31 pointsby krayorn5 days ago16 comments
  • aeblyve2 days ago
    It is also possible that blogging is just not a good thing for this person to be doing right now, if they don't want to do it, it can be an informed conclusion of the brain. Setting up an authoritarian system to force blogging might just be that, an imposition, and not an aid to the life process.
  • pj_mukh3 days ago
    • 2 days ago
  • erelong3 days ago
    I think the only issue is on some things, rewards can undermine intrinsic motivation... external rewards work for tasks where extrinsic motivation works well
    • Ethee3 days ago
      I think this mainly comes down to how good you are at systematic thinking. For example it's really hard to build a habit without some form of reward mechanism, but once that habit is built the reward comes from the consistency of keeping the habit. This type of reward oriented behavior is probably quite good for that initial difficulty most people have in building a habit, but once you have the system in place it becomes second nature to keep doing the task and as a consequence usually introduces some negative association with skipping it. Think the gym for example.
  • mcint2 days ago
    Looks like the blog migration is incomplete -- links still point to the former



    Which now 404s, with message from Vercel, "Deployment not found", sfo trace ids.

    Congratulations on migrating to a new domain -- hope Vercel serves you well. A little disappointing about the lack of easy redirecting so far.



    Bearblog.dev no less.

  • hedgedoops23 days ago
    • laptopdev3 days ago
      I was using the land mine method, but it didn't trigger reliably. Now I use SmartBomb™.
  • threeio3 days ago
    I did this for a year or two when my first kid was born... I assigned penalty dollars with actions that I knew weren't good for me... didn't run for a week (outside of travel) 10$ to the kids account... stopped for fast food as opposed to having a real meal, 10$.

    It was surprisingly effective for what was a stressful time and in the end gave some real benefit to their compound interest long term... all because I was being lazy and grabbed a burger for lunch :)

  • ct03 days ago
    How does this interact with Structured Procrastination? Im a huge fan and avid strut-castinator. This is an entirely different approach to accomplishing goals though, as I'm frugal and hate to waste money. https://www.structuredprocrastination.com/
  • HermanMartinus2 days ago
    Interestingly enough, this is how I tricked myself into quitting smoking.

    I withdrew $100, and told my good friend that I’d give it to him if I used anything with nicotine in it. It worked pretty well since it turns that first cigarette into a $100 cigarette. Not worth it at all.

    And I haven’t smoked in 7 years :)

    • triyambakam2 days ago
      Good job! But I would caution that you probably were just not addicted to nicotine. You may not have the genes for addiction, or it just was not yet activated.
      • al_borland2 days ago
        It can often be the habits and routines that are hard to stop than the physical addiction.
      • imtringued2 days ago
        Most people aren't addicted to nicotine. They are addicted to the burnt additives.

        This is why vaping tends to work really well if you want to quit. It's just water and nicotine.

        • triyambakam2 days ago
          That's wildly untrue. Many people just end up addicted to vaping instead.
  • joshmit3 days ago
    Try the Forfeit App: https://www.forfeit.app
  • D-Coder2 days ago
    I put "Stab self with fork" on my to-do list.

    Every other task gets done first.

  • kreas3 days ago
    This actually sounds like a great idea. I procrastinate a lot. I also play a lot of Raid Shadow Legends. I should totally gate those purchases behind hitting my goals.

    Thanks for sharing.

  • lukew33 days ago
    Kinda obvious this was written last minute haha. Basically rewriting this idea we've all heard many times. Good luck though!
    • tannerc3 days ago
      Much of blogging (and creation in any form) is often exactly that: an existing idea remixed or reconsidered from someone else’s perspective.

      After-all, the telephone wasn’t all that an original idea for a long while before the idea finally reached a salient and effective point.

      My take has always been: just because you and I have heard the concept before does not mean everyone has. And if one person finds it helpful to read in this way, that’s a nice thing to have provided the world. :)

      • redeux3 days ago
        You said it well. We all stand on the shoulders of those that came before us.
  • sebg3 days ago
    Enjoyed the blog post and great job getting it done by the 28th.

    How did you choose what you were going to penalize yourself with?

  • dsp_person3 days ago
    Isn't the real hack to offer $30 to anyone who can do the task for you?
  • vunderba2 days ago
    > "publicly tweeted that I would send 30€ to a friend of mine if I didn’t have a blog post online by the end of the month."

    Publicly tweeted huh? Well geez you're really on the hook now. Call me back when you've finished the app that forces you to place the money in a secure escrow which checks your blog's RSS feed to determine whether or not to return the cash.

    On a more "serious" note, there have been quite a few of apps/concepts around a monetary penalty for not doing something - I think going to the gym was a big one. Probably be pretty easy to implement an app where you have to meet a GPS radial condition for X minutes per week.

  • cytocync2 days ago