16 pointsby walterbell4 days ago3 comments
  • duxup4 days ago
    >CCA drones are designed to be “loyal wingmen” that can fly alongside new and existing crewed fighter jets

    The inclusion of "loyal" makes me wonder if they had a run in with some "disloyal" drones?

    • bigyabai4 days ago
      "Loyal" basically means "remote controlled" in this context. There's basic autonomy for enabling flight, takeoff and landing, but AFAIK the rest is controlled from the cockpit of a networked aircraft. A slight force multiplier for fighter jets, but potentially game-changing if you need to escort an AWACS or troop transport on the cheap.

      Of course, that's not to say we haven't seen drones decide they want to switch sides during combat before: https://www.airandspaceforces.com/why-russia-shot-down-s-70-...

  • pseudospock4 days ago
    Get with the times, we call that a drone.
  • yownie3 days ago
    oooohh we're all gonna die.