45 pointsby Kerrick4 days ago2 comments
  • jasonthorsness4 days ago
    Loved this:

    "As a testament of the thoroughness of my work, I found no less than 6 bugs in the GC while writing the book"

    I went to Amazon before reading the full article and was a bit turned off by the review saying there was a lack of depth, then went back to the article and found the author addresses it (or rather, puzzles about it because it seems wrong).

    • giancarlostoro4 days ago
      Makes you wonder if the review is BS or just someone who is just not keeping up with the writing style maybe? Sometimes I have to reread things because it can be hard to stay focused on what I'm reading, once my mind runs, I'm finding myself having to pause and reread.
  • pjmlp4 days ago
    Great, I was looking forward to the updated book.