The server hosting the malicious files seems to be down now, but this post details a similar attack:
It also seems to be part of a phishing kit, or potentially generated with AI due to the presence of the following comment.
// Замени на свой URL
Which in English is: // Replace with your URL
And various other descriptive comments like // Полностью очищаем страницу (Completely clear the page)
// Создаём новый контейнер с индикатором загрузки (Creating a new container with a loading indicator)
// Через 3 секунды скрываем Cloudflare и запускаем загрузку (In 3 seconds, we hide Cloudflare and start the download.) [Though this was next to a 900ms timeout, so there's definitely been some tweaking]
They're the kind of comments that don't really make sense if the author is writing them themselves, but would if they're using something off the shelf, or asking some LLM to output code. The descriptive comments of what the code's doing definitely makes me lean towards the latter.Sadly, it's that exact kind of descriptive comments that are the kinds of comments that I expect to see in well-documented code. The kind of comments that I would expect from a seasoned engineer.
I.e there is no exposé of anyone, but putting "Exposing Russians" in the title gives clicks.
> It is the first (native) language of a large majority of Ukrainians.
One good example is President Zelenskyy and Kvartal 95 (the comedy troupe/media company he and his friends formed) most of their shows and skits until recently were in russian. Their use of russian was not just because for export to russia or other russian speakers outside of Ukraine/Russia, it was not rare to make media aimed at a primarily Ukranian audience in russian. An Example Zelenskyy making fun of Putins claim that Kyiv is the mother of Russian cities(in russian)
I don't know about the other members of the troupe or the degree to which this is a factor, but Zelenskyy is himself a native Russian speaker.