But how to overhaul? WaylandTYU?
- Slidev: https://sli.dev/
- Marp: https://marp.app/
I had a few code examples to massage out of a codebase, so I fired up vim to make them simpler/clearer before I'd put them in Keynote.
Then I started taking a few notes in a scratch buffer. After a few moments I began to dread having to move that content over and format in the UI and all.
... And then it dawned on me that I could just use vim itself as the presentation tool!
- one tab per slide, one file per tab
- gt/gT (:tabnext :tabprev) to move through
- ,z (junegunn/goyo :Goyo) for a "hudless" display
- splits and :terminal on live demo time
- ,b (junegunn/fzf.vim :Buffers) to jump to any "slide" on question time (just name files appropriately)
- prepare the whole thing and save session with :mksession
It's super cool and I want to love it, but I find it too fiddly to get the layout the way I want it. For me it might be easier to just page through a plain text file of ascii art style diagrams or something.
I've always been just absolutely dog shit at design stuff. I can't center a div to save my life and I don't understand columns. I need it to be absolutely idiot proof because I'm an absolute idiot when it comes to these things.
I guess this is my attempt at encouragement for folks to keep working on these tools because I love the aesthetic but I just can't grok the interface. I will continue to watch this project with interest!
This has in line snippet execution, critical for how I present - so lets switch to this.
Historically, I've done the slides with Markdown and rendered them to Beamer with Pandoc, and that works well enough, though slightly awkward with transitions. I might get more nerd-cred if I live in the terminal.
I'll need to check this one out.
Gonna try and convert a few of my old ones to presenterm. I'll let you know how it goes.
Then rug pull the stonk. Leave retail holding the bag, go on permanent leave, get a golden parachute, then some cookie cutter MBA scumbag takes over and ruins it further. Subsequently gets sold to big tech for pennies, and IP gets shelved.
In the meanwhile, FOSS community forks presenterm and a divergence occurs.
The rinse and repeat :). The circle of scamming.