
LLMs are not sources of information and never will be. No one cares what ChatGPT thinks about anything. It's not helpful to post that, and especially not to then act like it's correct unless someone else has proof otherwise.
Appreciatively discussed on hn!
Doesn’t sound at all like the NT/2000 kernel/HAL/Executive.
I believe non-x86 versions of Windows NT came with MS-DOS emulation in the form of SoftPC, at least in NT4. If anyone happens to have an appropriate copy of SoftWindows to try, that sounds like potentially even more fun.
FX!32 was really cool. The Alpha systems were crazy fast compared to the Pentium systems of its time, so even using the translation layer, x86 Windows NT apps performed reasonably well under FX!32. The intent was to have that be a stop-gap until third-party software vendors made native Alpha builds of their NT apps.
HP foodnote: HP had this vision of NT at the desktop and HP/UX server iron. Folks preferred Solaris over HP/UX so that was their idea to adopt windows. The guy at hp pushing that agenda, Belluzo, eventually left and went to Microsoft.
[1] https://hn.algolia.com/?query=Windows%20NT%20for%20GameCube%...
In the case of split lottery, someone emails hn@ycombinator.com and one setq [or update statement] later the threads get merged
Would love to see it running before I go searching for my old GameCube to try it myself :)
Why does everything we do with coding have to be for a practical purpose? When I play a video game for fun, it's not like I'm getting anything out of it. Sometimes it's fun to code up something just because you can.
While my technical exploits are no where near this - I love reading about people doing odd and difficult things for fun.
(As a young teen who was obsessed with Road Rash on the Sega Game Gear, I wrote down every single save code, after every game I played, along with what I had (bike, level and cash) - after a week or so of doing this I worked out the save code and was able to give myself any level, bike or money by manually tweaking the code. I am sure that I am not the only person that discovered this, but at the time I felt like a god and enjoyed racing the later levels with the worst bikes etc. - sometimes it's just fun to do something because you can.)
I expanded in a sub-comment: I am not challenging that it was done, I would like to hear about the motivation to do it.
There's no purpose for the result described on Github, and also no background why it was done.
I have no value to run Windows NT on a Gamecube, but I would surely enjoy the story on why it came to be :)
Either way, always nice to read the chain of thought which drove someone to do something- :)
The page doesn't seem to mention the Gamecube Ethernet card or the Wii's Wi-Fi support, so it might not have any working networking, so that might be a more important issue.
For those that don't remember the Dreamcast, it was Sega's final system before they left the hardware business. It was based on Windows CE, another Microsoft OS without the NT kernel.
A short list out of 556 games developed for the console per https://www.mobygames.com/platform/dreamcast/.
A sticker on the front is just branding. Image search says it shows 'compatible with Windows CE' which is true. Doesn't mean it was built around it, and doesn't mean it was a good idea, but certainly some games used it. I'm sure Microsoft could have put together Windows CE for gamecube or ps2 if they wanted to, and wouldn't have needed a sticker on the front... ps1 and saturn could probably swing it too; you really just need to put drivers around the hardware and the bios functions, and maybe structure memory properly if bios functions make assumptions.
This is a decent review of what happened with CE on Dreamcast: