The other context around Israel invading Lebanon in 1982 was given to me (I was too young at the time to have a clue about anything) by another (Jewish) friend, a biographer of Primo Levi, who said, "I believe Israel had the sympathy of the world until they invaded Lebanon," in a conversation about how those who claim to be virtuous by invoking victimhood.
Dahl never invoked that himself, but with wider knowledge of his life and a more critical view of Israeli history, we can see what a complex polarized mess this is with little chance of redemption for either, although it is interesting that one man has generated disproportionate column inches compared to a country.
Or when he said the United States is "utterly dominated by the great Jewish financial institutions over there"?
Or when he said "I am certainly anti-Israel, and I have become anti-Semitic"?
Or are there others?
Whether or not you agree with the state of Israel's actions in recent years, it's very concerning to me to see comments like this that seem to justify or explain away racial hatred. You have to disentangle the two.
Dahl here is a very hardy man who approaches these issues in a very practical and logical way. But this was also in the post WW2 era where millions died, people lost their families and possessions, and had to start their life anew. It was a period of rebuilding after the devastation of war and hard times build hard people.
Today, all this feels like too much because we were all mostly born and brought up in wealth and prosperity. We have not seen any real hard times and there is no need for mettle.
In the US, vaccination for it is prevalent for years now (in a rare win for preventative health there).
Many other countries: "Chickenpox (and risk of shingles) will be good for you..."
The JCVI might have recently changed recommendation but whether it is worth the cost/benefit is another matter.
The shingles vaccination programme (for older adults) has existed since 2013.
The JCVI recommendation from 2023 took into account new evidence that had emerged since the original decision in 2009, using a new model to evaluate cost-effectiveness and better evaluate the impact on QALY from infection.
The original 2009 reasoning's decision is available here:
It seems quite the other way around.
Some other countries just lack the possibilities to vaccinate while the US could but people refuse in favor of „natural“ immunity.
Hence two dead children because of measles.
I don't have a stance on the matter, other than "I and everyone I know caught chickenpox as a kid and we turned out alright".
I don't have an opinion on whether the council properly weighted all the costs and benefits. I just want to include this reference make the point that the Dutch policy stance is not based on lack of means or on ignorance of our politicians or health authorities. The advice includes plenty of references to many international studies and experiences with chickenpox vaccination.
Germany is one of the blue ones.
Eerily ominous.
I hope most of the pain and death we see in the world today seem like solved problems many years from now. Much like the health issues faced by his family.
He wasn't "only" a fighter pilot.
He was a fighter Ace, having five confirmed air-to-air kills. (And possibly more unconfirmed in the Battle of Athens).