54 pointsby DeepPhilosopher6 days ago4 comments
  • infogulch2 days ago
    Apparently they've been scraping Apple's network location database and plan to offer a substitute service running on GrapheneOS servers, as well as a way to upload data you collect on your device.
    • acheong082 days ago

      I worked on this a while back in parallel. You can dump Apple's entire database in ~2 weeks. Around 3 billion records including China.

      You can compress it down to only a few gigs and have everything offline. I also got a ichnaea proxy though not as well tested. Been using it myself and it's alright,

  • rasmus-kirk2 days ago
    Does this fix the annoyingly poor performance of location services on graphene without compromising privacy? If so it's impressive.

    How would I enable it?

    • gruez2 days ago
      From the OP:

      >If you want location detection without satellite reception, you can enable this service Settings > Location > Location services > Network location with a choice between Apple's service and our proxy to it. [...]

      • rasmus-kirk2 days ago
        Okay, so it seems to be currently unavailable, maybe they haven't pushed the update yet. I only see Wifi-scanning and bluetooth
        • ShowalkKamaa day ago
          It is available.

          Builder number: 2025030300 (in Settings > About phone)

    • mcsniff2 days ago
      Did you consider reading the details linked or going to Settings => Location and looking?

      Seriously. How did you even install GrapheneOS without a little bit of self-determination?

      • rasmus-kirk2 days ago
        I did look. There is: - Location Services - Secure User Plane Location - Predicted Satellite Data Service

        It's not immediately obvious what I need to enable in order to get better location services, if it's already enabled, and whether the feature in the linked post even helps with the issue. Why are you so hostile?

        I use Graphene for privacy without a massive hassle, I don't care enough about my phone ecperience to be really into it, I just want provacy. And generally GrapheneOS has been GREAT for this.

      • dumbmrblah2 days ago
        Why are all the privacy oriented people unhelpful, rude and condescending (like yourself)?
        • plsbenice34a day ago
          Not all are, of course. Hopefully it's a minority. However, in my experience it is a factor that many less-technical people are ungrateful and rude even if I spend hours giving them free tech support. I suppose because they expect niche privacy tech to 'just work' more easily. After experiencing that hundreds of times it can become difficult to not become jaded.
        • soulofmischief2 days ago
          They're not, and engaging in prejudice puts you in the same camp as those you think you're generalizing against.
        • mcsniff2 days ago

          I provided directions for reviewing the settings, which this person could have simply looked up by visiting the link in the title.

          Rude and condescending? That's subjective, but maybe yes it might have been rude and condescending. Oh well.

  • 2 days ago
  • shsj2 days ago