> A 37-year-old Tennessee man was arrested Thursday, accused of stealing Blu-rays and DVDs from a manufacturing and distribution company used by major movie studios and sharing them online before the movies' scheduled release dates.
Except those weren't prospective buyers--they were downloads, which don't have a direct 1-1 mapping. On top of that, you can only infer they were people who thought the movie was worth downloading if it was free, not that they would have purchased it at the retail price. Who's to say it wasn't downloading for convenience, i.e. to use on a plane or something, and the person hadn't already bought a license another way? The total loss was probably 10s of thousands at the most.
There's not a 1-1 relationship between DVD buyers and pirates but some people just want to watch the movie or save it for posterity, and don't care what format it's in. There is definitely a cost to piracy. But nobody knows exactly what that cost is.
Wanna know what's really stupid? Some people pay $20 or more to rent or buy a digital copy of a movie through a service that can pull the content any time. Compared to that, the hard copy is a fantastic value.
That statement is obviously wrong
probably no: (successfully) prevents (all) unauthorized copying
probably yes: (exists to) prevent (at least one instance of) unauthorized copying
Look up the definition of "property". You'll find that it says nothing about it needing to be tangible. It literally just means "something that can be owned".
Interesting claim considering that private property predates corporations by centuries.
If I copy your content you still have it.
It's not an exigent issue that requires officers with guns to solve.
Sure there could be some kind of vuln in the media player you’re using to open it and it could contain a payload but there’s so many media player and OS combinations that this becomes extremely unlikely. I have never heard of this happening.
"Virtually safe" is nowhere near accurate.