This is one of those examples of software that reminds me of my struggle to understand how LLMs are passing code evaluations that culminate with people declaring that they are now better than even the best human coders. I have tried to get LLMs (specifically, Claude and ChatGPT, trying various models) to assist with niche problems and it's been a terrible experience. Fantastic with CRUD or common algorithms, terrible when it's something novel or unusual.
The author creates his own version of a "FLIP simulation". I'm going to go out on a limb and posit that even ChatGPT's unreleased o3 model would not be up to the task of writing the software that powers this pendant. Is this incorrect? I realize perhaps that my comment is a little off-topic given that this is not an AI project. However, this project seems like an excellent example of the sort of thing that I am quite skeptical the supposedly "world-class" artificial software engineers could pull off.
So no, I don't think your assessment is correct. LLMs shine when they get to implement something from scratch on a blank slate with clear API boundaries, whether it's a CRUD app or a physics simulation. Where I think they struggle the most is in big legacy codebases on tasks spanning multiple modules with lots of red herrings.
Gold-standard verification tests are constructed using the "method of manufactured solutions" (MMS), which can be largely automated with computer algebra software, but are still quite tedious. I know from experience. I don't believe LLMs can handle the algebraic manipulation here particularly well.
Worse, LLMs won't be able to produce actual experimental data to do the validation test with. You'll need to track down one or more experiments from the literature or do your own experiment. LLMs might in the future be able to point you to appropriate experiments in the literature, but they don't seem able to do that at present. I think LLMs might provide useful advice when a simulation ends up not matching the experimental data. LLMs seem to know a thing or two about turbulence modeling, though I would question their knowledge of the most recent advances.
(If you're only interested in fluid simulation for games or computer graphics then physical accuracy is not a priority. But you probably should still use MMS to make sure you've implemented the math correctly. MMS is an interesting technique that has no parallel in software testing in general. Abstractly, the idea is to make a minimal modification to the software so that you have an oracle, and the nature of the modification is such that the modified software passing the test implies that the unmodified software would also pass the test. This idea probably can be applied in other areas.)
A teacher once told me their (middle? high?) school was the last in their state with lathes. Something which couldn't be created there today, and couldn't exist now in some other states, but which had been repeatedly grandfathered, since its creation with many others, just after World War 2. And that it would disappear upon the first serious accident, leaving none at all.
I cannot imagine the concept of lathes being taken out of schools because of accidents. What a self destructive cultural attitude.
I'm on your side that I'd rather see the tools at the school. At the same time, I took an auto-shop class in high school and the majority of students in the class were dipshits and were lucky not to get more hurt. The teacher managed to stop them just in time from trying to turn over an engine on a rack that would have crushed them if the teach had been 5 second later.
I wonder if the culture here is different than the U.S.? Dipshit students are removed from these classes before they can get anywhere near tools. It’s definitely a privilege to be in a shop class.
I don't even know if it counts as culture, but the US inevitably seems to have such a refined sense of litigation and, insurance mindset for lack of a better term?
Anecdotally, schools are indeed a prime example, we had cooking classes in high school that were stopped because of the costs to insure for it.
There's definitely going to be cultural differences between the US and wherever you're located, but be careful not to generalize too much from one comment you read on the Internet.
Being CNC with an enclosure mitigates 99+% of all the safety issues and makes them 1000% more useful. With CNC, the most harmful injury is likely to be a broken bone because you're only in the envelope with servos active but not the spindle. With manual, the spindle or chuck can grab you and kill you or send shrapnel into you.
And I really wish we had a good, open source pick and place. Those still can't handle 0201 components and higher density BGAs even though those PCBs are really cheap nowadays.
> Machine Technology 1 - Increase your knowledge and skills in the use of common hand tools, engine lathes, shapers, drill presses, milling machines, and grinders. In this class students will have hands-on experiences in elementary mechanical fundamentals and principles used in precision manufacturing industries.
> Welding 1 - Interested in becoming a welder? Learn how to use the art of welding in artistic and industrial settings. Develop basic skills related to safety, equipment set up, metal transfer, gas shielding and welding various types of metals. This class focuses on oxyacetylene and gas tungsten arc welding.
> Construction Trades 1 - Interested in a career in construction or learning valuable home maintenance skills? In this course you will develop basic carpentry, metals, electricity, and pipefitting skills along with safe usage of hand and power tools applicable to each skill set.
I think there was a period (90s-2000s?) where trade skills were mostly not taught in public schools, but they're thankfully working their way back in.
On the same note, I've been working on a bike POV display with lots of LEDs and just got "live-ish" video working over wifi with it:
Back to the drawing board
Any other similar creators with this level of polish (pun intended) and interests to follow?
If you liked the part where he machined the housing, check out Clickspring. I think it's fair to say he is the greatest machinist currently active on YouTube, both in videography and storytelling, and in actual skill.
It's available here: (unfortunately It's not possible to link directly to it so you'll need to scroll a little bit down to find it)
I personally like coming back to it from time to time, since it's inspiring in it's own way for me.
Also, adopting the screen off function Apple watches use could be a cool addition, for that it would need a light sensor. On an Apple Watch, you can switch the screen off by simply covering the screen with your hand.
Since the LED's are all the same component and therefore heat at the same speed in the oven, I don't think that would cause tombstoning.
I am tempted to make a slightly sillier version of this w/ a circular lcd rather than the uhh retro-cool smt leds honestly just to avoid the multiplexing design
great work!! super cool
I can see a good video as far as show/don't tell my stuff is dry/way too much info. Guess it depends verbatim tutorial vs. just showcasing.
Maybe not “better” than OP’s design, but could be interesting in its own way.
This isn't one of those posts. Good job to the author. This article is not only nicely written but also a pleasure to read.