2 pointsby croes20 hours ago1 comment
  • bediger400019 hours ago
    How is this legal? Also, given the difficulty some Trump appointees (Kushner) have had with getting clearances, this is of the utmost hypocrisy or clearances and security classification means very little.
    • manbart19 hours ago
      It’s not. But who will stop it?
      • ein0p19 hours ago
        Citation needed. The President has complete, unilateral classification and declassification authority. He can also grant or withdraw clearance to/from anyone, without any background checks.
        • bediger400016 hours ago
          Ah. So this is either the absolute height of hypocrisy, or the whole clearance and classification system was and is meaningless, just rigamarole. Here's some red tape to get rid of, easy.
          • ein0p16 hours ago
            Winning an US presidential election is the polar opposite of "easy".