9 pointsby mikequinlan21 hours ago3 comments
  • mikequinlan21 hours ago
    "A two-story Montgomery County, Maryland home destroyed in a fire from November 2024 caught fire again Wednesday, this time due to a Tesla car battery found at the scene, according to a Montgomery County Fire and Rescue Service (MCFRS) official."
    • DonHopkins19 hours ago
      "A family of four escaped injury by being instantly incinerated when their CyberTruck caught fire and they could not escape."

      If Elon can repeatedly Heil Hitler then brush it off by making tasteless childish unoriginal Nazi jokes, then I can certainly make CyberTruck jokes, since I claim to be a free speech absolutist too!

      • sieabahlpark19 hours ago
        Can you for the love of God shut the fuck up about your fetish with Elon.

        Dude lives rent free in your head all day and night and you probably say the same thing any time you read or see the word. Stop being such a NPC/bot. God damn.

        • DonHopkins13 hours ago
          You poor oppressed white supremacists gotta stick up for each other, don't you? You self-proclaimed free speech absolutists are just such thin skinned snowflakes. You seem hysterically upset at a little joke. Touch some grass dude. Why can't you take a joke from me, who doesn't own Twitter or have an audience and bank account of billions, just like you love Elon's Nazi jokes and pretend he didn't make Nazi Heil Hitler gestures? Why don't you post a photo of yourself doing that too, with your real name, as long as you're licking his boots and carrying his water? You're the one with a long posting history of off-the-rails obnoxious racist comments, without ever contributing anything useful. Get some help, shadow banned paid professional NPC/bot.
  • chabes20 hours ago
    Maybe the car was protesting Elon?
    • DonHopkins19 hours ago
      And also protesting and taunting the bootlickers who mindlessly and reflexively jump in to defend him, who are just as bad as he is. You know how white supremacists gotta stick up for each other and silence all criticism, since they're so thin skinned and sensitive to reverse discrimination for being such free speech absolutists.
  • _aavaa_20 hours ago
    More anti-EV FUD.

    “Officials said the battery briefly went into a 'thermal runaway' partially due to damage from the Nov. 11, 2024 house fire that destroyed the home and damaged several vehicles.”

    The battery survived the house burning down and then finally failed 4 months later. If this was a petrol car it would have burned up in November.