This argues for continually adjusting our clocks throughout the year, so that sunrise happens at a stable time of day, doesn’t it?
Getting anything figured out would be a mess, obviously, if everything were synced up (from the clock on your grandma's kitchen wall up to the clock on say Air Force One) it'd be easier (hmm, I see even more pitchforks). Someone's daily meeting with overseas colleagues would be e.g. 9:56 today and 9:42 in a week's time.
Another alternative would be 4x15 minutes jumps, every Sunday in a month.
You would have to choose a wakeup time that was conducive to your work schedule, even when you're getting up an hour "late" (right before the time change), but maybe it would still be worth it?
1 - The only problem with DST is the change in timing. There is a spike in all sorts of issues including accidents, heart attacks, etc in these days. The change itself is a problem.
2 - We have constantly underestimated the need for sleep and its association with the circadian rhythm and as a result, we face a lot of problems. DST/Standard time changes were an effort to solve the problem for 1 group of people, Midwestern farmers, and imposed it on everyone else.
What we really need is to eliminate the DST/Standard Time confusion and then individual systems need to set their own times for doing things.
Those times will depend on the kind of work, the people jnvolved, and then depending on the time and the needs it may even have to change through the year.
But the onus should lie on my company and me, or my kid’s school and him to track what time they should be meeting through the year.
This is not true, DST has a long history and was first implemented in the US during WWI to conserve energy.
Just like a broken clock that shows the right time twice per day, the ideal ruling suggested in the article will result in two perfect days every year.
At least the current scheme theoretically allows for 4 perfecy days per year! Note that I'm not saying that it is what really happens, though. It depends on school schedule and the dates of the switch. About the latter, I do think that the switch should happen as close as possible to the equinox, so towards the end of March, like in Europe.