I've used it for six years and am quite happy with it.
It's self-hosted, PHP/Postgresql, server-side. Plus, you can get a free tier with 1,000 API requests/month if you want to enrich data about your IP visitors. As a co-founder, I believe it's one of the most advanced solutions available. (-;
If not joking, I use tirreno for some personal websites with partly masked IP as it shows very interesting insights about bots and their behavior.
Under 90s thing you probably mean is awstats (https://github.com/eldy/awstats). CERN and many other organizations continue to use it even now.
If you ever decide to host your blog on a cloud provider, Cloudflare provides nice and simple analytics.
Good enough for me.
That's probably the easiest thing while not adding Google to my stack.
The main script is ~10 key lines. If you send me contact details (eg via stuff in my bio) I could send it over to give you some ideas.