283 pointsby lieuwex5 days ago19 comments
  • toomuchtodo5 days ago
    > In Kevin’s own words on kevinloch.com: “I am also an amateur physicist, programmer, photographer, independent film producer (at WTF Productions) and AFOL (Adult Fan of Lego).” Kevin was also passionate about any and all things space related: the sky, the stars, and beyond; trying to find the meaning in how things work, why they work, and what would make them work better. His latest passion after moving back to Reston was soaking in the skyline from the rooftop of his apartment building and bicycling the paths of Reston and beyond.






    • jabiko5 days ago
      Also you can watch his memorial service here: https://www.youtube.com/live/YbnPeUgHGu8?t=1271
      • rafram5 days ago
        I’m not anti-religion in any way, but this left a really bad taste in my mouth. Loch’s nephew (the pastor who led the service) kept saying that Loch wasn’t religious. Then he’d go straight back to talking about Christ, and reminiscing about times when Loch had participated in Christian ritual!

        It’s one thing to volunteer your religious organization as a venue for a memorial, even for someone who wasn’t religious. It’s another to memorialize the person with an explicitly religious service.

        • CogitoCogito5 days ago
          Maybe Loch wouldn't have minded? I'm not religious, but I don't really care if I were memorialized with a religious service. My belief is that service is more for the people left behind than the one who died anyway.
      • weinzierl5 days ago
        "To honor Kevin’s “You be you” attitude, a “Come As You Are” Memorial Service will be held on Wednesday, July 3, 2024, at 11:00 a.m. at Fairfax Church of Christ. 3901 Rugby Road, Fairfax, VA 22033. A reception will follow at the church where you will be able to assemble your own Lego tribute to Kevin to take home. Lego bricks will be provided."

        "In lieu of traditional flowers, you may bring or send Lego flowers. Those assembled before the service will be part of the Memorial display. Assembly space will be provided for any unassembled flowers. Traditional and Lego flowers can be sent to the church 7/2 between 9-4."

    • rrr_oh_man5 days ago
      PSA: Lego turned evil, unfortunately. There are much better alternatives on the market these days.
      • sky22245 days ago
        Just let the man have his legos sheesh. Pick a better time.
      • Brigand5 days ago
        What is your definition of evil?
      • volemo5 days ago
        > Lego turned evil

        Could you elaborate?

      • mindsuck5 days ago
        What would you recommend instead?
        • rrr_oh_man5 days ago
          If bought new:

          Lidl (if you live in a country where they are active), BlueBricks, or Cobi. But there are half a dozen others which are excellent.

          Used Lego is fine, though.

      • HeatrayEnjoyer5 days ago
        Evil... When? How?
  • tecleandor5 days ago
    Seems like he passed away in June but maybe the Estate didn't sort out everything until recently?


    • Polizeiposaune5 days ago
      It takes time (typically some number of months) to get appointed as the executor of an estate, and then even more time for the executor to get effective control over the estate's assets.
      • tecleandor5 days ago
        Ah yeah, I missed part of my response I think. I was trying to say that he didn't pass away recently, but maybe we just noticed it because the estate (or the executor) just started to manage this asset and left that message in the domain.
  • lxgr5 days ago
    Oh no, this has been my go-to site for connectivity tests (as example.com seems to be cached fairly aggressively by my browsers and that has misled me in the past). Ad-free, minimal, does exactly what it needs to and nothing more.

    Rest in peace!

    Edit: All these (great and much appreciated!) responses of alternatives are making me wonder if this should in fact be a standardized service that could then be offered as a public good in a similar way as pool.ntp.org.

    Checking for generic Internet connectivity (i.e. not only having an IP address, but being able to reach public sites, these sites being non-cached, not-captive-portaled etc.) seems like a problem that too many apps, scripts, and devices are solving again and again.

    • PhilipRoman5 days ago
      ifconfig.me is a similar service which I often use. It has a nice feature that if you do "curl ifconfig.me", you'll get only a string with the ip address, no markup.
      • HeatrayEnjoyer5 days ago
        This site is behind cloudflare and has captcha-blocked my queries more than once.
        • matteocontrini4 days ago
          ifconfig.me is not behind Cloudflare, at least currently.
      • venusenvy474 days ago
        On a Reddit post, someone mentioned ip.wtf that they created as a similar service. Aside from using it in a browser, it also provides a single IP address with curl ip.wtf, with less typing. I also like getting more information by using this: curl --json "" ip.wtf
      • lxgr5 days ago
        Me too, but that's a whopping 5 characters more. Think of all the extra keyboard wear!

        I do like the curl-ability of that one a lot, though, and on my own computer I can just configure an alias or shell function for it :)

        • venusenvy474 days ago
          Try "curl ip.wtf" to save your keyboard :)
    • freedomben5 days ago
      I've been using ipinfo.io now for several years and have been very pleased with them.

      You can `curl https://ipinfo.io/` and get a JSON blob back with info on your current IP. If you pass an IP explicitly you can get info back on it, for example `curl https://ipinfo.io/`. Easy to combine with jq also for use in scripts: `curl https://ipinfo.io/ | jq -r '.ip'`

      For personal use it's free, and they have reasonable pricing for large volume. No affiliation on my part, just a happy user.

      • reincoder5 days ago
        Instead of jq .ip, please use https://ipinfo.io/ip

        This API endpoint has its dedicated stack and infrastructure to support unlimited lookups.

        Also, for IPv6 connection use: https://v6.ipinfo.io/ip

        PS: I am the DevRel of IPinfo.

      • rmccue5 days ago
        Annoyingly, they no longer show your IP on their web homepage.
        • reincoder5 days ago
          We are experimenting with some design choices as we try to highlight all the IP metadata we have and move towards being an "internet data" company instead of just an IP location company.

          I highly recommend you check out the page: https://ipinfo.io/myip

          I understand the data we have for your IP address is not front and center anymore. We have gone through several iterations of designs for our homepage, so if you have any suggestions, I will relay them to our team.

          • rrr_oh_man5 days ago
            "I don’t want anyone to see our address and opening hours without also reading through our values, our mission statement, and board of directors"
            • reincoder5 days ago
              Our priority is always the developer experience and I apologize for the friction you are seeing here.

              The issue is that we are truly in a unique space when it comes to internet data. We have gone through several iterations on how to present the full extent of data and not just your public IP address.

              If you are a regular user of our service, you know that we have a very open access approach to our data. We provide most of our data for free through our website, we have a generous API, and we have a fully accurate open access licensed database. We also have more free services to be released!

              Due to the open data approach, developers appreciate us. We are not trying to create any barriers or friction here, but we are trying to find a balance. If you have any suggestions that can encourage users to explore our data while simultaneously providing everyone with a frictionless experience with our data, please let me know.

              • Aeolun5 days ago
                > The issue is that we are truly in a unique space when it comes to internet data.

                You serve people their IP address. There’s tens of sites doing the same in this very thread.

                • reincoder3 days ago
                  Yes, but we also operate 1,000 servers across 400 cities in 130 countries to generate one of the most comprehensive internet measurement datasets possible and process more than 2 trillion yearly API requests.

                  Still, we really appreciate users and software that only use our service to get their public IP address.

              • rrr_oh_man4 days ago
                Hello, AT&T.
                • rrr_oh_man3 days ago
                  Or, to be more helpful: please speak like a human being, not like a corporate chat bot. Would be much, much appreciated.
                  • reincoder3 days ago
                    My apologies if it seems like I'm speaking like a corporate bot. I always try to be as respectful as possible. To be completely honest, the decision to make changes to the homepage was quite difficult for us, but we are trying to figure out what we can do to improve adoption as we evolve.

                    I largely own the free product/service side of IPinfo, and it’s common for me to hear from developers that they didn’t know we have a free database they can download or we literally have this database for free on GCP and Snowflake. This happens with a lot of our products. For example, many of our users may even do not know we have a residential proxy detection database that we worked really hard to launch.

                    How can we improve the adoption of our service here? We would like users to explore the site and, at the same time, give us feedback on the areas where they’re facing friction.

            • lxgr5 days ago
              It's a service that shows visitors their own address and metadata about it. Seems fair to not want to provide that for free without some advertisement for the paid version or the company?
              • rrr_oh_man5 days ago
                Absolutely. Actively degrading the user experience might have the opposite effect, though.
      • PaoloBarbolini5 days ago
        `curl https://myip.wtf/json` too is nice to use when debugging things
    • wizzwizz45 days ago
      If you have the resources to maintain it, you can contact the estate. (They'd like to sell the domains, so unless they're bundled with Brickshelf the highest bidder will probably be a traffic-farming company or something, but you never know.)
    • aeries5 days ago
      For services like this, I always use my own domain which can easily be re-mapped or hosted myself. E.g. "checkip.mydomain.com"
    • comprev5 days ago
      icanhazip.com provides a similar service and has a good story behind it [0]

      [0] https://blog.apnic.net/2021/06/17/how-a-small-free-ip-tool-s...

    • merb5 days ago
      I use ip.me it's not add free, but in curl you can have an ad free version by doing curl -4 ip.me or curl -6 ip.me since it will only send the ip when it detects curl I guess.
    • 5 days ago
    • sammy22555 days ago
      I'll just.. leave this here


      • 0cf8612b2e1e5 days ago
        That’s a lot worse to type, but good to know.
    • Havoc5 days ago
      You can also use dig to get your external ipv4. That prevents reliance on smaller sites

      Don’t have the command on hand but easily searchable

      • lxgr5 days ago
        How so? Getting your public/external IP does not seem possible behind a NAT without an external service.
        • Havoc5 days ago
          No idea. All I can tell you is that it works and if I need to hard code a IP check like this then I’d rather rely on a big player like Google or cloudflare ns than someone’s project site
          • lxgr5 days ago
            Not sure if I'd trust an undocumented Google feature without any SLA more, to be honest. Rumor has it that Google have discontinued a service or two before.
          • Sophira5 days ago
            What command line do you use?
            • Havoc5 days ago
              dig whoami.cloudflare ch txt @ +short
        • speleding5 days ago
          You can use dig:

            dig +short -4 myip.opendns.com @resolver1.opendns.com
          (still an external service, but not reliant on a website)
          • lxgr5 days ago
            That's just another protocol in the end (DNS vs. HTTP), or am I missing something?

            DNS also runs a higher risk of being cached or mangled somewhere along the way by middleboxes. HTTPS avoids that problem.

    • Szpadel5 days ago
      I usually use `curl ifconfig.me`
    • kachapopopow5 days ago
      checkip.amazonaws.com is my goto, not as short tho :/
    • evulhotdog5 days ago
      ip.guide is also a great one. Provides a json payload with relevant information. I have no affiliation with it, just happy user!
    • surfkitten5 days ago
  • mbreese5 days ago
    I never knew of him from ip4.me, but I definitely visited his Lego site Brickshelf (https://brickshelf.com/).

    Thanks Kevin.

  • Deeg9rie9usi5 days ago
    He was also known in the LEGO community: https://www.brickfanatics.com/tributes-for-founder-lego-webs...


  • tusslewake5 days ago
    • sedatk5 days ago
      > Note: This website will be disabled by 3/1/2025. Website content will be relocated to nensus.com/kl-net

      So much for leaving a legacy with your domain name.

  • jmclnx5 days ago
    I never heard of ip[46].me but the site is very informative.

    RIP Kevin Loch

  • narmiouh5 days ago
    RIP Kevin, thanks for the fish!
  • atentaten5 days ago
    He was relatively young; what was the cause of death?
  • easterncalculus5 days ago
    RIP Kevin. These websites no doubt helped thousands of people over the years.

    If anyone is looking for an alternative site to check their v6 and v4 addresses, check out this one here:


  • lemcoe95 days ago
    ip4.me and related websites actually inspired me to create a more-whimsical version of the website, which I call ipkitten.com. Not only do you get your IP address, User Agent, and approximate geolocation, but you also get a kitten GIF!

    It also works from the command line, like this:

      $ curl ipkitten.com
    I am sure that Kevin has saved engineers and other IT people tons of headache and time with his simple, helpful, and ad-free tools.
    • cjcampbell3 days ago
      Don’t know where I first discovered it, but I have been using ipkitten for years when working with non-tech friends, family, and clients. It seems to help with the intimidation filter of getting into the weeds, so thank you!

      I didn’t realize it was command line friendly!

    • f30e3dfed1c95 days ago
      I like that this prints the IP address followed by a newline. some similar services don't and it's sort of annoying.
  • iJohnDoe5 days ago
    Kudos for his contributions.

    Lots of solutions out there. I like wasab.is https://wasab.is

    curl wasab.is curl wasab.is/json

  • F_r_k5 days ago
    RIP Kevin. Used these sites a lot!

    I hope they give then to a charity/charitable person. I proposed to continue the service ad free, for free to them. Hopefully they accept my proposal. It would be such a shame for the service to become "enshittified" by some greedy company

  • SuperSandro20004 days ago
    5 points on that some scammer is going to buy the domains and doing shady things with it.
  • ddtaylor5 days ago
    RIP silent hero
  • p1mrx5 days ago
  • homebrewer5 days ago
    A reminder that you do not need websites or an HTTP client to learn your public IP:

      dig @resolver1.opendns.com myip.opendns.com TXT +short
      dig @ns1.google.com o-o.myaddr.l.google.com TXT +short
    dig can be replaced with any DNS lookup utility (nslookup, drill, etc).
    • Polizeiposaune5 days ago
      The former should be

        dig -4 @resolver1.opendns.com myip.opendns.com A +short
        dig -6 @resolver1.opendns.com myip.opendns.com AAAA +short
    • roygbiv22 days ago
      Really rolls off the tongue, going to put it with my useful numbers like 0118 999 881 99 9119 725 3.
    • jayknight5 days ago
      Unless you're on a network that blocks all dns traffic not to their own dns servers.
    • xrd5 days ago
      The open DNS query failed for me with: "Query A or AAAA for your source address as seen by the resolver" But, the google nameserver did work. Thanks!
  • silverquiet5 days ago
    > The Kevin M Loch Estate will be shutting down Kevin's websites in the near future (4/1/2025).

    All respect to the deceased, but there's always at least a tiny part of me that is suspicious of anything taking place on April 1.

    • whizzter4 days ago
      Could simply be that a bunch of invoices/billing are connected to months and they don't want to pay beyond the current month (to make sure they get their money for the domains).
  • forgotpwd165 days ago
    Were those addresses used for anything or simple domain squatting?
    • lxgr5 days ago
      They were great memorable and ad-free sites that simply showed you your own (or your NAT's) public IP, as seen by the HTTP server.
    • johng5 days ago
      Looks like he had useful info up for people.... I never heard of it before today either: https://ip4only.me/home.cgi
    • 5 days ago
    • F_r_k5 days ago
      To know your IP
    • GJim5 days ago
      I'm puzzled why you have been downvoted for asking a genuine question (and all credit to those who have taken time to respond to you).

      Perhaps the downvoters would care to explain their actions?

      • cedilla5 days ago
        The question may be genuine but its phrasing probably suggests an allegation to most readers.
      • 5 days ago
      • syntheticnature5 days ago
        I didn't downvote, but the question was answerable by simply visiting the domains typed into the comment.