14 pointsby amichail2 days ago2 comments
  • CountGeeka day ago
    >"Additionally, the study was conducted at a single center in China, which may limit generalizability to other populations. The researchers also acknowledged that factors such as reinfection risk, vaccination status, and behavioral differences (e.g., medication adherence) could not be fully accounted for."

    With no mention if the subjects were smokers, had diabetes, overweight or sedentary lifestyles seems to me like a wholelotta nothing burger.

  • westurnera day ago
    From https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=40681226 :

    > "Cyclodextrin promotes atherosclerosis regression via macrophage reprogramming" (2016) https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/scitranslmed.aad6100

    > "Powdered Booze Could Fix Your Clogged Arteries" (2016) https://www.popsci.com/compound-in-powdered-alcohol-can-also...

    FWIU, beta-cyclodextrin is already FDA approved, and injection of betacyclodextrin reversed arterio/atherosclerosis; possibly because our arteries are caked with sugar alcohol and beta-cyclodextrin absorbs alcohol.