I also took ardour for a spin and it is one nice piece of work but being broke I would have to settle for an old version as its build process is over my head, plus its development just moves too fast for me whereas lmms was installed on my studio linux with tons of plugins so it was worth it to learn. I'm on ubuntu studio 20.something so there's an upgrade to be made there too.
It's amazing how spoiled we are for music production tools now days. I have a full studio in my laptop for way less than the cost of a single DX7 or my bad investment in a Roland XP-80 back in the day. I'm using Ableton on a windows box mainly because there are so many tutorials for Ableton. I don't think I could get the confidence to try out any of those collaborative tools.
I really need to practice guitar, I don't even have callouses enough to play for very long and I keep missing strings but I'm having a good time trying to get things to work!
But you can find my tracks here - https://harikshore.com/#music