Which now 404s, with message from Vercel, "Deployment not found", sfo trace ids.
Congratulations on migrating to a new domain -- hope Vercel serves you well. A little disappointing about the lack of easy redirecting so far. no less.
Good luck with the personal blogging infrastructure, hobby horse of many a working developer. Good excuse to play with new systems.
It was surprisingly effective for what was a stressful time and in the end gave some real benefit to their compound interest long term... all because I was being lazy and grabbed a burger for lunch :)
I withdrew $100, and told my good friend that I’d give it to him if I used anything with nicotine in it. It worked pretty well since it turns that first cigarette into a $100 cigarette. Not worth it at all.
And I haven’t smoked in 7 years :)
This is why vaping tends to work really well if you want to quit. It's just water and nicotine.
Thanks for sharing.
After-all, the telephone wasn’t all that an original idea for a long while before the idea finally reached a salient and effective point.
My take has always been: just because you and I have heard the concept before does not mean everyone has. And if one person finds it helpful to read in this way, that’s a nice thing to have provided the world. :)
How did you choose what you were going to penalize yourself with?
Publicly tweeted huh? Well geez you're really on the hook now. Call me back when you've finished the app that forces you to place the money in a secure escrow which checks your blog's RSS feed to determine whether or not to return the cash.
On a more "serious" note, there have been quite a few of apps/concepts around a monetary penalty for not doing something - I think going to the gym was a big one. Probably be pretty easy to implement an app where you have to meet a GPS radial condition for X minutes per week.