For some reason, the book is not well known and the author hates to advertise. But this is truly one of a kind book and deserves all the adulation from us (i own a print version).
The author also co-authored a book about historical and state-of-the-art pi computations called Pi Unleashed ( The code and additional resources are available at Though somewhat dated (circa 2000), there’s a lot of fascinating information in the 229 Mb zip download, including a 133 char C program (pitiny.c) that computes 15000 digits of pi.
I’ll check out Numerical Recipes and Matters Computational ideas etc.
Some caveats; consider criticisms of Numerical Recipes book as advisory and not gospel. When reading these sorts of books you are looking to understand the algorithms (w.r.t. a reference implementation) and not bother with programming style/software engineering discipline etc. which are all irrelevant in this case. The specialized domain knowledge is what is important and not software techniques.
Here are some links to the above;
1) Numerical Recipes book website -
2) Wikipedia -
3) Alternatives -
However, here are some suggested alternatives -
If you have some quick one-off need, copying something from Numerical Recipes is a bad idea. Bugs in numerical methods can be very subtle and difficult to diagnose in a way that normal discrete algorithms aren't. If you've never heard of the asymptotic order of convergence of a numerical algorithm, how are you possibly going to detect that you have a bug there, let alone fix it? In my experience, most people who have one-off needs don't have the requisite background in numerical analysis to get themselves out of trouble when things go wrong. A better approach is to just use a library. There are lots of options for simple stuff.
If you do have a sophisticated need, you will outgrow what Numerical Recipes offers very quickly. There are some good books in the list you linked, but that list is also very outdated. Notably absent: any of Trefethen's books (ATAP in particular), Nocedal and Wright's "Numerical Optimization", Stoer & Bulirsch, anything about convex optimization, anything about the finite element method, anything about geometry or CAD, anything about Monte Carlo, anything about special functions, and on and on...
The list of alternatives itself is from 2001 and hence does not have later published books. A google search brings up other discussions on alternatives.
Seneca has a brief treatise "On the brevity of life" that counters this exact feeling.
In sum, it's not that life is too short (and the art too long), it's rather that we're not optimal in our use of life.
It's worth a read - or a save in the special folder :)