And yes, to the MP3 commenters, Fraunhofer has many centers doing lots of industrial research on manufacturing technology. The German research approach is to pick a topic and set up a Fraunhofer institute in particular city for that, whereas the US has NSF, DARPA, DOE, the national labs all working Willy Nilly with whoever, wherever. MP3 was done mostly at the Fraunhofer in Erlangen. I’ve worked on CNC things with the Fraunhofer folks in Aachen and elsewhere.
(Ultrasonic (deep drawing)) : (((cuts friction) by 20%) & (extends (tool lifespan)))
Apparently "deep drawing" is a metallurgic process.
See for a graphical illustration.
("make a deep draw wall based on protein folding
This is fun:
I need to work on it though.
I need to attempt in Cursor or Windsurf Agent mode and have it build a scene
I wonder if these solutions compose, or if the magnets were introducing ultrasonic noise.
I wonder if the metal can hear the difference if it’s not the full 192 kHz.
Really, I hear in early 90s, how Telefunken developed PAL TV standard (and also RGB, YUV and some other things, now you could read about on Wikipedia).
- They working like Gallop - asked people from street, to answer simple questions like "is this color Red or Yellow?", and with large number of samples they got statistical approximation, about curves of sensitivity of human eye, and then just use these approximation as direct wavelengths for Red/Green/Blue respectively.
Fraunhofer, as I know, used similar approach, but for sound, and got model of sensitivity of human ear.
So, what I want to say, for these researches don't need many scientists, but need wide enough sample and good reliable execution of math.
BTW, much later I read about research conducted in US air forces, targeting some ideal human pilot size to made most convenient plane control (and sure cheapest).
But they got so disappointing results, that have decide to make pivot - instead of make one standard size, they designed usual for us now adjustable chairs, tilting steering wheel, and pedals with adjustable suspension.
Basically, if you’re forming metal with high force, give it some high speed micro-wiggles and things will be better.
This should feel pretty natural for folks who have tried to squeeze into skinny jeans after Thanksgiving.