Also, when saying "Nixtla" do they mean TimeGPT or one of their other libraries? Because the former definitely supports exogenous regressors, while they say it doesn't.
I personally prefer Darts because it's very user-friendly, and the devs are responsive,
That said, it also looks like this project has been around for 3+ years without issue.
STB does not own copyright for variations of the Merlion Symbol, unless these variations were specifically commissioned by STB.
STB does not own copyright for any works which incorporate variations of the Merlion Symbol.
Users are solely responsible for obtaining any other necessary approvals, permissions, and licences as may be required under law, e.g., Copyright Act 2021.
In other words, they don't own the concept of a mermaid-lion chimera. Or the name "merlion".I never worked very seriously with time series problems, but I know enough from the title to know I can’t evaluate how good this thing is.