1. I spent a while clicking and dragging and not realizing that it works by scrolling.
2. There's no way to tell what's clickable.
At first I just clicked on the guy in the cage which sent me to the 2D website and I thought that was it. I didn't realize that you can scroll down to see other stuff until much later.
Unexpected Application Error!
Error creating WebGL context.
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This site kinda sorta reminds me of that.
Forget what it's called - if someone does, please post more info!
Your description also made me think of babylon js, but that was later.
Also maybe java applets?
It's slightly better in chrome/edge at maybe 15,20 fps but still un-pleasant.
I don't know how easy it is to accomplish with React Three Fiber, but something as simple as having paving `cursor: pointer` on links would be great, as well as an indicator that they'll open in a new tab (typically conveyed through the little box with an arrow going top right).
Fun little project though, I've always wanted to try something similar in the browser.
However, for me (very familiar with orbit controls) the controls are now very unintuitive. I think it's better to have a combo of orbit controls, perhaps constraining one or more axes, and animating the camera to transition between different pivot points on click (and maybe change the constraints to suit each particular view). Note that Yomotsu's CameraControls (available via Drei) give a lot better control for this kind of thing than the standard OrbitControls.
If you're going for a 3d interface, no matter the control system, some people won't be familiar with it. The best solution is to accept this and go with the thing the largest number of people will be familiar with (so basically orbit controls), not to roll your own interface that now makes it unfamiliar to everyone.
*work in progress by the way
As others have said I do think the controls need work; maybe some form of constrained orbit controls would work well.
But what’s extra interesting about that is the 3D page is a vanilla React project while the 2D site is built with Astro SSG, and has all 90+ lighthouse scores.
This tool is good too: https://meshoptimizer.org/gltf/
I built the initial version in about a week.
If you’re comfortable with react already you can use React Three Fiber, and a few libraries associated with it like drei. This can also be done with vanilla three.js.
I would say look for some 3D models you like on a site like sketchfab, and think of what you could build related to the 3D object. Even better, if you have some 3D modeling experience, create a model yourself and maybe a fun little website with it!
I've heard about the frictions with getting call backs in the entry level part of the market, and I think its just best to cosplay as senior developer, as its mostly a mindset. you'll lose some roles for your mistakes but there is no passported reputation here, just get employed, wait for some of your coworkers to leave so they can be your collection of references, and keep applying to other jobs.
to get the first jobs, form an LLC and say you work for that, for some time if it works better to get to the hiring manager
I mean, you were building some stuff through college after all right? so its true, backdate it back to your sophomore year, bam 3 years experience. such ambitious, much wow
launder real experience on top of it and replace your resume with that professional validation