36 pointsby doenera day ago7 comments
  • stfpa day ago
    Feedback: change the name

    The current name will prevent this product/company from ever making it to the mainstream, or at least make it way less likely.

    A great name can truly make a huge difference. An OK name that sticks is a necessity. A name that is mostly “anus” is actively bad.

    • t_manna day ago
      To the OP, I say forget this advice. There's a headhunting company called Monster, arguably the worst possible name, especially for that business. Last time I checked they were doing fine. The truly worst thing is not being talked about.

      Manus means hand in Latin, not a bad name at all for a tool that lends you a hand. Some people will recognize this, others not. They'll be fine, or if not, it won't be for that reason.

      • ahofmann18 hours ago
        There is also MongoDB, which is also doing fine despite the very unfortunate name.
    • ErikBjare2 hours ago
      I imagined it was short for "manuscript", as "manus" is the Swedish word for it. I also have a friend named Manu, who I imagine is hoping her name doesn't get Alexa'd.
    • brainless8 hours ago
      I really thought this name was from the common word for "human" in many languages across India. Slightly different pronunciations in some languages but I think many Indians would relate to the word as a derivative of "human".
    • gmusleraa day ago
      It brings bad analogies with body parts. So, let’s change the name schema to gods, mythology or something on the sky. Maybe Uranus could be a better alternative.
    • a day ago
    • brooksta day ago
    • anthropodiea day ago
      Manus = माणुस in Marathi which means Man
  • esafaka day ago
    Someone already made a clone with 15K stars: https://github.com/mannaandpoem/OpenManus
  • pcwelder21 hours ago
    - Browser control tools

    - Shell control tools

    - File edits tools

    - Task management workflow/tools

    - Memory management workflow/tools

    - Subtasks handoff to other agents

    Anything major missing raw capability wise?

    • ttctciyf19 hours ago
      Maybe something to stop it succeeding at requests like "hack into some power stations and blackout city X" ?
  • thuanao21 hours ago
    What is the value add here over existing frameworks for multi-agent workflows?
    • andai3 hours ago
      Back in the day, AutoGPT was trying to do the same thing. I wonder what became of it.
  • upmostlya day ago
    Agree about changing the name. Manus is the joke name of child in a British TV comedy called Amandaland. It's more of a joke name than anything.
    • kgeist17 hours ago
      Manus means 'hand' in Latin. I thought that was the idea. Their logo is a picture of a hand, too. English "manuscript" comes from it.
  • bakibaba day ago
    Manus means Human in Marathi language.
    • stfpa day ago
      And ~hands in latin

      But that doesn’t matter if your goal is to become a global brand

  • doenera day ago
    What makes Manus so special is the combination of many agents with different abilities, controlled by a central interface. At the moment, due to the limited access, it is difficult to assess whether Manus has primarily put together an impressive combination of existing AI agents or whether there is more to it than that.