How the hell has this the Xbox 360 hypervisor remained basically impenetrable? You'd think at some point, someone would write and sign a hypervisor extension with a cripplingly bad memory safety bug. Hell, Apple's PPL[0] has better hardware isolation than Xenon's hypervisor mode[1] and it still gets 0wned more often.
[0] Page Protection Layer. On Apple processors, every ARM exception level has a corresponding guarded exception level that has privileges over the regular one; chiefly corresponding to memory management.
[1] On Xenon, the hypervisor runs in "real mode" plus HRMOR; Apple PPL's GL1/2 still have virtual memory and page table permissions.
- if you hack a console, you can make a fair money, by selling your exploit as a package piece of software. Much like modchip vendors do. In fact, there have been a few software exploits that were sold with ties to a specific console. Funny if you think about it
- If you hack an iPhone, you can sell your exploit to many governments and government agencies for millions of dollars
If i were a profit motivated attacker, i know which I’d focus on
A game console is, effectively, a Point of Presence[0] for a DRM vendor. It's job is to tie the owner's hands so that they don't copy games, and that they don't buy games from competing companies. This is an incredibly difficult, if not impossible task. In contrast, while the iPhone's security also does DRM and developer lockout; their main concern is keeping you from getting hacked by nation states. Those are certainly more sophisticated and well-financed attackers; but they (usually) don't have physical access to or ownership over what you're trying to protect.
[0] In telecom, a PoP is the dividing line between your systems and someone else's. If that sounds really arbitrary, it's because that's how they untangled the Bell monopoly.
I'd hazard a guess that the Apple hardware is easier to work on than a video game console. Your already sitting in front of a general purpose computer running programming tools. A video game console is the antitheses of that.
A soft mod would be cool as the RGH does require soldering some very tiny wires to some very tiny pads and I remember seeing posts of many people lifting pads trying to do this mod. But in the end I had a perfect install on my 360 and would boot almost every time on the first try.
The core is EU's regulation on lead free solder, which led to a number of people finding out that thermal cycling on the solder led to thermal stresses. Workarounds were identified and any solder formulations since then don't suffer from that issue, so the fix is a complete re-balling of affected chips... a work not for those faint of heart.
Technically you could recall and repackage the dies but you'd need millions of dollars in equipment.
Many had no issues, but a few companies didn't bother to do their homework, problem would have been the same if the period was twice as long.
At this point, the directive may have caused more e-waste and environmental damage from part failures than the damage the original leaded soldier would have caused.
Lead: The most extensively spread toxic environmental contaminant (2024):
The Urban Lead (Pb) Burden in Humans, Animals and the Natural Environment (2022):
The problem is where the e-waste ends up - some ditch or desert in Africa. From there it ends up leeching in the environment due to corrosion or, worse, as widespread aerosols when the people there burn the waste to get to the copper.
“May” is doing a lot of work there. Can you substantiate the claim that the risk of lead is lower than the switching cost?
He suggests that all of the fat models will eventually red ring due to being stress tested at the factory. Not sure how true that is.
Factory stress isn't the cause. It was a bad design.
Edit: wait Well it'd still be nice to get the original experience and not to deal with Steam.
Lead solder is much softer so with the countless hot cold cycles, when hot the solder expands and when cold it contracts, it will handle these cycles much much better. Without the lead the solder joints are not as soft and the hot and cold cycles eventually results in the solder joints cracking and no longer making a solid connection = rrod.
Some models were more prone to rrod but the biggest trick is to make sure you do regular cleaning and dusting to keep air flow working. Don't put the xbox in a cabinet with no air flow where it will heat up. Put a fan on the xbox if you can. It has been a long time since I followed the xbox scene but there are tons of posts online about the entire problem and best practices to avoid it.
Imagine if someone iterated on the exploit presented in the article so that it became a persistent "softmod" - who gets the funds?
Bounties also discourage open collaboration. For example, if person A has the first half an exploit chain and person B has the second, they're each incentivised to keep the information to themselves and try to get a full chain on their own to claim the bounty. Of course, this assumes they're financially motivated - but if they're not there's no point in the bounty in the first place.
And the benefactor is designed by a committee who cant even agree on the value, winding up tossing pennies at the problem hoping someone in Malaysia salivates
Furthermore, said era is also right after Denard scaling came to an end, which means that current hardware doesn't have that much better specs, at least in easy-to-use form, than the hardware of the time. If any game tried to take the hardware to its limits, it would be a real struggle to emulate it with regular computers.
You apparently don't know the Story how Sony spent big R&D-money with IBM to transition from MIPS to the custom PowerPC Cell Architecture, while IBM was already selling parts of this development to Microsoft for Xbox 360, and Microsoft ultimately beating Sony in market-launch with a chipset Sony partially financed...[0]
There's a nice book about it from two of the IBM Chip-Designers called "The Race for a New Game Machine" by David Shippy and Mickie Phipps
It might have been easier to port to because of good OS design, but running games for it will still be inefficient compared to running on actual hardware.
> The GeForce 3 was unveiled during the 2001 Macworld Conference & Expo/Tokyo 2001 in Makuhari Messe and powered realtime demos of Pixar's Junior Lamp and id Software's Doom 3. Apple would later announce launch rights for its new line of computers.
Naturally outside PC, there were other stuff predating programmable graphics, however if we stick to the PC, XBox follows PC, not the other way around, specially since the first one wasn't that great versus PlayStation 2 in market share, even if there were some great games like Halo and Fable.
GameCube is the newest thing I've had a decent experience emulating, and even that isn't 100% unless it's Melee with the Slippi optimizations (n.b. did not try DS or Switch).
This is unfortunate as a decade ago Microsoft had an internal emulator for Xbox 360 that ran at near native speed.
I am curious if that emulator is what it used to play Xbox360 games on newer x64 based Xbox models, or if they are using a different code base.
Either way, technically it is possible for the experience to be good!
edit: Here's an interview with platform lead Bill Stillwell that goes into a lot more detail
That would've been awesome!
By that time though my org had spun out of Xbox to become the Microsoft Band team, so we didn't get any of the cool invites anymore. :(
The 360 could also play original Xbox games without much exception, but it was noticeably slower than the original. Halo 2 on 360 has a shorter render distance.
I remember there being a list of what it could play but I was never too sure how comprehensive it was. I know it couldn't emulate Midtown Madness 3.
Seems like these projects keep getting into legal trouble, shut down, then forked.
How did you manage to achieve that? What specs are we talking?
It was in last August they bumped their system requirements to the i5 10400F. Nearly all of the games marked "Playable" in their compatibility list should be plug-and-play territory, with mint performance.
What were the games you tested with classified as? Did you try to seek help on their community space(s)?
You should give it a retry sometime if you can / want to. That said, I should probably let you know that the community can be slightly hostile, and they will ask you do the legwork if it's not a misconfig but a suspected regression (they'll want you to bisect the build where the choppiness appeared). You'll also want to run the topic by the volunteers in the #help channel on their Discord before opening an issue ticket on GitHub, as their GitHub issue tickets are not for support, only for actual issue / feature request tracking.
It's also going to struggle without a disk drive to play my physical collection.
• Nostalgia
• Authenticity
• Compatibility
• Preservation
• Cost of entry
Even if 360 emulation does become practical, a 360 will still be cheaper than any gaming PC capable of playing those games.
I really don't know why people keep doing this to themselves and to the communities they claim to love. This is about as far from a clean-room reimplementation and porting effort as humanly possible. It's not a forward-thinking, sustainable preservation effort at all.
Funnily enough, one of the most famous Generations mods is a project that ports over a bunch of levels from Unleashed. IIRC they changes the graphics pipeline to look and work more like the Unleashed one, too.
- startup PC
- update PC
- figure out why bluetooth controller won't pair to PC
- finally get it working, and then have a game crash on you