787 pointsby thombles9 days ago57 comments
  • AnonC9 days ago
    Seems like Microsoft is just taking whatever Chromium releases and repackages it to show more ads and to make Bing the default search engine. In this case, it's just dropping support for Manifest V2 extensions, such as uBlock Origin, and moving to Manifest V3, which does not support extensions intercepting and blocking requests using blockingWebRequest.

    Just three days ago, Mozilla reiterated [1] that Firefox would continue to support Manifest V2 alongside Manifest V3. So if you want a better web experience with uBlock Origin, Firefox is your only choice (or use Firefox forks that support it). While you're at it, note that "uBlock Origin works best on Firefox". [2]

    [1]: https://blog.mozilla.org/en/products/firefox/firefox-manifes...

    [2]: https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock/wiki/uBlock-Origin-works-b...

    • spacephysics9 days ago
      Meanwhile FireFox just removed their commitment to not sell user data. Its their “Don’t be evil” moment


      • mahkeiro8 days ago
        I think that quoting Anthill in the osnews comment this part was left out: It would be only fair to include the part that was added to the FAQ too: > It seems like every company on the web is buying and selling my data. You’re probably no different. Mozilla doesn’t sell data about you (in the way that most people think about “selling data“), and we don’t buy data about you. Since we strive for transparency, and the LEGAL definition of “sale of data“ is extremely broad in some places, we’ve had to step back from making the definitive statements you know and love. We still put a lot of work into making sure that the data that we share with our partners (which we need to do to make Firefox commercially viable) is stripped of any identifying information, or shared only in the aggregate, or is put through our privacy preserving technologies (like OHTTP)
      • preisschild9 days ago
        Independent FOSS forks of firefox without Mozilla services / tracking exist


        • orphea9 days ago
          They are not prepared to maintain a fork of Firefox: https://codeberg.org/librewolf/issues/issues/2252#issuecomme...
          • skeaker6 days ago
            I feel that if Firefox up and died we would have people scrambling to work on something like this in much greater numbers.
          • preisschild8 days ago
            Does it matter? AFAIK Firefox doesn't plan to go closed-source, so applying patches should be continue being fine too.
            • blacklight7 days ago
              It depends on how much Firefox enshittifies. If it's just about removing some telemetry configuration from upstream, then a couple of downstream patches will still do the job. If, say, Firefox decides to fully embrace the spyware business model and drop support for Manifest V2 in order to kill adblockers, then LibreWolf will probably have to maintain their own fat piece of logic built on top of Firefox. Keeping it as a soft fork would then be a lot of work (you'd basically have a patchset of tens of thousands LoC to keep porting through different versions of Firefox). And making it a hard fork would be even more work (it basically means that the LibreWolf folks are on their own and they have to maintain their own independent browser).
              • account426 days ago
                Maybe a hard fork would be more manageable if the scope was reduced to just web browsing instead of trying to be an app platform.
          • GoblinSlayer8 days ago
            If librewolf is not a fork, then what is it?
            • oblio8 days ago
              I think their point is that they build on top of Firefox. If Firefox died tomorrow, Librewolf would die with it.
            • cleansheets8 days ago
              It’s a downstream patch.

              Changes are recorded, then applied to the latest upstream version (Firefox) then packaged and sent as an update (LibreWolf)

              • phil2948 days ago
                In other words, a fork?

                Or how does the semantics of patch/changes/update differ in any way from maintaining a fork? The packaging has nothing to do with this. It may not be a well-maintained fork, the maintainers might not see themselves capable of adding features and bugfixes on their own, but a fork is a fork.

                • marcthe128 days ago
                  I think the distinction is a soft fork or a hard fork. A soft fork is just a patchset over upstream and some people do not call it a fork. Hard fork mean that you are diverging from upstream, you do not longer follow upstream and you are fully separate from the upstream
                  • GoblinSlayer8 days ago
                    I think fork implies following upstream. If you don't follow, then it's a divorce, not a fork.
                    • account426 days ago
                      No, "fork" means development has separated paths from original project. Changing some relatively minor parts but otherwise keeping close to upstream would be better called a "spin", especially when most of the changes are just to the default configuration.

                      It's a shame that GitHub messed up this term by calling any clone of a repository a "fork".

                    • pseudalopex7 days ago
                      Your definition of fork excludes many notable forks. I never heard someone call a software project a divorce.
                • abustamam8 days ago
                  Wikipedia calls it a fork


                  It may just be semantics though.

      • 9 days ago
      • cma9 days ago
        > Nope. Never have, never will.

        Promissory estoppel maybe? Stronger case for it if you ever paid them for anything after this promise.

        • lp0_on_fire9 days ago
          Given most EULAs contain standard tech boilerplate that paraphrases to "We can change anything about this agreement at any time without warning or notice to you", I doubt it.
      • bink9 days ago
        It's really hard to take someone seriously when they say things like this:

        > For years I’ve been warning about this inevitable outcome, and for just as many years people told me I was overreacting, that it wouldn’t happen, that I was crazy.

        The removal of that language is important but this person is trying to make it about themselves.

        • CursedUrn9 days ago
          I can understand them being frustrated
    • SllX9 days ago
      Arc is a Chromium web browser that also includes uBlock Origin in the default install.

      Orion is a WebKit web browser from the folks at Kagi that supports both Firefox and Chromium extensions (including on iPhones and iPads) and has zero telemetry, and I have the Firefox version of uBlock Origin installed.

      Firefox is not the only option for people that want alternatives to Chrome that support uBlock Origin.

      • AnonC9 days ago
        Orion cannot support uBlock Origin completely either. I know that Orion allows the extension to be installed (I have done it too), but it only has partial support.

        Quoting from a reply in a discussion on the Orion Feedback site from a few months ago (November 2024):

        > " uBO is not supported on iOS due to Apple limitations."

        [1]: https://orionfeedback.org/d/9145-ublock-origin-not-existent-...

        • Dylan168079 days ago
          Is the partial support only on iOS? Because iOS is a rather special case. Personally I don't count iOS versions of browsers as even being the same software.
          • anon70008 days ago
            As far as I can tell, Ublock Origin in Orion on iOS is way better than any other Adblock extension for Safari
        • zamadatix9 days ago
          When the platform itself limits the browsers then it's more a platform discussion than about what each of the browsers do on the platform.

          The problem with support on iOS is that each browser is forced to be a skin for Safari and Safari only supports Safari Web Extensions, which are MV3-like, hence the platform limitation. The EU law may allow a browser to release in that region but Apple placed such heavy requirements and restrictions to do so none have actually been approved. I haven't seen a clear answer if less limited extension access itself would result in not being approved by Apple.

          • account426 days ago
            Browser vendors are somewhat responsible for this confusion by pretending to have a version of their browser for iOS. If they were honest with their app names instead of lying for marketing points then the blame would go to Apple where it belongs.
        • voidmain00019 days ago
          I am using Orion on iOS with uBO for two years and UBO works well enough for me. There is the odd website that won’t load in Orion so I switch to Safari, which I never use, and the amount of ads that are presented in Safari reassures me that uBO in Orion is working.
          • Squarex9 days ago
            I've just tested it and while the ubo extension can be installed, it does not work at all.

            I use brave browser and nextdns to block ads on ios now.

            • ShockedUnicorn9 days ago
              The ubo extension does work in orion, but I remember having to go somewhere deep into settings to make it actually be enabled. I don't remember exactly how I did it but eventually after a few restarts of the browser I got it working.

              I did compare against other adblock systems on ios and found it to be the best option, as other adblocks either gave broken webpages or just didn't work at all.

              • graynk9 days ago
                I have tried UBO on Orion on iOS and it does not work. It is definitely installed. It definitely thinks that it's working. But the moment you switch the default Orion blocker off - the ads appear. And uBO just says "Blocked on this page 0", no matter the page. If you actually did manage to get it to work - that would be golden, would really appreciate it if you shared how you made it work.

                To be quite frank - I haven't manage to get _any_ of the extensions (that I would like to have) to work in Orion. They all just silently fail in different ways.

              • brendoelfrendo9 days ago
                Are you sure you're not just using Orion's built-in content blocker? I realized I had the uBO extension installed on iOS but it wasn't doing anything because I also had Orion's ad blocking enabled.
          • Terretta9 days ago
            > the amount of ads that are presented in Safari

            First, consider NextDNS to DNS adblock all your apps.

            For in the browser, for those who do use Safari, consider 1Blocker, otherwise consider AdGuard Pro.

        • justinclift9 days ago
          Sounds like Orion will do the job on macOS though, so that's at least one platform with an alternative. :)
      • tobyhinloopen9 days ago
        Whose idea was it to take over the whole screen and play sound when you start Arc for the first time? It also showed a signup screen.

        I removed it right away. I just want a browser, not whatever that was.

        • ljm9 days ago
          I was using Arc as my main browser until they added the mandatory account requirement. It came around the same time they moved iCloud syncing to their own backend.

          Now I just use Safari because all I do really is read stuff.

        • jeroenhd9 days ago
          Arc is a very... Appley browser. Its marketing and communication pretends it's a world-changing product of massive importance, something everyone desires to own. In reality, it's a fork of someone else's browser with some UX tweaks.

          I looked into it, but couldn't get over the pretentiousness. They seem to make plenty of money from either investors or customers because they're not bankrupt yet, so I guess there must be a demographic that likes being treated like that.

          There's something funny about a browser pretending it's the best thing since sliced bread telling me to drag the downloaded application to the macOS dock after downloading the Windows setup file.

          • janalsncm9 days ago
            I use Arc for work. It has a few nice UX enhancements. None of those things that you mentioned affect me on a day to day basis. (Honestly, I don’t pay attention to marketing when making my decisions.)

            Pretentious or not, Arc is pre-enshittification. Chrome, Edge and FF are not, which is what matters.

            • GoblinSlayer8 days ago
              Huh? Chrome was shit since launch. Maybe it was rising, but it's still much deeper in shit than ff.
              • SllX8 days ago
                Chrome at launch was an extremely minimal web browser (hence the name, Chrome referred to the barest amount of window chrome around the web content) with decent system integration and essentially no Google service integration other than setting Google as the default search engine (maybe the only one, I don’t remember if there was even a setting to change it). There wasn’t a Mac version at first, but when that came, it has Keychain integration too rather than its own password manager.

                It was fast. At some point it had its own install of Adobe Flash so you could get rid of your regular Flash install and run two browsers: one without Flash as your main, and use Chrome for those few websites that require Flash effectively isolating them from your regular web experience, until this eventually became moot, it was another WebKit browser, albeit with V8 instead of JavaScriptCore, and pioneered per tab process isolation so rather than your whole browser crashing, just that one tab would. Prior to Chrome, whole browser crashes were not uncommon, oftentimes because of Flash (giving another reason to want to isolate it, although plug-ins I think were also isolated).

                What Chrome subsequently became is the very definition of enshittification, and you can pinpoint it to around the time Google started trying to force people to link their Chrome profiles to their Google Accounts.

        • rchaud9 days ago
          "The Browser Company" does not want to be seen as a dumb pipe. You are not downloading a mere browser, but a "platform" for "experiencing the web as never before".
          • Yeul9 days ago
            They have to make money somehow I guess.

            Obviously Google has many income streams. Mozilla does not.

            It always comes down to the question: do you want to pay money for a browser? And the answer for 99% of the users is "hell no".

            • rchaud9 days ago
              ...and US tech companies take that as a reason to fill the app with feature bloat and then charge a subscription for it. Arc as a product is dead because the founders are of course pivoting to an "AI browser".
          • mihaaly9 days ago
            "It's not shit, it's experience" kind of corporate bs repacked?
      • elcomet9 days ago
        If it's chromium based, they will need to remove manifest v2 at some point to stay close to the upstream version.
        • SllX9 days ago
          Possibly in Arc, although Brave also continues to support Manifest v2 so it’s possible it will continue to persist in some subset of Chromium-based browsers and as I said, it ships with the browser and is installed by default; but Orion is not Chromium-based.
          • ffsm89 days ago
            Brave supports it right now, which is 2 months after it's been removed upstream.

            I strongly suspect they're gonna drop support as soon as the first bigger merge issue happens along with a heartfelt blog that "they did they everything to support it, but it was just too much for the resources available to them"

            I doubt it's gonna take more then 1-2 years (December 2027) for this to happen, but we will see.

            • tgsovlerkhgsel9 days ago
              Chrome officially supports Manifest V2 extensions until at least June 2025, hidden behind an enterprise flag: https://developer.chrome.com/docs/extensions/develop/migrate...

              I expect Brave to easily support it until then and then drop it very quickly as you described.

              • bbarnett9 days ago
                You know, Google's really playing with fire here. There are enough browser companies running Chrome underneath, to more than equal Google's commitment.

                That is, if those companies choose.

                If even 80% of them wanted to fork? Not a biggie. And they could still cherry pick commits from the alt fork.

                • Barrin929 days ago
                  I think you might be underestimating the scope of work that happens on chromium a tad, from Github's "pulse" feature:

                  "Excluding merges, 684 authors have pushed 3,139 commits to main and 3,866 commits to all branches. On main, 14,924 files have changed and there have been 740,516 additions and 172,682 deletions."

                  That's stats from last week. Last year Google apparently was responsible for about 95% of contributions. Other than Microsoft (which has the same bad incentives as Google) none of the alt-chromium browser companies has like, 5% of the engineers to maintain a real alternative

                  • bbarnett9 days ago
                    Yes, but as I said they can merge in changes. Apparently more than I thought, but still, they can.

                    Opera has pinch-zoom text-reflow in a chromium backend, and that seems to be substantial, and yet it is (on purpose) kept out of mainline chrome. So they do loads of tracking/merging too.

                    The scope of work to do a few small features on top of chrome wouldn't be a biggie, compared to the entire project.

                • jay_kyburz9 days ago
                  How hard would it be to "wrap" the browser in a ublock like shell, so that all network requests are filtered through a firewall before they even reach the chrome application layer.

                  It might be easier to maintain than an actual extension interface with hooks thought the code.

                  • ffsm89 days ago
                    I don't think you'd need manifest V2 for such a rudimenty logic.

                    The reason why ublock origin is so powerful is because it works with the DOM/not at the network level and can use heuristics to determine wherever something is a advertisement or not.

            • mindcrash9 days ago
              Brave supports uBO blocklists OOTB, no extension needed.

              So even when they have to say farewell to Manifest v2 it really doesn't matter, at least in case of privacy (and for some medical) protection.

              • soundnote9 days ago
                In addition, since their adblocker isn't an extension and doesn't care about extension APIs, they can do things even Manifest v2 Chrome extensions can't. For example, full-fat uBO can't do CNAME uncloaking on Chromium due to API limitations, but can do it on Firefox which has the APIs. Brave is Chromium-based, but since Shields isn't an extension they've built CNAME uncloaking into it.
              • SllX9 days ago
                This is good info to keep in my back pocket. Thanks!
              • paradox4609 days ago
                As does Vivaldi
            • kolanos9 days ago
              This is arguably the most compelling reason for people to switch to Brave. If there are smart people over there, they'll make a concerted effort to keep Manifest v2 in their fork.
            • carlhjerpe9 days ago
              I don't understand or know alot about extensions, but what is so incredibly impossible about adding new capabilities to manifestv3? It's a manifest describing what the addon wants to do and some UX to allow it right?
              • fuzzy29 days ago
                It’s not really about the manifest. It’s about the APIs available to extension programmers. Chrome has made the "webRequestBlocking" API unavailable and that’s what’s affecting adblockers. Chrome will eventually remove the code supporting this API, and it is not feasible for downstream to make it available anyway.
                • notpushkin9 days ago
                  Why can’t forks just maintain an independent implementation afterwards?
                  • ffsm89 days ago
                    They could, theoretically. But just imagine what that actually means. Unless you cease merging upstream/the project you've forked, you'll have to resolve all conflicts caused by this divergence.

                    And that's a lot of work for a multi million LOC project, unless the architecture is specifically made to support such extensions... which isn't the case here.

                    And freezing your merges indefinitely isn't really viable either for a browser

                    • Zak9 days ago
                      A quick look at the code gives me the impression that webRequestBlocking is a fairly trivial modification to webRequest, and they seem to be keeping the latter. This leads me to two conclusions: it wouldn't be terribly hard for a fork maintainer to keep webRequestBlocking, and Google's technical excuses for removing it are disingenuous.
                      • account426 days ago
                        That may be true now but will it still be true when Google next refactors their request code under the assumption that no requirements for a webRequestBlocking API exist.
                      • justinclift9 days ago
                        > ... and Google's technical excuses for removing it are disingenuous.

                        That's been the default assumption of pretty much everyone anyway.

                    • SirMaster9 days ago
                      So go make an LLM manage the fork or something. Everyone keeps telling me they are amazing at code these days. Surely it can do a task like that if that's all it's doing all day.

                      If not today maybe soon...

                  • bawolff9 days ago
                    Because these aren't really independent browsers but reskins.

                    Being independent of google requires actually doing the work and not just copying google.

        • jeroenhd9 days ago
          I think if a bunch of Chromium forks come together, they can maintain v2 support for quite a while. A fork maintained by a combination of Brave, Opera, Vivaldi, and maybe some of those startup-based browsers can probably keep the most important APIs running for quite some time.

          At some point the issues will become too difficult to fix, but none of these companies need to be doing it alone. Adding a separate upstream with some "fuck off Google" fixes for them to base their proprietary browser on seems like a smart thing to do.

      • tomrod9 days ago
        Especially since Firefox's new leadership has been encroaching on a lot of the value Firefox provides people (e.g removing the pledge to not sell data?!?).
      • hsuduebc29 days ago
        What about Brave? I eas avoiding it for a long time for no reason while chrome was getting continually worse.

        Maybe it's time

        • graynk9 days ago
          I would really like people to stop recommending Brave :(

          It may be an okay-ish browser, but the company behind it _repeatedly_ does shady things (installs VPN without asking, overriding links to insert referral codes, collecting donations for YouTubers without YouTubers even knowing about it, etc, etc), I am honestly not sure why people are OK with it.


          • someotherperson9 days ago
            Brave is still the best browser on the market. Trying creative things for monetization (and failing loudly) is a million times better than anything else that any other browser is doing -- including Firefox.

            If you don't want the Web3 crap you can turn it off -- as I have done for years now. But someone please help me understand how a browser that takes in half a billion dollars from Google annually to function as controlled opposition in case of an antitrust case is somehow OK to recommend, but a browser that is independent is somehow bad because of bad business decisions made years ago.

            • glenstein9 days ago
              Brave is organizationally independent, sure. But it also relies on Chromium, and so isn't independent from the Chromium code base.
            • GoblinSlayer8 days ago
              Firefox is at least any kind of opposition.
          • glenstein9 days ago
            I would also add the dead simple point that Brave is yet another Chromium-derived browser. If someone likes Brave just because they like it then, sure, whatever.

            But it doesn't belong in a conversation about browser diversification away from Chromium. I am so bewildered why it keeps getting referenced in "let's get away from Google Chrome" threads

            • SllX9 days ago
              > I am so bewildered why it keeps getting referenced in "let's get away from Google Chrome" threads

              At the end of the day, it’s not Google Chrome. I’ve mentioned in other comments that Brave isn’t my top 1, 2 or 3 choice, so I won’t rehash that here, but I think it absolutely belongs in a conversation as an alternative for people that want to get away from Google Chrome. The basic skeleton that composes Google Chrome and other Chromium-based browsers mostly isn’t the issue, because Chrome is and always has been technically excellent. It’s all the other crap Google started grafting on top of it that is, on top of their stance (backed up by many many web developers here) that the standards and web technologies that Google supports should be the standards and web technologies that all browsers support and prioritize.

              • glenstein9 days ago
                Brave is better than Chromium in the same way that a sore throat is better than strep throat, when what everyone really wants is a vaccine.

                All the arguments in favor of Brave over Chrome are going to apply tenfold to browsers fully independent of Chromium, and it's a perilous place to be, a boat on the edge of the Chromium whirlpool forever rowing (Brave repeatedly branching and forking the parts of Chromium it doesn't want and reconciling them to new updates) to not get sucked in.

                • SllX9 days ago
                  I wouldn’t put it in as strong a terms but directionally, I think we agree that Brave isn’t the strongest possible alternative to Google Chrome. I don’t think it is invalid to include it in a conversation about alternative browsers to Google Chrome that aren’t Firefox, nor is the use of Chromium sufficient criteria to disqualify alternatives.

                  That said, I do have a general preference for browsers that aren’t Chromium-based as well.

          • 427728279 days ago
            It’s so frustrating to me that the Brave boosters can’t seem to fathom that I don’t want a “better ad experience.” I want a /”no-ad experience.”/
            • soundnote9 days ago
              That's what a lot of us have. Brave's own ad systems are opt-in, and a majority of users don't opt-in. It's a minority that are interested in the crypto features. I just left the crypto stuff off, hid the icons and have a degoogled Chromium with strong adblock and some nice quality of life extras.
            • someotherperson9 days ago
              It's equally frustrating to me that some people don't seem to realize that you can opt-out (once, at initial setup) and have a completely ad-free experience.
              • glenstein9 days ago
                It's the same kind of iterative creep of compromises on privacy that initially raised alarms with Mozilla, which culminated in Mozilla's "don't be evil" moment (or, their, erm, not-"don't be evil" moment).
              • account426 days ago
                You can opt out now while they are trying to gain market share. Honestly everyone on here should know this game by now. There is no such thing as "free" product made by a for-profit corporation.
        • SllX9 days ago
          I stopped using Brave a couple of years ago when I switched to Arc and I have since switched from Arc to Orion. I didn’t have any issues with at the time even though it was not my default; it made a nice enough fallback Chromium-based browser for the very few times that mattered. I just turned off all the crypto-crap, and regular reviews of the settings didn’t reveal them to be turning on anything I already disabled.

          If Brave works for you, go for it.

        • wyclif9 days ago
          It's time. People can complain that "oh it's based on Chromium" but I don't think that's the hill to die on right now.
          • johnmaguire9 days ago
            What makes Brave a better choice than Firefox? While it claims to be privacy-focused, it's developed by a VC-funded company, not a non-profit foundation.


            • superq9 days ago
              Mozilla now sells data, while Brave does not?
              • glenstein9 days ago
                Brave sells ads and discloses aggregate-level data to advertisers, and has a history of trust-undermining transgressions mentioned upthread:

                >installs VPN without asking, overriding links to insert referral codes, collecting donations for YouTubers without YouTubers even knowing about it, etc, etc

              • 9 days ago
              • johnmaguire9 days ago
                Does Mozilla sell your data, or did they remove language saying they won't?

                Do you really think Brave won't, when it comes time to pay the piper?

            • soundnote9 days ago
              Site isolation is one: Firefox doesn't sandbox websites from each other on non-Windows platforms, and even on Windows its sandboxing solution is just worse than Chromium's. They're doing work on implementing sandboxing more widely, mind, but still have a long road ahead of them to get to parity.
            • josephh9 days ago
              For the simple reason of not using Gecko
              • glenstein9 days ago
                I would think the logic runs exactly the opposite way. Browser diversification would make not using chromium the good thing, rather than not using gecko.
              • johnmaguire9 days ago
                What's wrong with Gecko?
          • awnird9 days ago
            I think many people's issue with Brave is that it's a cryptocurrency grift, not that it's a Chromium reskin.
            • wyclif6 days ago
              Don't most Brave users have all the crypto functionality turned off or opted out?
      • ls6129 days ago
        Please use Firefox instead of a Chromium derivative. We need variety in the browser space and Gecko is pretty much the only independent option remaining.
        • SllX9 days ago

          Firefox is still my primary work browser because all the anti-tracking stuff Orion does actually breaks some sites I depend on (well, makes them harder to use anyway), but Orion has become my main and I have lost confidence in Mozilla.

          If you want to continue using Firefox as a kind of service to the world or weird self-imposed civic duty, that’s on you. I can pay for Orion and know that there is a company with an actual business model behind it and also not worry about misaligned incentives, or fixing all the tracking and telemetry defaults (only to watch my hard work crumble like when a random Firefox update hosed my settings on my personal machine a couple years ago) because there is no telemetry.

          • ls6129 days ago
            Idk I switched about a year and a half ago from Chrome and aside from Firefox still being slower I haven’t had any issues. All the websites I visit and the features I use like Nvidia video upscaling work fine. Ublock Origin works fine which is really the most important thing. I’ll eat my hat if any Chromium derivative is still supporting MV2 in 2030.
            • SllX8 days ago
              I keep having to correct people up and down this thread.

              Orion is not a Chromium derivative.

              Further, nobody here said Firefox was incapable as a browser. Use it if you like it, but having used Firefox off and on since 2005, I’ve written it off on my personal machines.

              • maleldil8 days ago
                It's a Safari derivative (WebKit). You're still giving market share for an engine owned by a large corporation.
                • SllX8 days ago
                  Using WebKit doesn’t make something a Safari derivative. There are many WebKit browsers out there, Chrome used to be one them.

                  John Gruber had the Kagi CEO—Vlad Prelovac—on in December. I yoinked this from the auto-generated transcript in Apple’s Podcasts app:

                  > Orion is still in beta. We are nearing V1. There was so much to do.

                  > One thing that differentiates building on top of WebKit to Blink is that for Blink, there is Chromium, which is the web browser app framework. You get the entire browser out of the box. You can just change the name.

                  > And you have a browser for WebKit. There is no Chromium equivalent. You have to create every menu, every button, everything, which is why it took us six years to get where we are.

                  > It's basically written from scratch. And on top of that, we also decide to port web extensions, to port API to natively to WebKit. We're doing all these hard things that take a lot of time.

                  > And I know many people [aren’t] happy to see Orion is buggy. This extension doesn't work. Well, yes, it takes time to do this properly, but we are determined to do that properly.

                  > And of course, it also has the native ad blocker included and all these good things that a browser should have. But for various reasons, all the mainstream browsers cannot do. And yeah, that's the origin story for Orion.

                  Notably they have been porting in support for Web Extensions APIs that even Safari doesn’t support. You can see a full breakdown comparing Orion (Mac) and Orion (iOS) vs other popular browsers here: https://kagi.com/orion/WebExtensions-API-Support.html

        • tomjen38 days ago
          That ship has sailed. There are websites I depend on that can't use Firefox because it doesn't work with Firefox no, those websites are not going to update themselves for something that is used by 0.1% of the web.

          And now Firefox has shad the bed so badly with their "we will actually sell your data now" that I don't even care. It can burn in hell.

          • account426 days ago
            In what way do you "depend" on those websites? I.e. what would be the "cost" to you of not being able to use them? More than a small inconvenience?
        • janalsncm9 days ago
          Why? Variety for variety’s sake is just inefficiency. There are plenty of Chromium forks that work just fine.

          FF’s legalese may have burned through their last bit of good will, and if that’s the last nail in their coffin let it be a lesson in terminal enshitification and not understanding or caring about your users.

          • glenstein9 days ago
            >Why? Variety for variety’s sake is just inefficiency.

            It's more than that. It prevents monopolization of the web by a single company. This isn't like picking a different version of Ms. Dash from the grocery store.

            • janalsncm9 days ago
              Maybe I’m a bit slow and I’m not following. Why does using chromium give Google a monopoly? One might argue the opposite: that having a lot of stakeholders prevents Google from unilaterally applying unpopular changes, because a large critical mass can simply fork it.
              • glenstein9 days ago
                It gives Google unparalleled power to influence web standards, effectively giving other browsers no choice but to adopt their preferred implementations.

                They can push technologies that benefit their ads business (e.g. manifest 3 breaking ublock origin). And the notion "embrace extend extinguish" was practically invented for circumstances like this, of engaging the development community in a particular field of software, dominating it, and achieving leverage to change the way the web works.

                >that having a lot of stakeholders prevents Google from unilaterally applying unpopular changes

                Google controls commits to Chromium, and it does that with an invite only developer pool almost entirely of people associated with Google. The stakeholders don't have a proportionate hand in the destiny of Chromium. I think you're right that it's maybe better, in the sense that we could imagine something even worse, but that's loo low a benchmark to offer comfort that Chromium is having a net-positive impact on balance of power in terms of who can help you access the web.

      • Natfan9 days ago
        Arc is a Chromium browser that has been kneecapped to explicitly not work on Linux. No thanks!
      • cpeterso9 days ago
        Arc is in maintenance mode as The Browser Company focuses on building a new browser: https://www.theverge.com/2024/10/24/24279020/browser-company...
        • deanc9 days ago
          Lost all trust for a lot of users after they did this.

          Zen browser would be an almost drop-in replacement for those that like Arc but it uses FF under the hood instead.

        • SllX9 days ago
          Yeah, I saw their YouTube video which was immensely annoying to watch. That’s why I was pretty pleased when I discovered Orion and I recently switched from Arc and MobileSafari to Orion as my defaults, but I’m using Arc as the Chromium browser I keep around for when that matters (which right now just means DRM streaming sites like Netflix and Crunchyroll), but Brave could fill this spot just as easily.
      • wubrr9 days ago
        Arc and Orion are both closed source.
      • 8 days ago
      • _hyn39 days ago
        Also Brave.. just not sure when or if someone will breaking fork chromium.
      • catlikesshrimp9 days ago
        I wish they released an android version, much easily ported to debian &| windows.

        Although, if kagi fails, it probably won't matter.

        • SllX9 days ago
          On an HN thread a couple weeks back, the Kagi team mentioned they just started working on a Linux version of Orion.

          No idea what they plan to do about syncing though since right now they just use iCloud syncing, but it’s a start.

    • nout9 days ago
      It's quite relevant to highlight that Mozilla is removing the promise that they won't sell your data: https://github.com/mozilla/bedrock/commit/d459addab846d8144b...

      Another browser option is Brave, but you have to disable the altcoins stuff :/

      • handoflixue9 days ago
        Full context, from the link you provided: ""Mozilla doesn’t sell data about you (in the way that most people think about “selling data“), and we don’t buy data about you. Since we strive for transparency, and the LEGAL definition of “sale of data“ is extremely broad in some places, we’ve had to step back from making the definitive statements you know and love."

        I don't think that's an unreasonable stance, and they're still explicitly saying "We are as close to not selling data as it is legally possible to be". This is reiterated in the linked Privacy FAQ on their official site: https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/privacy/faq/

        • pbhjpbhj9 days ago
          What "sale of data" falls under a legal definition but would be understood by everyone to not be selling data? An example?

          It sounds more like 'we sell your data, but we do it in a legally protracted way so we could claim up to now that we don't'.

          Given this relates to Firefox's central selling proposition, they surely have an essay detailing exactly what data they're selling?

          • tgsovlerkhgsel9 days ago
            I would expect that the default search engine deals that Firefox mostly relies on for financing could be interpreted as such.

            Mozilla gets money, and as a result of the deal, the searches (data) of anyone who didn't change the default go to the company running the default search engine.

            • folmar9 days ago
              By default Google gets not only search but everything entered into the address bar (for "suggestions").
              • account426 days ago
                Yeah, that's pretty creepy - that also includes private that that would otherwise not reach the internet.
          • glenstein9 days ago
            >What "sale of data" falls under a legal definition but would be understood by everyone to not be selling data? An example?

            I assume probably data that's anonymized (in some sense) and/or aggregated (in some sense). But there's so much grey area there that it's a lot less reassuring than a straight up blanket statement that they used to be able to make.

            • account426 days ago
              The real problem is that they are collecting too much data in the first place. Really, the company making the browser should receive no data at all - even auto-update servers can be handled by other non-profit organizations like universities.
          • Yizahi9 days ago
            It is always the same idea - if the data is even slightly touched and/or processed, it is suddenly not a personal data anymore and is "ok" to be sold.
          • 9 days ago
          • 9 days ago
        • roelschroeven9 days ago
          Even fuller context:

          > Mozilla doesn’t sell data about you (in the way that most people think about “selling data“), and we don’t buy data about you. Since we strive for transparency, and the LEGAL definition of “sale of data“ is extremely broad in some places, we’ve had to step back from making the definitive statements you know and love. We still put a lot of work into making sure that the data that we share with our partners (which we need to do to make Firefox commercially viable) is stripped of any identifying information, or shared only in the aggregate, or is put through our privacy preserving technologies (like OHTTP)."

          How is sharing data with partners in order to make Firefox commercially viable (i.e. getting money in exchange) not "selling data"? Anonymized or aggregated data is still data, and it's quite disingenuous of them to try to weasel it in by changing the definition.

          > We are as close to not selling data as it is legally possible to be.

          Normally when you say "as close to X as legally possible", that means you want to do X fully, but you can't because the law forbids you to. X in this case is "not selling data". But "not selling data" is not illegal at all. What are they even trying to say here?

          (Also I don't find that sentence on their FAQ page)

          • Izkata9 days ago
            I think the key is the "about you" part, not the "selling data" part. Based on the rest of the statement, your personal information (name, age, location, personal files (uploads/downloads), that kind of data) isn't shared, which is what most people would think of when they hear "your data". It sounds like the information they do share may be associated with you, but isn't about you in the colloquial sense - even if it is about you in the legal sense.
            • glenstein9 days ago
              >I think the key is the "about you" part, not the "selling data" part

              They're certainly attempting to articulate that as a conceptual distinction, but I don't think that division is as real as would be implied by trying to separate the one thing into two different words. Aggregated data is "about you" too, in many of the senses that matter in the context of privacy, and I would reject attempts at conceptualizing this into two things to imply otherwise.

          • glenstein9 days ago
            I agree that this is a huge breath of fresh air because you are (1) actually reading what Mozilla said and (2) making sober nuanced distinctions absent from most criticisms.

            But that said, these reassurances run into a "who ordered that" problem. No advocate for privacy was ever advocating on behalf of anonymized data any more than personally identifying data. Anonymous averaging over interests of groups still involves privacy compromises; and metrics, fingerprints and learning algorithms can mix and match that in ways that still cross the line. Abstracted profiling still works, and digs deeper than you might suspect (I recall the netflix data that could predict interests across different categories, like people watching House of Cards also liking It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia). Preferences can hang together in a measurable way, which is exactly why ad companies want them.

            It's also just part of the long slow, death by one thousand cuts transformation into a company that doesn't have categorical commitments to privacy.

          • pimterry9 days ago
            > How is sharing data with partners in order to make Firefox commercially viable (i.e. getting money in exchange) not "selling data"? Anonymized or aggregated data is still data, and it's quite disingenuous of them to try to weasel it in by changing the definition.

            This situation isn't perfect, but I disagree that this is particularly weasely or disingenuous. It's not black & white and there are meaningful differences here.

            I think the assumption of 'selling data' and primary concern from most users is the sale of their identifiable personal data - i.e. telling advertisers "this user is interested in X", using their privileged position as a browser to track and collect that information. This is absolutely what Facebook is doing when they sell your data, for example.

            The description here is suggesting that Firefox are still committed to never doing that or anything similar. That is the main thing I'd want to know, so that's great.

            However, it sounds like they may be selling generic anonymous data in some way - for example telling Pocket what percentage of people use the Pocket extension, or telling Google what percentage of people change their search engine away from Google. Both of those are cases where you can imagine they might receive significant extra income from partners given that data, and they feel this is reasonable but means they can technically no longer say the 'never sell your data'.

            You could consider that level of data sharing problematic of course. That said, there is spectrum of problems here, and personally (and I think for most people) I am much more concerned about the tracking & distribution of actual personal identifiable data than I am about generic metrics like those, if that is what's happening (unfortunately, they haven't explained much further so this is still somewhat speculation - I fully agree more precise language would be very helpful).

            • glenstein9 days ago
              >The description here is suggesting that Firefox are still committed to never doing that or anything similar.

              This runs into what I'm calling the "who ordered that" problem, because this represents a retreat from a stronger commitment to privacy, and is not a conception of privacy that anyone was asking for, or that satisfies anyone who is concerned about privacy.

              I don't want my interest in sci-fi to be made to conflict with my preference from buying locally, and influence campaigns urging me buy books through Preferred LArge Retailer and pushing me toward that clash are a problem whether the data powering them is personal or fed into an abstracted anonymized group.

              And depersonalized profiling that "knows" I can be sorted into a specific "type of guy" bucket may involve learning things about me that I don't want to be inputs into marketing. They can still, for instance, make inroads into judgements about things like self esteem (e.g. colognes and beauty products), financial precarity, and can work to socialize groups into consumerist self-conceptions. They probably can be used to make inroads into classic forms of privacy violations like "looking to buy a home" or "trying to get pregnant" or other such aspects of identity that I don't want marketing to touch.

            • Tijdreiziger9 days ago
              The problem is that ‘anonymized data’ is quite a big spectrum, and may be able to be deanonymized quite easily.

              See this submission from earlier this month: Everyone knows your location: tracking myself down through in-app ads (26 days ago, 1957 points) – https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=42909921

            • superq9 days ago
              Mozilla owns Pocket.
        • tomrod9 days ago
          > I don't think that's an unreasonable stance, and they're still explicitly saying "We are as close to not selling data as it is legally possible to be". This is reiterated in the linked Privacy FAQ on their official site: https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/privacy/faq/

          It's actually super simple and needs no obfuscation or verbal esoterica. Don't engage in a contract where data Firefox has collected from users is transferred to a third party.

          Done. Easy as.

          The sister comment on search engine data transfer is FUD -- the browser can of course send queries to a default search engine without needing to pipe any information to Firefox. Firefox would need no usage monitoring whatsoever, just do a firm fixed price contract and the details are settled.

          • dcow9 days ago
            It may be armchair speculation, but it’s not FUD.
            • tomrod9 days ago
              Perhaps no fear, but definitely uncertainty and doubt, thus in the ballpark.
        • ginko9 days ago
          Still makes it sound like they want to profit from user data.
      • herbst9 days ago
        I also thought Brave is the browser with the annoying token. But I still haven't seen anything about BAT but happily using brave for a while now.
      • Xiol329 days ago
        There's also Zen, which is Firefox based.
      • WithinReason9 days ago
        No you don't, it's opt in.
      • bix69 days ago
        By altcoins do you mean BAT? What’s the issue with it?
        • Ylpertnodi9 days ago
          Turn off bat - no issues. I installed brave from a portable version and update the parts - found thru trial and error - as required, from the latest downloads
          • bix69 days ago
            What’s the issue with BAT though?
            • asmor9 days ago
              They falsely advertised that creators who didn't opt in (or even knew about this) could be supported by donating BAT, and then kept it once it remained unclaimed.

              BAT is also different from adblocking, because it monetizes other people's content. It's about as close to stealing as you can get in the ad business, aside from the Honey affiliate highjacking.

              • Dylan168079 days ago
                I don't think they kept any BAT in that situation.
              • soundnote9 days ago
                The BAT was Brave's to begin with as far as I know, part of a pool to promote the launch of their tipping system. It makes perfect sense to return the BAT users could assign from the pool to creators back to the pool if the creators didn't sign up.

                Which is not to say that the tipping UI wasn't a hot mess, which it was. Hard to tell who was onboard, who wasn't and eg. Tom Scott got a bunch of tips when he had no interest in the platform whatsoever.

                > BAT is also different from adblocking, because it monetizes other people's content.

                It doesn't. The browser literally shows you toaster popups all by itself, and gives you some pocket change amounts of BAT for viewing them.

            • emberfiend9 days ago
    • pyeri9 days ago
      The end of extensions like uBlock Origin will mark the end of power user era in web development history.
      • bayindirh9 days ago
        > Users should never had the power to block what we did in the first place.

        -- Some prominent ad company which happens to run a search engine as a side business and build a web browser to make ad-targeting better for their customers.

        • kjkjadksj9 days ago
          Its like they want their own web crawlers to be slow as hell
          • cle9 days ago
            They'll carve out exceptions for themselves don't worry. They tried with Web Environment Integrity, it'll be back with a different name.
          • account426 days ago
            They do, it prevents any upstart competitors who can't afford that cost.
      • ahartmetz9 days ago
        I think power users are the type of users who can be bothered to install a browser that supports the features that they want (and doesn't implement the misfeatures that they don't want) ;)
        • TimTheTinker9 days ago
          You may have heard G. Michael Hopf's famous quote: Hard times create strong men. Strong men create good times. Good times create weak men. And, weak men create hard times.

          I think we may be advancing to another step in that cycle with software development. Strong, principled software companies created good times in the late 2000s and 2010s, now good times have created software company leaders who are less principled, and the hard times are beginning. And eventually, after the hard times have gone on for long enough, principled leaders will hopefully emerge and create good times again.

          That being said:

          - I really admire the thinking and moral aptitude that resulted in the Oxide Principles page[0]. Oxide and 37signals[1] are two examples of very principled companies that are keeping good times rolling in their respective fields, and both of them do a ton to support open source software.

          - And, there is nothing like ad revenue to accelerate corruption of good principles in software companies that handle user data -- to the extent that I wonder if it's in the same moral category as government officials accepting bribes.

          [0] https://oxide.computer/principles

          [1] https://37signals.com/

        • MSFT_Edging9 days ago
          This requires a proper alternative to continue to exist. Firefox users already have to make a lot of concessions(i know, i'm one of them). With how Mozilla management is running, we're at risk of the only real alternative being mismanaged into oblivion.
          • Akronymus9 days ago
            I am cautiously optimistic for ladybird. But itll take quite a bit longer to become viable, sadly.
            • Boldened158 days ago
              I hope they change the name of the browser at some point, it sounds vaguely promiscuous (maybe because "ladyboy" is the closest word to it). One reason Chrome started taking off in popularity is because tech enthusiasts appreciated its speed and made their friends/relatives download it. Harder to imagine telling my parents to download something called "Ladybird"...
        • alberto-m9 days ago
          Yes, but there seems to be a growing hiatus between the tools used by power users and normal ones. Fifteen years ago everyone had a PC with Firefox, now this browser has a marginal market share, and even personal computers are starting to be a second-class platform, the focus being phones. And products used by a minority tend to be less supported – as shown by the increasing number of sites that don't support Firefox.
        • CalRobert9 days ago
          Until sites block them completely, which will be easier with attestation
          • viraptor9 days ago
            It's already been trivial. There's a few sites showing you a special message or denying access if you block ads. uBlock doesn't really help here that much and if they tried, the issue is very asymmetric - it's much easier to update the site than to patch it again.
            • tgsovlerkhgsel9 days ago
              So far, most of these sites that try to exclude adblocker users don't detect uBO on Firefox.
              • somenameforme9 days ago
                Most anti-adblock also fails on Brave. Those that don't can generally be sidestepped with literally two clicks to disable scripts. The remaining few require substantially more tweaking (generally disabling a specific script while allowing others to run) which is outside the domain of most people, but still viable.
              • viraptor9 days ago
                Marketshare. People don't care that much.
      • boredhedgehog9 days ago
        Many users don't notice any difference after switching to a Manifest v3 ad blocker. I'll reserve judgment until it actually happens.
        • kccqzy9 days ago
          What you said is true: I indeed cannot tell the difference between a v2 and v3 ad blocker. But that doesn't change OP's perspective that a v2 ad blocker is a symbol of the power user era. Power users often want customizability to an extreme level. Normal users who block ads simply install the extension and be done with it: they don't write custom rules or adjust the filters.
        • account426 days ago
          Not at first perhaps but they will notice when ad networks shift to take advantage of techniques that can no longer be blocked in Chrome.
      • attentive6 days ago
        I run multiple brands of browsers including firefox, but all of them use ublock origin. The day chrome hard bans it will be the day I uninstall it.
      • kevincox9 days ago
        This isn't the end of uBlock Origin. Just the end of it on Chromium-based browsers.

        If you are a power-user you may well benefit from using Firefox where uBlock Origin has always claimed to work best.

        By switching you will also be removing power from an ad-funded near-monopoly that feels (correctly) that they can do whatever they want even if it is universally despised by users because the other choices are quickly going away. Every using using another browser weakens that grip, every user using a Chromium derivative allows them to keep trying to wedge new features that no other browser wants to implement for user privacy reasons and creates website incompatibility.

    • lxgr9 days ago
      That's exactly what Edge is. It reminds me of the mobile operator branded versions of feature- and early smartphones: Same core functionality, more intrusive ads, delayed feature updates.
    • iamkonstantin9 days ago
      Vivaldi is a chromium browser with a built-in ad blocker that doesn’t require extensions at all.
      • internetter9 days ago
        MV3 is non-negotiable. The second its dropped in Arc I am jumping ship... somewhere. Firefox isn't appealing, Zen isn't fleshed out, Orion is coming along nicely but isn't done yet. But above all else I need MV3. Very sad Vivaldi won't be supporting it, before I was an Arc user I used Vivaldi and I quite liked it
        • lostmsu8 days ago
          As mentioned in the parallel thread Orion does not support v2 and uBlock Origin does not work there. The commenter mistook Orion's internal adblocker for uBlock functioning.
        • biugbkifcjk9 days ago
          I've been looking at Floorp and Zen, maybe add those to your list to check out
    • paul79869 days ago
      Indeed, Ive used firefox (since 2004) with uBlock (since 2015 or so) and have mac Mini(s) connected to TVs; use wireless mouse to enjoy the web from my couch or in my room. There are zero ads or popups seen.

      On other TVs like my Roku i do pay for a few streaming services with ads and get bombarded with ads on that tv. But its a group tv that many use.

    • 7bit9 days ago
      That is sad. I need multiple profiles for my work and I cannot use Firefox because the profile support is awful. Creating and managing profiles as well as switching profiles is so intuitive in Chrome, it just works. In Firefox it's extremely user hostile. Hearing that Microsoft will also remove uBlock from Edge makes me angry, because that will make my work-life so much more annoying.
      • captn3m09 days ago
        Better profile support is coming soon, already in Nightly.

        Edit: https://connect.mozilla.org/t5/discussions/try-out-firefox-p...

        • ourmandave9 days ago
          I assume this means they've added AI to better tie together the profile you use for work and the one you use for sh*t posting.

          Working title: Copilot for Tracking.

      • viraptor9 days ago
        Are containers not good enough to replace profiles for your use case? I've been juggling those like profiles and I'm very happy.
      • tharos479 days ago
        You should use "Multi account containers" instead of profiles in firefox. It's like profiles in chrome/edge but it works by tab instead.
        • zeeZ9 days ago
          It doesn't allow for different extensions though. I need to use a full profile in order to use separate bitwarden accounts, for example.
      • abdullahkhalids9 days ago
        I created shortcuts in my taskbar for launching firefox with each of my profiles. It works pretty well.
      • antifa9 days ago
        I like that Orion (safari based, Mac only) shows different icons in the dock. All chrome profiles show up as a single icon. I haven't checked Firefox, I've got away with just installing separate types (default, ESR, nightly).
      • hypercube339 days ago
        Only thing I can suggest is filing feedback. They don't have market share so they still listen, for now
    • Terretta9 days ago
      > So if you want a better web experience with uBlock Origin, Firefox is your only choice (or use Firefox forks that support it).

      Stand up against the browser hegemony*, choose WebKit with support for UBlock Origin:



      * Tongue in cheek, of course. Long live Firefox.

    • pbronez9 days ago
      Edge has two features I actually like:

      - integrated screen shot, which includes a “full webpage” option that handles scrolling for you

      - Split View, which lets you open two webpages side by side within a single tab

      I use both of these daily and get a decent productivity boost from them.

      • madeofpalk9 days ago
        It's funny because Firefox and Chrome both support full webpage screenshots natively, but they just bury it in their dev tools.
        • meew09 days ago
          The screenshot feature is easily accessible in Firefox using the right-click context menu on any webpage
          • rdlw9 days ago
            If Mozilla really is as shady about user data as some people think they've become, someone's about to be pretty confused about why they suddenly have hundreds of nearly-identical screenshots of this HN page on their servers
          • Izkata9 days ago
            If you customize your toolbar you can also add a button for it there
          • madeofpalk9 days ago
            TIL! Thanks!
      • virtualcharles9 days ago
        All the major browsers can do the screenshot thing, most just keep it hidden in the dev tools for some reason while MS realized “hey, people who have no idea what html is might like taking screenshots too”.
      • _fat_santa9 days ago
        I used to use edge quite a bit when I did a contract stint at a Fortune 500. My favorite feature was the vertical tabs. Working there I often has 20-30 tabs open and having them in a vertical list was super nice.

        Never used it since because of data privacy concerns. But in the context of working for that company where the assumption was that I would have zero privacy it was fine

        • davet919 days ago
          Firefox has vertical tabs now, but they are still behind a feature flag I think. Using them for some time now and it's working great.
          • quesera9 days ago
            Also, the Sidebery extension for Firefox is great for vertical tabs.
      • pl4nty7 days ago
        there are quite a few features like this. I actually did a comparison of chromium vs edge headers yesterday, it's a lot more than a rebrand. shame the source code is proprietary


      • highcountess9 days ago
    • throwaway0192549 days ago
      > So if you want a better web experience with uBlock Origin, Firefox is your only choice

      Too bad a lot of websites just don't work with Firefox. It seems web devs are not testing with Firefox anymore.

      • notpushkin8 days ago
        Which ones? I’ve had exactly one problem with Firefox lately (one component didn’t work on LinkedIn).
    • gamedever9 days ago
      Can you explain in detail what feature of UBlock Origin I will lose because of V3 vs V2 extensions?

      I see people complaining, I don't see concrete examples, only panic

      • Arrowmaster8 days ago
        All of them. UBlock Origin does not work on V3. There was a Lite version that used V3 but they stopped work on it because it was so limited. It looks like there's been some updates to it recently now.

        The size of blacklists has gone from unlimited to a limited size. The blocking ability has been limited. And the worst of all, blocklists have to be bundled in extension updates and not downloaded. While they have increased the limited blocklist size for V3 overtime, I don't know if they ever changed the other limits.

      • Technetium8 days ago
        Here is the official FAQ: https://github.com/uBlockOrigin/uBOL-home/wiki/Frequently-as... For some context, I currently have 393,405 network filters + 385,476 cosmetic filters. "The current limit imposed by the various implementations is a guaranteed 30K. It is possible for an extension to use more rules, but anything above the global limit will not be enforced. Currently, the global limit in Chromium is 330K static rules."
    • bastard_op9 days ago
      Microsoft loves ad revenue as much as anyone, why would they argue it? They can just blame google, having their cake and eating it too.
    • tomohawk9 days ago
  • jbverschoor9 days ago
    Without ublock origin, the internet is simply unbearable. The result is one of the following two: migrate to Firefox, or the biggest web detox ever
    • qwerpy9 days ago
      Brave still works with ublock origin but every month or so they pull a windows and some new Brave feature I don’t want gets turned on or featured in some way.

      I wonder how long they’ll maintain manifest v2 compatibility. Once they throw in the towel, Firefox will truly be the last stand.

      • tripplyons9 days ago
        I stopped trusting Brave after they launched a crypto token and started replacing affiliate codes in URLs.
      • resoluteteeth9 days ago
        > I wonder how long they’ll maintain manifest v2 compatibility.


        They are going to keep it enabled until google removes the code from chromium in June. Then it sounds like they are going to try to use other means to offer "limited MV2 support" but there are some issues, including the fact that they don't have their own extension store (and presumably the chrome one won't allow mv2 extensions to be updated) so I'm not sure to what degree that will actually work.

        • YetAnotherNick9 days ago
          Also maintaining a browser fork is not work to be taken lightly specially if it touches such core and security critical functionality like extensions.
      • jemmyw9 days ago
        What new features? I've been using it for years and it's been very steady, I've switched off their wallet and that's it.
        • panarky9 days ago
          Automatically inserting affiliate links into URLs when users visit certain e-commerce websites.

          Integration of Web3 features, including cryptocurrency wallets and NFT support.

          Inclusion of Brave News and sponsored images on the new tab page.

          Addition of a VPN service within the browser.

          Feels very scammy and grifty for a project that's supposedly about user privacy.

          • somenameforme9 days ago
            #1 existed for literally 24 hours and was clearly a stupid idea.

            #2 opt-in only.

            #3 agreed. annoying. can opt out.

            #4 opt-in only.

            #5 disagreed.

            • CharlieDigital9 days ago
              Broken trust, even if only 24h.
            • philistine9 days ago
              Has Brave advertised those opt-in features on first launch forcing a choice? Cause that is scammy if they did.
              • skeaker6 days ago
                Not a Brave user but I have managed it at a workplace before. Far as I recall they show a wallet button at the top right near the extensions button and show crypto trading rates alongside the weather on the default new tab page. Disabling the wallet icon could be done with a right click and a left click, and the new tab page could be customized in settings to show less stuff pretty easily. Might be different now.
            • notsylver9 days ago
              opt-in but afaik they still show up in places unless you disable them
          • jemmyw8 days ago
            > Automatically inserting affiliate links into URLs when users visit certain e-commerce websites.

            Happened before I even started using it, and I've been using it for a long while now. Probably time to let this one go?

            > Integration of Web3 features, including cryptocurrency wallets and NFT support.

            That's not a new feature, it's been in there since I started using it, and it's off by default and then easily hidden. It didn't turn up one day turned on.

            > Inclusion of Brave News and sponsored images on the new tab page.

            Yeah I'll give you this one. I've turned this off... I mean they're developing free to use software, so I feel bad about it. I'd probably pay for Brave at this point, but I don't want to see ads ever. At least it's easy to turn off.

            > Addition of a VPN service within the browser.

            I think this one is fine? I used it once when I was staying at a hotel, it was easy to use, other than that it's just hidden.

          • arcticbull9 days ago
            It was always just a crypto grift.
          • chillingeffect9 days ago
            1. Sleazy

            2. Weird but not evil

            3. 100% acceptable

            4. Good, maybe. What vpn?

      • porridgeraisin9 days ago
        Brave does not need ublock origin, and brave adblock is independent of manifest v2/3.

        They implement compatible features in the browser itself.

        • esperent9 days ago
          Can you create your own filters, or subscribe to filter lists with Brave's ad blocker? If not then it's in no way a replacement for uBlock.
          • sunshowers9 days ago
            No fan of Brave here, but you can, yeah.
            • esperent9 days ago
              Are you sure? I just installed it on Android and can't find anything about lists in the settings.

              Tried searching and I can't find anything about subscribing to lists on desktop either, only a few discussions about the default set of lists they use.

              • somenameforme9 days ago
                Assuming it's the same as on desktop, go to settings->shields->content filters. They have a bunch of default filter lists you can subscribe to or you can add your own. You can also create your own custom filter rules. You can also do it semi-automatically by right clicking (no idea the equivalent on mobile) on an element in a page and there will be a "Block Elements" option that does a pretty decent job of wildcard blocking the element group you selected, and can be configured pretty easily with the popup.
                • esperent9 days ago
                  Oh it works! That's great, thank you.
              • sunshowers9 days ago
                Settings -> Brave Shields and privacy -> Content Filtering.
        • causality09 days ago
          I'm gonna be honest with you, the giant orange un-hideable brave logo might be the biggest reason I don't use Brave. It's like I can feel it burning into my phone's OLED.
          • porridgeraisin9 days ago
            Lol, understandable.

            I actually like kiwi browser quite a lot on mobile. Extensions, Devtools(!!!) make it especially great. Try that if you want (it's on top of chromium android).

            I use brave most of the time though, because I use their sync service across all my devices.

        • kcb9 days ago
          With Brave you can enable manifest v2 ublock origin if you prefer anyway.
      • triyambakam9 days ago
        I never see ads with default Brave. I was under the impression that uBlock was obviated by Brave.
        • yannis9 days ago
          Have been using it for a long time. I am very happy with it.
      • cautious-fly9 days ago
        The massive amount of online features Brave has (just have a look at all the toggles in settings) makes me wonder whether this has been exploited in the wild at all.
      • pbhjpbhj9 days ago
        How long will Firefox take to fall? Until Google tells the lawyer who runs Mozilla that they'll stop sponsoring her if she doesn't fall in line?
        • Anamon5 days ago
          Google make up a significant part of Mozilla's income, but Firefox development doesn't make up a similarly significant part of Mozilla's expenses. They could keep browser development going without issue even if Google ditches them.
        • rciorba9 days ago
          Firefox has such a small slice of the browser market, that I doubt Google will bother.
          • account426 days ago
            You mean Google won't bother paying them anymore?

            You don't think Google is spending all that money for nothing, do you?

          • pbhjpbhj8 days ago
            It has long been argued that the reason Google pay to support Firefox (by being default browser) is to keep it around and so avoid being treated as a monopoly. That seems reasonable.

            Though now a bribe to Trump/Musk should be enough so maybe they don't need FF anymore.

    • NoLinkToMe9 days ago
      Does anyone here know why the pay-to-browse model never really took off?

      As in, suppose your daily browsing generates about $3 of monthly ad revenue [0]. Instead, you have a (digital) wallet linked to your browser, which could be pre-loaded with credit each month. For each website you visit you may decide to opt-out of ads by paying a fraction of your credits.

      You could even have a system where you could pay for a model with light-ads (i.e. at most 1 ad per page, 10 seconds of ads per 30min of video), or pay more for zero ads.

      I understand it's a difficult system to organize and is dependent on a strong network. But I'd expect there to be a solid small market by now.

      Lots of individual websites have this option (e.g. Netflix, newspapers, Spotify, Youtube Premium) but there's nothing overarching.

      [0] https://thenextweb.com/news/heres-how-much-money-you-made-go...

      • ndriscoll9 days ago
        Why would I pay someone to stop sending me malware? I'm not going to pay random sites to not send crypto miners or not auto download and execute a virus. I expect my computer to protect me from those things.

        For more general pay-to-browse, it needs to have the friction of the user deciding to pay, or you still incentivize spam (maybe even worse than with ads). As long as you keep that friction, you don't really change much because most sites on the Internet aren't worth anything, especially the commercially motivated ones. The ones that are worth something already charge money (and people pay because it's valuable) or they're not trying to monetize (academia, free culture groups, hobby discussion groups, etc).

        "How do we get people to pay fractions of a cent" is the wrong problem to solve. The correct related problem is "how do we filter out all the cruft that isn't even worth 1 cent?" Blocking ads removes the financial incentive for spam, and is therefore a socially positive action in addition to being prudent security posture. Assuming ads have an effect on your psychology (and we ought to believe they do), it also helps you to remain a more moral person by preventing you from receiving and internalizing constant messages to consume frivolously. With climate change being one of the most important issues of our time, cutting out such consumption is imperative.

      • messe9 days ago
        > Does anyone here know why the pay-to-browse model never really took off?

        Friction. The vast majority of people are not going to go through the effort of setting up a digital wallet to browse, when the existing system allows them to do it for free.

        Some people would for sure, but then you also need websites and creators to agree to participate in the scheme (or don't, and just unethically redirect ad revenue to yourself, like Brave used to).

        • samiv9 days ago
          And whatever users are willing to pay for not seeing ads someone is willing to pay more for users to see ads.

          Of course the best would be to let users pay for not seeing ads and then shove them in their face anyway for maximum profit.

          • NoLinkToMe9 days ago
            I don't think so. The fact you see any particular ad instead of another, is because someone put the highest bid for that slot to show you this ad, and nobody else was willing to pay more.

            By very definition 99% of ads that could be in the slot are not there because someone is not willing to pay that much to show that ad, except for the single one that won the auction.

            Ads have a maximum cost at which they don't become viable/profitable anymore.

            The only difference is that now the user could bid on that ad slot himself, to keep it empty.

            If you look at the average ad revenue, that wouldn't be all that much money. Certainly a fraction of what it costs to become a no-ad subscriber currently in various platforms.

        • pbronez9 days ago
          Yeah. I think this is probably insurmountably hard.

          ApplePay is about as frictionless as digital payments can possibly be, and I still occasionally abandon a purchase because of some annoying authentication issue.

      • dageshi9 days ago
        I imagine it's because people are worth far more to advertisers than they themselves are willing to pay to browse. That and once you've given something away for free, for so long, it's very hard to then charge for it.
        • HeatrayEnjoyer9 days ago
          > I imagine it's because people are worth far more to advertisers than they themselves are willing to pay to browse.

          People must be ultimately paying the money somehow. Otherwise advertisers wouldn't bother.

          • carlosjobim9 days ago
            People aren't rational when it comes to money. They will haggle and loose sleep over very small amounts, but have no problem overpaying thousands of dollars when it's a big purchase or throwing away their life savings.
      • indymike9 days ago
        > Does anyone here know why the pay-to-browse model never really took off?

        1. Free competition and lots of it.

        2. No widely adopted standard for micropayment

        3. Transaction processing fees often left very little for the site.

      • t-writescode9 days ago
        If I had to guess, I think the big reason that never took off is that no one can agree on the standard and everyone wants money on the edges, and won't agree with each other.

        So, instead, we get companies like the New York Times thinking they're worth, what, $20/mo, per person, all by themselves?

      • jbverschoor9 days ago
        TBH, pay to browse will not work. Look at Netflix/Spotify. Yes, it's a good revenue stream for them, but the incentives are plain wrong:

        1) Consume more content -> More revenue -> Means more bloated content, esp. with LLM

        2) They will simply re-introduce ads even though you're paying

        I really don't mind ads, and I don't really mind ad-targeting, except for 'sensitive' topics.

        But I despise animated ads, big walls of ads, interstitial ads, popovers, etc, etc, etc. Just be like google in the early '00s: I want content, and I'd be very happy to have non obtrusive relevant-to-the-current-topic ads on the side.

      • blablablerg9 days ago
        Only a small percentage of people are willing to pay for internet services. It is psychology and competition between the sites who offer services for free vs requiring payment. Paying for a service is a barrier to entry, while getting it for free and selling your data instead is not perceived as such. That is why all the big sites never would've taken off if they had paywalls.
        • viraptor9 days ago
          That and regional differences. The amount that people in many regions would be able (not even willing) to pay would be tiny for the company running the site in many cases.
      • 7bit9 days ago
        I know. Because for every paid service you have one that is "free".
    • romanovcode9 days ago
      Safari with [0]AdGuard works very well as well. Been using it for around 4 years now without any issues.

      [0] https://github.com/adguardteam

      • matwood9 days ago
        It’s not UBO, but it does work well. Safari is my default browser except for Google sites and development.
      • lern_too_spel9 days ago
        Safari does Manifest v3 blocking, exactly the same as Chrome except with fewer filters, and is otherwise worse in every way.
    • jessekv9 days ago
      Third option is disable JS.

      Although I wish more browsers made it easier to selectively enable it per site, like Orion.

      • lenkite9 days ago
        Goodbye web-components. A W3C spec that mandates the use of JS to keep browser vendors happy. Once upon a time, there was HTML imports which didn't need this, but the ad-boys killed that spec.
        • everdrive9 days ago
          >Goodbye web-components. A W3C spec

          And good riddance. I really don't get any personal value out of the vast majority of modern web apps. Much, but not all, of what we do on the web could be via a much more basic interface.

          • lenerdenator9 days ago
            > Much, but not all, of what we do on the web could be via a much more basic interface.

            ... but it won't be.

            Delivering information and digesting it from users is the purpose of the web as the user sees it. HN is a good example of a website meant to do this. No ads, minimal algorithms, no feature creep beyond a traditional news-and-comment feed.

            Only one problem: that doesn't drive engagement. I come to HN because I'm genuinely interested in the content and discussion here. Being interested in content and discussion, though, is not nearly as profitable as being addicted. A lot of the UI elements and behaviors of websites today are meant to drive addiction, and thus, engagement.

            Hell, HN itself might not even be profitable or even break-even. It's the side-project of YC; something that exists to further the profit-building exploits of that organization.

      • baq9 days ago
        > Third option is disable JS.

        You mean you’d like to use a web browser as a document viewer instead of an operating system? This ship has sailed a decade ago, at least.

        • account426 days ago
          Has it? That's mostly how I use my web browser today.
      • jajko9 days ago
        This is not practical for common folks. I wouldn't be able to get into ebanking, buy anything in eshops, probably most stuff I use daily would be at least half-broken. Imagine this for my elderly parents, just endless desperation and frustration, I am happy if they manage to use internet as it is and not fall for some scam or hack.

        Heck, stuff sometimes breaks without me even trying to disable anything, like airbnb login via facebook popup stopped working suddenly few months ago (biggest internet mistake I ever done many years ago, as a host I am locked to specific well-rated account and airbnb support told me they can't migrate my account to another form of auth).

        Edit: just saw its 'per site' - that would work for me, but not for my parents who live far. But damn I don't want to do this active fight of cat and mouse with whole internet. Firefox/ublock origin user here, on both desktop and phone for many years. Internet looks utterly horrible when I open it somewhere without those, hell youtube with all those ads is absolutely ridiculous shit service. Apple devices I've seen aren't that good either, shame that would be a great selling point for me.

      • redder239 days ago
        Disable JS in 2025 does NOT work. Petty much every site only works properly with JS, with some exceptions.

        JS is a core part of the modern web experience. 10 years go MAYBE Noscript would work, I never bothered, you end up having to whitelist a bunch of sites anyway even 10 years ago.

        • Anamon5 days ago
          Whitelisting is still practicable. I use NoScript, and if I have to whitelist scripts from two domains of the company operating the site, while keeping those of the 40 other domains blocked, I still gain something.
        • account426 days ago
          That is a huge exxageration except your idea of "works properly" includes a bunch of user-hostile scripts that add nothing to the experience running in the background. Some websites won't work but more will.
    • tim3339 days ago
      Anyone tried uBlock Origin Lite, the v3 compatible version?
      • TiredOfLife9 days ago
        Yes. I switched to it a couple of months ago. Saw no difference in usage compared to regular one.
        • TingPing9 days ago
          It will get worse with time. Now certain types cannot be blocked which will become more common.
          • TiredOfLife9 days ago
            What can't be blocked?
            • TingPing9 days ago
              Ads that use dns cnames to bypass block lists. Only Firefox has an API for this.

              Ads that previously were blocked at the HTTP Response level. ManifestV3 removed this API.

              A world where the number of ad rules exceeds the new limit. Which is 500 dynamic rules, 50 static rulesets, 30,000 rules. This may sound high but its not.

              • deanc9 days ago
                This is really really important now that server side tracking is rolled out at the major Ad providers. Keeping up a block list of the custom domains every site uses to mask their tracking will lead to an unsustainable cat and mouse game.
            • tim3339 days ago
              One thing I heard it it doesn't have the custom block element feature which would be a shame as I like the thing.
      • reddalo9 days ago
        But at this point, why not switch to Firefox?
        • tim3339 days ago
          I've got used to the google lens thing. If you click the address bar then the lens icon and then highlight part of the page it visually analyses it, ocr's text, searches for the text, optionally translates it etc. I use it all the time because people will post text in image form.
        • geor9e8 days ago
          It's not really a "switch" type of decision for me. That implies friction or commitment. I have every major browser installed, like a bowl of different flavored jelly beans. I pick whichever I want that day. Firefox isn't my favorite. A bit lower framerate rendering, a few missing features, a bit less extensions that I like. There's currently zero advantages I know of that would compel me to ever open firefox. They could literally release any novel feature that could win me over - I have no loyalty - they just don't have anything special.
        • GuB-429 days ago
          Some sites have issues with Firefox, it is rare, but it happens. Some streaming services may not work at full resolution on Firefox because of DRM. You may also want sync with your Microsoft or Google account and not your Firefox account (if you even have one) for whatever reason.
      • tasuki9 days ago
        Yes, it's fine.
    • ethagnawl9 days ago
      There are also "upstream" options, like PiHole or NextDNS which block requests to ad/tracking/malicious domains at the network (local machine, router, etc.) level.
      • _fat_santa9 days ago
        My issue with upstream options is that it prevents ads from coming through but their "place" on the page is still preserved so you still need uBlock to remove the elements.
        • ethagnawl8 days ago
          Personally, I'm happy to see those empty spaces. It's a reminder of what we're up against and that my defenses are holding.
      • NoGravitas9 days ago
        DNS based blocking is a good front-line, but in my experience, it's not sufficient on the modern web.
        • ethagnawl9 days ago
          I can't say I understand why that would be the case -- probably naivete on my part. Are browser/JS apps loading ads via proxies or websockets or something? Is uBlock Origin somehow able to intercept those?
          • Henchman219 days ago
            IIRC, Firefox at least has its own DNS-over-HTTPS client configured out of the box? So they aren’t using your DNS servers at all?
    • b3lvedere9 days ago
      Can't say i have big problems using Edge in combination with a pihole, but i do agree that Firefox with the very nice plugins like uBlock origin does look so much better.

      I mostly use Edge for accessing the big streaming websites and Firefox for everything else. Video runs somewhat better on Edge for me.

      • bad_user9 days ago
        DNS-level blocking doesn't work very well. It only blocks requests to 3rd party domains; however, publishers can just turn to 1st party solutions, and many do just that.

        E.g., DNS-level blocking will not block the sponsored links in Google's Search or the ads on YouTube. And while my NextDNS has blocked ads on my Samsung TV, it was unable to block ads on the new Max streaming service (former HBO).

        I guess it depends on why we're ad-blocking. If it's for privacy, I guess it's fine, but 1st party requests can and do share your data with first parties, with just one more level of indirection.

        I, for one, block ads because ads can be dangerous for my family and even for myself. I don't want ads because I don't want behavior modification, or malware. I also don't want my son to watch ads for services that should be illegal, such as gambling services. And don't get me wrong, I'm one of those people that actually pays for subscriptions to avoid ads, I'm against freeloading as well.

        So, DNS-level blocking is just not enough, unless you're happy that you're at least blocking some ads on the scum of the Internet, but then I'm personally not interested in those websites anyway.

        • mopenstein9 days ago
          Not sure what you're using but I found that Google streaming devices hard code their and .4.4 DNS addresses into their products. Blocking those IP addresses at the router forces the device to default to your router's DNS.
        • b3lvedere9 days ago
          "DNS-level blocking will not block the sponsored links in Google's Search". It's true i see the weblink in Google results, but you can't click them.

          "or the ads on YouTube" i use other methods for that on Firefox.

          "I guess it depends on why we're ad-blocking." I do not need any reason to block or allow any form of communication on my own infrastructure. I get to decide what connects to it and what comes in and gets out of it. I am fully aware some info will always get passed because otherwise i cannot consume the things i want to consume.

          "So, DNS-level blocking is just not enough, unless you're happy that you're at least blocking some ads on the scum of the Internet, but then I'm personally not interested in those websites anyway."

          So far my list of 5 million blocked sites serves me quite well in pihole.

        • emberfiend9 days ago
          To your point, ads are brain malware.
      • esperent9 days ago
        > Can't say i have big problems using Edge in combination with a pihole

        I use NextDNS on both my phone and laptop. Much easier setup, and much more portable (e.g. it'll work on cafe wifi).

    • PKop9 days ago
      Use uBlock Origin Lite, it works fine and in some ways is more efficient than the regular extension. Most people won't notice much of a difference if anything.

      Firefox is debatably less bearable than a Chromium based browser with uBlock Lite at least on Windows.

      • postalrat9 days ago
        Once most people run the lite version the trackers will change in a way that v3 extensions can't block.
    • anal_reactor9 days ago
      > or the biggest web detox ever

      I'm slowly thinking that this might be the correct way forward. It's difficult, at least for me, because I am addicted to the internet, but recently I realized that I need to be more mindful about my internet time, simply because it became shit, and using it actually has hugely negative impact on my life. I'm not sure how to phrase it, but it's not "ah yeah I'll do that someday", but rather "ok, things are getting serious, I am making a decision and starting to follow though right now".

    • mihaaly9 days ago
      Well, with it, it is just barely bearable still, if you do not pull yourself back radically and are paranoidly picky. Crap with ad vs crap without ad is the typical choice nowadays. The web is murdered by those whose livelihood depend on it, like a virus. Leaving alone only tiny safe heavens like this.
      • BeetleB9 days ago
        On my work laptop (not an old one), Chrome easily consumes a huge amount of RAM when I go to a page with lots of ads (including this article). I don't have an ad blocker on it.

        Essentially, if I open 2-3 pages with these types of ads, I run out of RAM (16 GB) and the whole laptop slows down. I simply can't browse the web while working (which may be a good thing!).

        Of course, part of the problem is Outlook and Teams and some other apps using a lot of RAM, but Chrome is the real bottleneck.

        So no, not "just bearable". I couldn't even read this article. It's the norm that I just close the tabs without reading because I don't want a laggy PC.

    • groggo9 days ago
      What actually changes? ublock origin is still available, right? But it just can't block requests?

      My understanding is that adblockers: 1. block requests from certain domains 2. block elements matching certain criteria

      Does this change just affect #1?

    • geor9e9 days ago
      Or the third option "you can still make them work by clicking "Manage extension" and toggling it back"
      • lloeki9 days ago
        Until the Manifest V2 code is ripped out.

        The current situation looks more like a deprecation brownout than a chance at continued support.

        • geor9e8 days ago
          Maybe a lot of things will happen. I'll downgrade when I'm forced to, and not a day earlier.
    • raverbashing9 days ago
      There is a ublock manifest v3 and it seems to be working ok (though you need to change the level and allow the permissions)
    • exe349 days ago
      I have pihole in a docker container and it works pretty nicely.
    • bufo9 days ago
      • moffkalast9 days ago
        Ah yes, the crypto shill browser. I'd rather take the thousand buggy stabs of Firefox than get down to that level.
    • crazygringo9 days ago
      > Without ublock origin, the internet is simply unbearable

      Huh? uBlock Origin Lite works perfectly fine.

      I've seen absolutely no difference after switching.

      • Kilgoremee9 days ago
        The developers of u-block explain in pretty great detail why this is not opt.

        I would encourage you to read their explanation.

        • Kilgoremee9 days ago

          For instance it doesn't block youtube ads. Arguably the single most important reason people have ublock.

          • crazygringo8 days ago
            That's false, it blocks all YouTube ads for me.

            Also, original uBlock Origin didn't always block YouTube ads.

            Adblocking with YouTube has gone back and forth. It's not about original vs lite.

    • chrsw9 days ago
      What about an "AI" browser? You put in a URL, it fetches the page, re-renders the page without ads, cleans up any mess as much as possible, and passes the result to your screen? Could that work?
      • layer89 days ago
        I don’t think this is possible with V2 extensions.
    • kernal9 days ago
      > Without ublock origin, the internet is simply unbearable

      Oh please. Change your DNS to AdGuard or NextDNS and job done.

      • wiseowise9 days ago
        I’ll route this to my grandma and my gen Z relatives who never touched anything outside of an iPhone, thank you for your very insightful comment.
      • akimbostrawman9 days ago
        Simple DNS blocking has been insufficient for some time thanks to cnames. They also can't block first party ads.
      • derkades9 days ago
        uBlock origin is so much better than just DNS-level blocking can ever be
        • swiftcoder9 days ago
          AdGuard also has a browser extension for blocking inline ads. The combo of AdGuard extension + DNS blocking is good enough that I haven't missed uBlock Origin
      • Corrado9 days ago
        Does that work with DoH (DNS over HTTP)? It's my understanding that using systems like AdGuard or NextDNS or even PiHole fail to handle DoH requests. In that case the only solution is something like uBlock Origin.
      • SoftTalker9 days ago
        ISPs make it difficult or impossible if you're using their router.
        • 7bit9 days ago
          What? You can set a DNS server on every OS and device. It works for Windows, Linux, iOS and Android.
          • virtualcharles9 days ago
            But that’s really only viable if you have a very small number of devices and those devices only have one user. Let’s say you have a family of 4, each with smart phones, two tablets, three computers, each with myltiple user accounts… setting DNS on each individually becomes extremely cumbersome. Not to mention all the other connected devices that want to throw ads at you these days, TVs gaming systems, etc. And god help you if you’ve invested in any kind of crazy connected thing like a fridge with a screen on it, setting device level DNS there might be so obfuscated t’s not possible.

            Point is that using any kind of DNS based blocking is far better at the router level but the above poster is right in that a lot of ISPs these days make it impossible to adjust your router level DNS and even for someone tech minded setting up some kind of downstream secondary router can be become so convoluted that they just give up.

          • 7bit8 days ago
            Fair enough.
    • readthenotes19 days ago
      Lot of noise today over Firefox claiming license to use anything you transmit with it ...
    • flohofwoe9 days ago
      Tbf though, UBO Lite works well enough in the 'optimal' filter mode. On the pages I visit regularly I see no difference to UBO.
      • Larrikin9 days ago
        Why are you being fair to a company worth billions of dollars that are trying to control your computer and what you see? Do you regularly advocate for the devil as well? Who does that help?
        • flohofwoe9 days ago
          The only alternative is giving up web browsing completely, because the 'new' Mozilla isn't any better than Google or Apple.
        • j_maffe9 days ago
          If you're not trying to be fair with your arguments then what's the point of making an argument at all? If you're deliberately introducing a bias to your arguments then you completely invalidate them to anyone seeking to find a grounded understanding. This can cause people to completely discredit any criticisms of products by Big Tech as just whining by the open source community. I hate this kind of mentality and unfortunately you're not the only one.
    • achempion9 days ago
      Places for which you would need to use ublock origin are ai generated seo spam or funnel to some product, why visiting them in the first place
      • spacechild19 days ago
        Have you ever used YouTube?
        • encom9 days ago
          Or any website in EU. Those idiotic cookie popups are half the reason I have uBlock installed.
      • iamacyborg9 days ago
        You don’t really believe that, do you?
      • Kilgoremee9 days ago
  • picafrost9 days ago
    Recently I've been asking myself, what do web browsers and the web look like in twenty years? I've been applying this to all "free" software (e.g., VSCode) released by the large tech companies who ultimately are incentivized by profit.

    I really have no clue, but as far as I can see the answer is never better. More centralized, more bloated, more invasive, less choice, and less freedom.

    • silisili9 days ago
      Personally, I wish it was more like 20 years ago.

      I've always held AOL fondly. You paid per month, and get access to a giant ecosystem including forums, chat, email, news, zines, games, etc. Mostly ad free as I remember.

      In fact, when NetZero became a thing, people mostly weren't interested. They were turned off by the stupid permanent ad bar, and the lack of community.

      I wish something like AOL would come back around. Charge me $20 a month, give me a community, email, etc. Don't dare show me an ad.

      We're just now getting back to pay for no ads, but its 5 dollars here or there for disparate services.

      Man, AOL was ahead of its time. All it needs today that it didn't have was the 'wall', 'profile', whatever. And of course vid/pic sharing.

      I remember when moving off AOL to broadband, my family hated it despite the speed. They thought it was clunky and stupid to have to download separate programs or visit different websites to do one thing at a time, in what was in AOL an integration.

      FB is probably closest to that experience today, but of course is ad and data driven, and somehow still doesn't feel very community like.

      I'd love to see a new, electron based AOL type service come about today. It'd cost a crapton to get the network and content up to attract any user base, else I'd try it myself.

      • Larrikin9 days ago
        As an avid AOL user, that is the worst version of the internet. I remember keywords and thinking that was the internet. Whatever some large corporation had paid AOL so they could build a shitty little Visual Basic type app that controlled everything you looked at. There were no ads because the entire experience besides the chat rooms and IM was an ad. It was a lot of people's first email accounts but spam blocking was so bad back then I count that as advertising.

        I remember being blown away by discovering people would randomly make private chats and trying to guess at what the chat name would be for things I was interested in as a kid. Then I remember having my mind blown that AOL had a built in browser where someone had built a website, not a keyword, that actually had my niche interest that no one in real life did. Then I discovered you could download a much better version of that experience called a browser.

        Your idea is just Facebook where you can't link out and is fully corporate controlled. Which I guess is actually Twitter.

        I think you long for the Internet where people had hobbies and interest because they enjoyed them, not because they thought they could make money by talking about them.

        • silisili9 days ago
          > I remember keywords and thinking that was the internet

          Is it really that different from having the .com of a word today?

          > I think you long for the Internet where people had hobbies and interest because they enjoyed them, not because they thought they could make money by talking about them.

          I struggle to see how you got to that conclusion, but it's an absolutely true statement nonetheless so I cannot complain.

      • irrational9 days ago
        20 years ago, but with gigabit Ethernet speeds and 5g WiFi. Oh, and modern dev tools in the browser. I’d hate to go back to only Firebug.
      • hulitu9 days ago
        > I wish something like AOL would come back around


        • silisili9 days ago
          Yeah, that was the sentiment at the time.

          It reminds me of that meme, maybe called the midwit meme?

          On the left you have the dumb guy, saying AOL does everything. On the right you have the hooded guy, saying AOL does everything.

          In the middle you have the crying guy saying no you should use Netscape browser, and ICQ for messaging, and usenet for forums, and dogpile for search, etc.

          • fiverz9 days ago
            can anyone find this?
      • ickelbawd9 days ago
        I can say my family never once paid for AOL or cared about its basket of features. But we did pay for NetZero for a long time until broadband become more affordable in our area.
      • Kilgoremee9 days ago
        AOL was a walled proprietary internet prison. It was basically the first step into the dystopian Ad-filled proprietary world we have now
    • saturn86019 days ago
      Its not just the internet. Its almost everything in your life. Financialization of products and services seems to keep pushing products to get cheaper while providing additional supposed 'value'. In reality, you are usually paying more for less but are fooled into believing that you are getting more.

      I was reminded of this recently by comparing an old 90s Toyota to the latest models. The 90s cars were over-engineered and 30 years later, had more breathing room to keep going. Meanwhile the latest stuff is all plastic pieces that have been engineered to perform many tasks using just one piece. The idea was that they could focus on making that one piece as robust as possible and still save money on reducing parts and making the operators life easier during assembly (no one cares about the plight of the repairman). All in the name of saving costs to keep the product competitive in the face of the declining value of fiat money.

      Well even though its supposed to be better, the new stuff still sucks. People are holding onto their old cars, we lost so many wonderful 2000s cars due to cash for clunkers. The designs and colors are also more boring.

      How do you fight this?

      Well as software people we have an out: Homemade software and open source. Homemade software allows us to cut the cruft out of products that companies add. We pay for in our time but if it is important enough to us then it has to be done.

      This applies to everything: You can make your own food instead of accepting the declining garbage from takeout/restaurants, you can buy raw materials and do your own woodwork/electronics/metalworking.

      Even something like cars can be somewhat pushed back on. Communities form around popular cars to document and better understand the issues prevalent with certain models. Use this info to self select on a vehicle that has a large community and to help anticipate problems that can be coming down the pike with that particular model.

      Again, no one has infinite time so you have to decide for yourself what things are important to you and take back control while trying your best to minimize nonsense in other areas.

    • megadata9 days ago
      VSCode futures doesn't look good, OSS wise. "Microsoft loves open source" is the joke of the century.


      • harrygeez9 days ago
        VSCode is still a very competitive text editor even without its proprietary plugins.

        Ootb VSCode is already a superior experience to Emacs, which I only begrudgingly move away from because of subpar TypeScript + JSX support like 6 years ago. However, after I started using VSCode for work there was just no going back. I use VSCode a lot for text manipulations. I find its regex search replace much easier than using sed in the terminal. Multiple cursors, Git integration, beautiful diffs, command palette is just like Emacs M-x.

        Without its proprietary plugins it's still a great gift to the public and forks like Cursor is a good showcase of that. Thanks to monaco almost every web editor nowaways have great usability, syntax highlighting and the keybindings that I'm familiar with.

        I think the bigger joke of the century are open source beneficiaries that only take and give nothing back, but still have the audacity to demand for things and hound open source developers to implement what they want. You can't have your cake and eat it too

        • encom9 days ago
          >take and give nothing back

          Then don't release under MIT or BSD, and use GPL.

    • jszymborski9 days ago
      Ladybird, Servo, etc... offer a brighter future. Servo takes donations if you want to help put our collective thumbs on the scale.
    • bamboozled9 days ago
      It’s at the point now where basically everything you do is online owned by some online mega-corp.
    • nsm9 days ago
      Yes! Please support good paid software companies if you can afford them. Jetbrains, Sublime Text, others.
      • 827a9 days ago
        Agreed. Open source is great, but the only way we build the software world we want to see is by supporting the software projects which align with your values. Using software is not supporting it; contributing to it is, but that simply isn't viable for many people; paying for it also is, and that's viable for most people, especially software engineers.
    • tjpnz9 days ago
      Mobile web will be dead and Google will have neutered whatever's left with WEI when they get around to trying it again.
    • tigrezno9 days ago
      20 years? no jobs for sure. AI will do everything
  • KronisLV9 days ago
    Time to go back to Firefox.

    I switched to Edge on my Windows machine for a while, because that meant that I didn’t need the disk space for an additional browser (same as when just using Safari on Mac) and it was reasonably pleasant and worked well. Guess that’s ending, I liked the DevTools in Firefox a bit more anyways.

    • stronglikedan9 days ago
      > because that meant that I didn’t need the disk space for an additional browser

      Is that even a consideration nowadays? That's wild!

      • gradientsrneat9 days ago
        This is because Microsoft Edge is embedded deeply into the Windows operating system, with no way to remove it.

        On Linux, you typically can install whatever browser and uninstall the default one that came with the OS if you want.

        • account426 days ago
          But storage has gotten so cheap that even with the install sizes that browsers have grown to you can have multiple alternatives installed without breaking a sweat.
      • KronisLV7 days ago
        Just a bit, given that my boot SSD isn’t very big and the OS tends to substantially grow in size. As the sibling comment also pointed out, you can’t exactly swap Edge for Firefox either, only install it in addition to it.

        Not going to be a big deal once I install the new 1 TB SSD, though I’ll probably also need to move to Windows 11 in the process, because of the EOL (will still dual boot with Linux).

    • Synaesthesia9 days ago
      Firefox is the best browser on Windows IMO
    • tored9 days ago
      I find Firefox much more heavy on resources vs Edge. I’m always get disappointed when trying to make Firefox my main browser.

      Chromium devtools has more features but more cluttered and more annoying to work with.For the common devtools tasks Firefox works better IMHO. But that can be my bias after using Firefox/Firebug devtools for over 15 years.

      • maigret9 days ago
        How many tabs do you have open? I am often surprised at such statements, because my browser have basically never been slow the last 20 years. Like, never. Sometimes they crash / hang. But then I view on screen sharing colleagues who have like 200+ tabs open, and then I'm like "ah, this must be it". Not discarding your case but maybe try to have better digital hygiene?
        • tored9 days ago
          Yes, it is the 200+ tabs (probably closer to 500) over multiple windows.

          My latest move was to merge every tab in all windows to one window only (with an extension) and start using vertical tabs (better scrolling and overview of tabs) Then sort tabs by title with another extension (Edge built in AI tab sort sucked on sorting so many tabs). With sorted tabs I could start create tab groups, Edge AI tab sort worked better when the tabs was already sorted alphabetically and managed to create most of the tab groups for me. With all this reorganization it was easier to manage all of them and to start closing tabs.

          I’m not done yet but it is much better and number of opened tabs has been significantly reduced. Now I have one main window with all the tabs and some temporary windows that is only used for temporary stuff that get closed within a day.

          What makes things a bit more complicated is that I also use two profiles, private and work. Firefox always sucked on multi-profile setup. Firefox’s new container stuff is somewhat improvement but not fully (at least when I tried last)

          • sumtechguy9 days ago
            I usually have at most 10 or so tabs open. Anything more than that and that tab gets buried visually and cognitivly. I like to be able to read the first bit of the title page. Anything else I make folders of 'tosort' and bookmark them. Then every few months I do an 'open all' in that folder. Usually I find that only one are two were really worth keeping. The rest I was just hoarding and are just clutter.
            • tored9 days ago
              My problem with bookmarks is that I tend to forget about them.

              What would be nice is a browser where tabs, history and bookmarks blended together seamlessly.

              • Tarball109 days ago
                Check out the Auto Tab Discard extension for Firefox. It removes the contents of tabs from memory after a period of time, but keeps the tab icon/title around. Next time you click the tab, it acts like a bookmark and reloads the page it was on. As a tab hoarder, I've found it very helpful to keep CPU/memory usage down.
              • globular-toast8 days ago
                The bookmark UI is a bit weird. I have most luck using the bookmark toolbar which is open by default for new tabs (this might be an option).

                How on earth do you find what you're looking for in 200+ tabs?! When I'm deep into something I'll have maybe 10-15 open. It's such a good feeling when I'm done and realise I can close them all. I could almost let out an audible sigh.

                If you forget about a bookmark, is that a bad thing? Maybe what you really need is a todo list that supports more than just browser tabs.

                • tored8 days ago
                  Tab hoarding is not an effective strategy of organization, it is more the fear of losing something important. And tab hoarding builds up, just like any other type of hoarding.

                  Finding tabs was a bit of hit or miss, you can search for them if remember the title, otherwise you have to manually find it, time consuming.

                  With my new strategy that I described above, it has become much easier to find what I’m looking for.

                  Bookmarking has always been clunky, putting them into hierarchical folder structure is both time consuming and has the same problem as files and folders, it lacks a dimension, a bookmark can be in multiple folders.

                  Bookmark toolbar could work, how paradoxical it may sound with all the tabs opened, it just don’t like that UI element cluttering my browser.

                  Forgetting about bookmarks can be a good thing, it is similar when browser loses all opened tabs, the feeling is a strange mix of anxiety and relief, anxiety of missing out but a relief that I don’t need to process them anymore.

                  Sometimes a find ten year old bookmarks on some backup, most bookmarks dead or just out of date. I feel we need better ways to organize things in this temporary cloud world.

  • gorbachev9 days ago
    It's a tradegy antitrust enforcement isn't forbidding advertising networks owning / having undue influence on browsers.

    I think this is heading to a point where lot of power users are simply not updating their browsers any more.

    Personally I'll take the miniscule chance of being infected with malware due to a security bug on an older version of Firefox over the inability to run uBlock Origin any day. I can recover from malware installation. I can not use the web without an ad blocker.

    What I'll probably do is use an isolated sandbox environment for any web browsing I need absolute security (e.g. online banking/shopping).

    • a123b456c9 days ago
      The doj v Google ad tech case is awaiting resolution and possible remedies, so we don't know what antitrust allows right now.
      • account426 days ago
        But that is about google fucking over advertisers. Helping advertisers doesn't help me because I don't want to see any ads. Meanwhile the decline of end-user options in browsers remains completely ignored by anti-trus authorities even though that's what got Microsoft/IE slapped in the past.
  • srmarm9 days ago
    > If you use the uBlock Origin extension in Google Chrome or Edge, you should probably start looking for alternative browsers or extensions—either way.

    I've used Firefox on android for a while as android chrome hasn't had adblocking for a long time.

    Am pretty anti-google these days but it'll take some time to untangle myself from the ecosystem.

    Anyway, I've largely moved back to Firefox on the desktop too, swapped a few icons about so my muscle memory now opens Firefox instead of Chrome and it's been totally painless. An easy win.

    • reddalo9 days ago
      I think Firefox on Android could be better, but even in its current state is better than Chrome.

      The next step is start paying for Kagi...

      • srmarm9 days ago
        Good call, I've been meaning to try it for a while.

        It feels a bit like ~25 years ago when Yahoo was this bloated do everything company with a bad search engine and someone showed me this simple website with just a search bar that was super quick with clean results...

  • DiabloD39 days ago
    I'm going to be honest, but this is a really weird way for Microsoft to announce Edge is EOL and they can't afford to even hire two or three more developers to perma-fork Chrome and bring the rest of the Chromium community under one roof, away from Google (who is an extremely bad steward of the project).

    Shame that Microsoft just chose to no longer have a real browser. Oh well, long live MSIE I guess.

    • sigmoid109 days ago
      It is also a collossal missed opportunity. When Google eventually kills it on Chrome, everyone will switch to the next best thing. Microsoft could have put Edge ahead of Firefox in that game and collected all those users. Since Microsoft's business doesn't revolve around ad-revenue, they don't even have any skin in this game. It's pure lazyness that will only hurt them long-time.
      • DiabloD39 days ago
        Yep. And they don't even have skin in the Windows game.

        They haven't been the Windows company for... Oh Christ, I'm getting old, since 2014. The day Sataya became CEO they officially became a cloud company.

        If it wouldn't literally fuck over the entire world, they'd just stop Windows entirely.

    • account426 days ago
      If microsoft wanted to spend the money required to maintain a browser on their own they wouldn't have moved to Chromium in the first place - the entire point of Edge vs. IE was that they gave that up.
  • Gormo9 days ago
    Thorium (https://thorium.rocks/) is a fork of Chromium that maintains a patchset that reverses functional and UI regressions introduced by Google (such as the tabs and menu styling from the 2023 refresh). The author has committed to maintain manifest V2 support for as long as possible.
  • dadrian9 days ago
    You can install uBlock Origin Lite [1], and get literally the same blocklists but with better security properties.

    [1]: https://chromewebstore.google.com/detail/ublock-origin-lite/...

    • e2le9 days ago
      It's not an exact drop-in replacement. There are many filtering capabilities that cannot be ported [1] to MV3, filtering lists can only be distributed through extension updates [2], and filtering is unreliable.

      > Injecting content scripts in a non-declarative way is unreliable in MV3 due to fact that extensions are really service workers which can be suspended at any time.

      [1]: https://github.com/uBlockOrigin/uBOL-home/wiki/Frequently-as...

      [2]: https://github.com/uBlockOrigin/uBOL-home/wiki/Frequently-as...

    • emaro9 days ago
      Tbh, I trust uBlock Origin more than Edge and Chrome. The security properties of uBo Lite are better but the blocking properties are worse.
    • cautious-fly9 days ago
      Last time I checked it did nothing on YouTube. Has that changed?
  • nanis9 days ago
    This is why Firefox's changes are so frustrating[1].

    [1]: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=43203096

    • kevincox9 days ago
      The perfect opportunity to attract more market share, but instead they are shooting themselves in the foot at exactly the wrong time.
  • 0xEF9 days ago
    Honest question since I am not exactly of a skill level that really understands what goes on under the hood of popular browsers, but I am baffled as to why people are so resistant to just switching to Firefox.

    Every time this conversation comes up here and elsewhere, you get a huge swath of comments decrying Mozilla or suggesting Brave instead, which is Chrome in a trenchcoat last I checked. I've used all sorts of browsers over the years, and I keep returning to Firefox, at this point being able to configure it for good level of privacy in less than a minute with each install on a new machine.

    My experience is perhaps skewed, but I view Google and Microsoft as modern enemies of the Web I want to see happen, perhaps having started off the hero, but living long enough to see themselves become the villain. Their products seem actively and aggressively hostile to users and compliant with websites that demand we use them for "best experience" which, by now we should all know means harvesting our data.

    Again, I have some ignorance here that needs to be rectified, but where are the true apples to apples comparisons of all browsers so that users can use to evaluate which is best? I don't mean just surface level features and marketing woo, but what's happening at the code level that allows the developer or websites we visit to treat us like data thralls. Where are the resources to learn about that in these discussions?

    • jppope9 days ago
      The Firefox feature set is limited compared to other browsers and Mozillas business model is literally hush money payments to keep google out of anti-trust litigation. While I hear you that they are a lesser evil, its part of a greater system that is working against consumers

      I'm a fan of Brave and Arc. The LadyBird announcement is great.

    • saturn86019 days ago
      >but I am baffled as to why people are so resistant to just switching to Firefox.

      Somehow Chrome has fried my brain and I can't stand the UX of other browsers. I understand you may be asking "how bad can it be? Its just a browser?" but when I use other things (even Safari) it just doesn't cut the mustard.

      • globular-toast8 days ago
        I get it, change is hard, but sometimes you need to do it. How bad would your living situation have to get before you considered moving? I know many people let it get really, really bad... IMO a key to happiness is making changes when you can and resisting the lure of convenience.
        • saturn86018 days ago
          It depends on what you value. Why expend this effort to switch to a browser that is itself developed by a group of B players and that itself could enshittify any time it wants to? Chrome hasn't gotten to a painful point yet. Maybe once they rollout the V2 block to all users(there are still a lot of enterprise that does not auto upgrade on their own) then we will see more uptick in Firefox or some other alternative.
    • Aachen9 days ago
      My theory for a while now has been that we hold Mozilla to a higher standard and that's why they get flak and lose users over what others get away with. They're supposed to be better, so when they do something you'd expect from Google, people go to... Google? It makes no logical sense but this keeps happening. Or if not Google then some other thing with a questionable business model, or something that depends on Mozilla continuing to maintain Firefox

      Same goes for, eh, everything else actually: from political parties to non-profits, any time something isn't executed perfectly or some compromise needs to be made, people pull the rug by moving away (votes, donations, spreading the word, whatnot) and we're more in the hands of the orgs we wanted to oppose than before. Bathwater baby sports. We should hold olympics for them

      • account426 days ago
        It's not really a higher standard. Mozilla does more or less the same shit Google does but also lies to us about being privacy friendly on top of it. The scorn is well-earned.
        • Aachen6 days ago
          It's hard to put a number on shittiness, not sure how to objectively look at this at all so idk what to say besides that this seems very much out there to me. They don't have any illegal monopolies (acquired not through being better but through a legit monopoly boosting their other products), don't run the biggest tracking ad firm in the world, don't track you across the web after luring you into logging in in the browser, don't have a closed source version of the browser with more features, don't deprecate functional ad blocking, don't run walled gardens like youtube... it's hard to come up with a single way in which Google is more trustworthy than Mozilla. How can you say they're even close to up to the same shit?
    • insane_dreamer9 days ago
      I had issues with Firefox sometimes not showing Google Docs / Sheets (which I use extensively) in other words, would not show any text / values, whereas Edge worked fine. So I switched and didn't go back.
      • undersuit9 days ago
        Why would Google bother to make their apps work with a competitor? I used have to install an extension in Firefox to not have Office365 applications throw a fit about the user agent.
        • insane_dreamer9 days ago
          I wouldn't expect them to. But Chrome is such a memory hog that I dumped it long ago.
        • account426 days ago
          In a non-clown world they would do it because otherwise the anti-trust agencies would break them up. Of course in the corporate utopia we live in they don't get to experience these (dis)incentives.
      • quesera9 days ago
        How recently?

        FWIW I use Firefox with Google Docs/Sheets extensively, with no issues.

    • tristor9 days ago
      Because, as a society, we like to complain about things but not actually do the necessary effort to change things, even at small scale. It's part of our society-wide drive towards enshittification in every aspect of life. Our society and our experience in the world is made up of millions of small individual choices that happen every day, but we all see ourselves as lacking agency rather than doing something about it.

      I have more issues with Mozilla management and more reasons to do so than almost anyone on HN, and yet I still use Firefox as my predominant browser, as I have done so since 2003. I worked at Mozilla and then quit over some of my concerns, yet at the same time it's blatantly obvious that Firefox very much empowers you as a user to configure anything you like in `about:config` regardless of what the default settings may be.

      I predict this will only get worse as the iPad Kids in Gen-Z and Gen-Alpha come of age and accept the soulless shitheap that is modern corporate software without question. You're on the right path, all you can do is make your own individual choice and continue pointing out the sheer laziness and hypocrisy of those who complain but do nothing about it, including in their own lives.

    • Alifatisk9 days ago
      If you enjoy FF, check out Zen browser, it’s gathering attention
      • 0xEF9 days ago
        Why, though? I suppose the point of my original comment was to ask that in broader strokes. I'm happy with Firefox and do not see a compelling reason to switch to Zen without an apples-to-apples comparison, which seems like a ridiculously taboo ask in this space.

        I appreciate your recommendation, I'm just frustrated with the level of discourse I see in these discussions.

  • est9 days ago
    If MS continues to support ManifestV2 in edge, I think the usage would increase.

    Sadly they chose not.

    • chippiewill9 days ago
      Microsoft don't really invest the right kind of resources into Edge to make that happen. There are sound technical reasons (aside from the obvious financial reason) why Google wants to make this change, I suspect this'll unblock the Chromium team making a very substantial refactor of the networking layer which Microsoft can't feasibly maintain a fork of.
      • harrygeez9 days ago
        I wish all Chromium forks would band together to maintain a base that supports Manifest V2, it shouldn't be that difficult to each chip in some funding.
      • wavemode9 days ago
        > I suspect this'll unblock the Chromium team making a very substantial refactor of the networking layer

        I'm curious as to why you suspect this. Have they stated so?

        • chippiewill6 days ago
          The webRequestBlocking API exposes fairly low level hooks into the networking stack to the javascript layer which would be a significant limitation to performance optimisation in how requests are processed.

          That said I've now read that the API is still available to policy based extensions (essentially OS installed extensions) in manifest v3, so that doesn't hold water since it's literally the same API.

    • sureIy9 days ago
      They could do something really funny and just fork Chromium like Google forked WebKit.

      The reality is that no business likes ad-blockers so why go through that trouble only to get less money?

  • buyucu9 days ago
    The internet is unusable without uBlock. At this point I don't have a browser preference, I only have a uBlock preference. I'll use whatever browser that has good uBlock support.
  • kleiba9 days ago
    The day my webbrowser cannot run an adblocker anymore is the day I'm saying goodbye to the www.

    Together with the recent FF news, this is terrible news for the open, user-controlled web.

  • thecleaner9 days ago
    I have been on firefox since forever. Not quite sure why people would even bother with Edge unless of course its the "approved" browser in your org.
  • globular-toast9 days ago
    Firefox is still here for you, folks. It's been here the whole time and it's been great.
  • zerr9 days ago
    There is no way uBlock Origin users suddenly accept seeing ads. They will switch browsers.
    • fph9 days ago
      There is no way someone smart enough to use Ublock Origin was using Edge in the first place.
  • zfg9 days ago
    uBlock Origin always worked best in Firefox anyhow:


    • Arisaka19 days ago
      This was the drop in the bucket I was waiting to migrate my daily use to Firefox, and keep a vanilla Chrome installation around to test my frontends.

      It's funny how Chrome became practically my new Internet Explorer.

      • krzat9 days ago
        Sometimes a webpage works only on Chrome somehow. Would be fun if Firefox had some kind of extension to emulate Chrome for those scenarios.
        • zelphirkalt9 days ago
          Usually this is for one of the following reasons:

          (1) negligence on the side of web devs (2) the site in silly ways relying on shit like google fonts or other trackers, which a privacy consciou user will block (3) the site relying on being able to plaster your face with ads, which u block (ha!) (4) stronger fingerprinting countermeasures on FF and again site stupidly relying on that (5) incapability of web devs to test their stuff properly (6) junior web devs being very green and not adhering to standards, that will work in any mainstream modern browser

          In 99.9% of the cases it comes down to bad engineering or even intentionally ethically highly questionable methods.

      • AcquiescentWolf9 days ago
        For me it's Safari. In Firefox, everything works as I expect almost always. Chrome requires weird workarounds from time to time. And Safari is just all kinds of screwed up.
    • nicman239 days ago
      hando wehn
  • HHalvi9 days ago
    The current boat I am on is relying on Firefox for most of my devices: Windows Laptops, Android Phones/Tablets with Ublock Origin and NextDNS set over DNS mode for all of the devices in my family.

    For iDevices relying on Orion Browser paired with Ublock Origin and NextDNS set up. As good as Safari but without the annoyances of Plugins. Their compatablity mode seems to work on sites where Safari seems to have issues.

    Ungoggled Chromium for sites that seem to break on both Firefox and Orion, unfortunately there are loads out there. It's a shame that Firefox isn't as effecient with Battery Consumption as Orion is.

    Brave/Edge just never cut it for me.

    • wkat42429 days ago
      Edge is much worse than chrome anyway. Chrome just screws the user behind their back, with hidden tracking.

      Edge has all the user-hostile stuff much more in your face. Like the shopping bar that keeps popping up with coupons or tries to get you to buy at a shop that pays more for advertising. And it tries to trick the user into getting bogged down with loans by offering buy now pay later schemes.

      All the sneaky tracking stuff from chrome also happens. So why would you bother?

      The only reason it's still popular is that companies love it because they can lock it down in full BOFH mode. At my work I can't even choose to reopen the last tabs anymore on launch. That and pretty much every other setting is "managed by your organisation"

      • Symbiote9 days ago
        Is Portable Firefox still an option, or is that sort if thing possible to lock down too now?

        (I've only very briefly worked with restrictive Windows, and it was years ago.)


        • wkat42429 days ago
          It's not allowed in our policy. However Firefox is still on my system from the time when it was officially supported. I've heard they want to schedule a removal though.
  • kadomony9 days ago
    I think that we'll need to adopt network-level filtering if we want to outsmart the browsers. I haven't looked back since adopting NextDNS and configuring my router to filter all traffic through it. It does a great job of stripping ads out of all my devices connected to it, and that's something I don't mind paying a few bucks for a year (I think it's like $19/year).

    Check it out here: https://nextdns.io/

    • Arnavion9 days ago
      Unfortunately, the browsers are one step ahead of you. They already have a way to ignore your DHCP-provided DNS and instead use DoH, which you can't inspect and filter easily, especially since it's over the HTTPS port. There is also a proposal for individual web properties to tell the browser what DNS (DoH) servers should be used for further requests to them, so even blocking a few well-known DoH resolvers could become impossible: https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/rfc9462/
      • kadomony9 days ago
        Ugh. Can't someone please just let us customize how we want to experience the Internet? It seems like a right to repair law. But right to remove. If I know how to take out ads and I want them gone, I should be free to do so.
  • remoteambience9 days ago
    FreeTube works very well for watching YT videos. They have adblock and sponsorblock. You can subscribe without logging in. You stay out of the ecosystem as it were.

    This is a cat and mouse game. The overarching issue here is the web embraced the monoculture of Chromium as the basis for browsers. Can we really expect any less?

    I've had good success with Violent Monkey and scripts from Greasy Fork on every browser I run, which is Edge (work becoz SSO), Chrome, and Firefox. They have never been detected.

  • delduca9 days ago
    Safari + Wipr is perfect and fast.
    • kalleboo9 days ago
      Safaris ad blocking APIs have the same limitations as ManifestV3
      • delduca9 days ago
        It gets 100/100 blocking in my tests, not same for V3.
        • kalleboo9 days ago

          > Apps tell Safari in advance what kinds of content to block. Because Safari doesn’t have to consult with the app during loading, and because Xcode compiles content blockers into bytecode, this model runs efficiently. Additionally, content blockers have no knowledge of users’ history or the websites they visit.

          This is the same change that ManifestV3 brings - ad blockers can no longer run code to determine if they get to block content or not, they have to supply lists that the browser applies.

          If you're getting good results that just means you're using good lists.

    • lilyball9 days ago
      This is the same combination I'm using, and it works so well that I really have to wonder if all this handwringing over the move from Manifest V2 to V3 is really worth it. What is uBlock Origin supposed to be able to block that Wipr isn't already blocking?
  • resfirestar9 days ago
    I've moved to using systemwide Adguard on my home PCs and Macs. It's not a solution for work devices (my employer doesn't have ads on internal websites so this is not much of an issue), but it frees me from worrying about browser APIs and having to copy my custom filters to every single browser I want to use.
  • VTimofeenko9 days ago
    I still somewhat miss the old Edge(trident-based). IME it worked perfectly on low power netbooks.
    • nicman239 days ago
      YES! it was great for those old under powered win8 tablets. I had an acer with a amd c50 and edge was actually fast!
  • indit9 days ago
    For users who will miss custom filtering in uBlock Origin, AdGuard supports custom filtering and is compatible with Manifest V3. Custom filter lists from uBlock Origin can be imported into AdGuard. However, AdGuard lacks the element picker function.
  • bustling-noose9 days ago
    >We are deprecating the blocking version of the webRequest API. This required extensions to proxy all network traffic to provide filtering capabilities, which came at a performance and privacy cost. The new declarativeNetRequest API provides a safer alternative for many use cases.

    This is from manifest v3 google page. Is this declarativeNetRequest API not able to provide any filtration ? Proxying traffic does affect privacy, I agree, but that also means that Google is trusting all traffic by default which is another privacy concern. So the privacy concern seems to not make sense except that in one of the two, google loses money because of ads being blocked.

    • chippiewill9 days ago
      It allows for filtering, but in a less powerful way.

      It'll still block some ads, but anti-ad-blocker tech will have an easier time.

  • remoteambience9 days ago
    Serious question: Would it not be possible to build an adblocker that is not browser based but installable? The browsers control what they allow to be loaded (extensions, add-ons). They are forever changing internally. If the blocking was outside the browser, they could do nothing about it. Yes, a type of proxy perhaps, whereby the stream was filtered. Could a type of uBO or similar be created that has lists to filter all traffic through the program?
    • gigel829 days ago
      DNS ad blockers like Pi Hole and AdGuardHome have been around forever. However, in non-free browsers like Edge and Chrome, they can (and do) play all kinds of tricks such as hardcoding DNS servers, cert pinning, fixed DOH routes, etc. which means it's only a matter of time until those stop working as well.
    • Izikiel439 days ago
      • remoteambience9 days ago
        I've ran a Pi-hole for years, but increasingly there is 1st-party content and Pi-hole cannot handle this. Likewise for YT videos. Pi-hole cannot handle this issue.
    • pabs37 days ago
      That wouldn't block crap that is delivered from the same domain as the content, or stuff delivered within the content itself, like embedded ads, or even content advertising (where the content itself is just advertising).
  • solardev9 days ago
    What's a good Webkit browser to switch to that supports ad blocking?

    Don't want to use Firefox, too many rendering bugs and performance issues we've run into.

    • kcb9 days ago
      Brave. Either the built in adblocker or you can enabled manifest v2 ublock.
      • solardev9 days ago
        Isn't that Blink/Chromium though? Just worried they'll eventually be affected by the Manifestv2 deprecation too.
  • u02sgb9 days ago
    Anyone have suggestions for which other browser is best for power saving? I’ve been using Edge on my Surface as it seemed much better on the battery than Chrome.
  • neilv9 days ago
    Is the timing only a coincidence, with Mozilla pulling another of its multiple-personality-disorder moves?



    There really isn't a trustworthy Web browser anymore.

    • Larrikin9 days ago
      There is always a massive push when Mozilla does something dumb for large numbers of people to say that they are the devil incarnate and it's a waste of dev time to care about anything besides Chrome and we are all better off just letting Google control the browser. Just assume Mozilla has the worst possible intentions and Google, Microsoft, or a crypto browser are the same choice.

      It's good to call Mozilla out for doing something shitty, but it always feels chicken little at best when people yell about switching to any Chromium varient. Usually it just feels kind of like Astro turfing,

      The best version of ublock origin is the one that is banned by Google but allowed in Firefox, Ad Nauseum

      • neilv9 days ago
        You're too generous to Mozilla, and too ungenerous to people tired of being betrayed repeatedly.
  • phendrenad29 days ago
    As one of the few (only?) HN users who uses Edge, I'll wait until this actually reaches the mainline Edge build. If it even does. And then, I'll evaluate the Manifest V3 compatible ad blockers. And if those are inadequate, I'll switch to another browser. But I'm expecting that, as always, this is largely a nonexistent scenario.
  • quyleanh9 days ago
    I just moved my main browser on Android to Edge using the uBlock Origin installation trick. It will not have a happy ending as I hoped. I will consider moving away from Edge on my PC now.

    Sadly, I still cannot add custom filters to uBlock Lite.

    • esperent9 days ago
      Have you tried Kiwi browser on Android? It's supported installing extensions for many years but for some reason never gets much traction. I guess they don't have enough of a marketing budget.
    • soundnote9 days ago
      Brave lets you add custom filter lists and write your own filters. The blocker can also do eg. CNAME uncloaking, which even full-fat uBO can't do on Chromium.
  • everdrive9 days ago
    Does anyone know if any of the Firefox forks avoid this problem? Librewolf, Waterfox, etc. I know this might not be a long-term solution if Firefox continues to degrade, but it does seem like a valid short term measure.
    • guerrilla9 days ago
      All of them do, including Firefox.
  • ingohelpinger9 days ago
    they want to track your ass, whatever it costs.
  • feverzsj9 days ago
    Edge is only good for its support of cleartype on Windows. Now it's nothing.
  • debo_9 days ago
    Does anyone have (educated) qualms about ungoogled chromium? I started using it on a whim awhile ago, and it works great on MacOS and Linux for me with uBlock installed.
  • insane_dreamer9 days ago
    Speaking of Edge, every so often it resets by default search engine to Bing (from Kagi), and it requires about 10 clicks in a well hidden away setting to restore it.
    • knowitnone9 days ago
      "every so often" Microsoft does this on purpose but when one has a monopoly, they do anything they want
  • Henchman219 days ago
    This arms race between users and ad companies is lost. The users have lost utterly.

    We DO have an ace up our sleeves should we choose to use it:

    Stop using any of it

  • blackeyeblitzar9 days ago
    I’ve not followed this issue with ad blockers being blocked. Is there any legitimate reason for this or is it just a corrupt change from big tech?
    • bix69 days ago
      Any “legitimate” reason is a smoke screen. It’s about the dolla dolla bills.
  • physhster9 days ago
    I gave up and started using ControlD instead of uBlock or PiHole. It's been great and well worth the price. Clean, fast page loads.
  • sylware9 days ago

    next: kernel code deployment _MUST_ go thru them, namely internet or offline storage for clients paying more (A LOT more).

    next: app installation _MUST_ go thru their store (or the ones from their big tech friends).

    next: "validated" hardware will have to have _NOT_ "secure boot" you can disable.

    And now we have a "MicrosoftStation", the new video game console.

  • agigao9 days ago
    Today I moved from Firefox & DuckDuckGo to Orion + Kagi.

    After 21 years of Firefox, that was rather bitter goodbye moment.

  • ryanmcbride9 days ago
    Not surprising since they're gearing up to inject ads into their office suite (free tier anyway)
  • airstrike9 days ago
    TIL people are using Edge.
    • bigpeopleareold9 days ago
      Also - there are people forced to use Edge ... Like me. To look at my payslips. Because InTune.

      I use Firefox for everything else :)

  • jppope9 days ago
    Lazy web reminder try Brave or Arc. Ladybird is also looking promising
  • neuroelectron9 days ago
  • apricot9 days ago
    Gotta admire the way they worded the dialog box.

    "uBlock Origin was turned off. This extension is no longer supported. Edge recommends that you remove it."

    I have a few decades of experience with the Internet, and even I understood the dialog box as saying that Ublock didn't work anymore. In reality, as the text says, it still works if you click "Manage Extension" and turn it back on.

    This infuriates me.

    • norskeld5 days ago
      Turned off? How nice of them. Chrome with the last update simply removed 4 extensions I was using, including uBlock.
  • stuckkeys9 days ago
    Well I guess that will be the last time I use edge. KUNTZ
  • knowitnone9 days ago
    this is funny. This is an opportunity for Microsoft (and other browsers) to gain some marketshare/goodwill and they fumble it.
    • 8 days ago
  • edem9 days ago
    Time to put a dns sinkhole on your network
  • bediger40009 days ago
    Embrace, extend, extinguish. Oldest play in the Microsoft book.

    I sincerely think Microsoft can't be trusted.

    • pjmlp9 days ago
      Actually this is Google's doing, you know the folks that do Chrome, that Chrome Edge builds upon.


      But by all means, keep the EEE story.

      • greyadept9 days ago
        Microsoft doesn't have to do this. The chromium-based Brave has committed to supporting uBlock Origin: https://x.com/brave/status/1725622768262128006
        • bagacrap9 days ago
          I really doubt Brave will be able to support manifest v2 for long after chromium deletes that part of the codebase. Brave does not have the resources to maintain a fork in perpetuity. They are really just a reskin with a marketing team (privacy conscious individuals being the mark).
          • PhilipRoman9 days ago
            >They are really just a reskin with a marketing team

            I dunno their adblocker is the best one I've ever used. AFAIK they built it themselves.

            • topspin9 days ago
              My policy is: don't talk about Brave. If Brave ever gets enough share to be a problem for Google et al. it will get ruined, one way or another.
              • wkat42429 days ago
                Yeah and Firefox is completely under Google control already through the funding chain.
          • remoteambience9 days ago
            This same conversation is being held about Vivaldi as well, as they are subject to the same thing. Unless and until people move en masse to Firefox or other, the monoculture invites abuse by those who control it. This is the new milieu of control.
          • Dylan168079 days ago
            How much is actually removed? And even supporting the single main callback uBlock needs would be very meaningful.
          • bix69 days ago
            It’s not just a reskin though…
        • kernal9 days ago
          They’ll cave eventually and walk it back if history is anything to go by.
          • porridgeraisin9 days ago
            They implement ublock origin compatible adblocking in the browser, not as an extension. Manifest v2/3 is irrelevant to brave's adblock capabilities.
        • pjmlp9 days ago
          Sure, lets see for how long they will keep their fork.
        • lmm9 days ago
          And we all know what a credible organisation they are.
    • TheCleric9 days ago
      It is their original play. However I think this is just “Chrome is going to do this anyway and we’re not about to write custom code to work around it.”
      • hirsin9 days ago
        This. It's extremely expensive to keep core functionality like this in a fork. Every single surface that manifest v2 touches (js runtime, extension hosting, permissions, network, APIs, chrome even) that gets changed upstream has to be redone to account for v2. Every new system built into Chrome that only works with v3 has to be effectively back ported to v2.

        The only other option is to keep v2 in chromium itself and have Chrome disable it... While still paying the cost of supporting it in all new feature dev.

        There's no world where Microsoft spins up a new engineering team solely to deal with the extra cost of keeping v2 around.

        That said this sucks. I got my first internship on the Internet Explorer team by talking about how hard it was to install an ad blocker in IE, compared to Chrome.

        • out_of_protocol9 days ago
          No one cares for specifically V2, it's just V3 is intentionally crippled. Just allow functionality required for more feature-rich extensions like uBO and everyone will forget V2 very fast. V3 does allow extensions to monitor and sell network data (no privacy improvements), but blocks modifications (no cutting out ads)
        • hulitu9 days ago
          > It's extremely expensive to keep core functionality like this in a fork

          Modularity in SW is still a challenge after 50 years of progress.

    • zfg9 days ago
      This play is actually in Google's book. Microsoft is going along for the ride.
      • EdgeFanSan8 days ago
        Looks like this was a bug in Edge. I dont see this prompt anymore. Also, the pop-up message said Chrome and not Edge.
  • jhoechtl9 days ago
    Firefox is an alternative, just saying.
  • southernplaces78 days ago
    Meh, a piece of shit browser that I never use just got a bit shittier and less worthy of using, if such were possible. One company that takes user hostility to special levels.
  • underseacables9 days ago
    You guys are using Edge?
    • bongodongobob9 days ago
      Yeah, I use everything else MS at work, why wouldn't I?
  • cytocync9 days ago
  • redder239 days ago
  • wetpaws9 days ago