4 pointsby _DeadFred_2 months ago7 comments
  • cowboylowrez2 months ago
    I'm adding a live instrument to my gear, a beat up intro strat that I've owned since new and never practiced haha, will be posting again, I'm on Bandlab. The thing with bandlab is that I love it, its the best blend of social media and collaborative musicianship I've found, not perfect but really interesting. I've done a few collabs but nothing successful so I thought I'd hunker down and learn my gear better. Bandlab has an online daw with some version and collab features but my use of firefox there is getting dodgy so will migrate to chrome. On my local computer I sort of plod along with lmms and whatever version of audacity that happens to run to some degree.

    I also took ardour for a spin and it is one nice piece of work but being broke I would have to settle for an old version as its build process is over my head, plus its development just moves too fast for me whereas lmms was installed on my studio linux with tons of plugins so it was worth it to learn. I'm on ubuntu studio 20.something so there's an upgrade to be made there too.

    • _DeadFred_2 months ago
      Let's here that strat.

      It's amazing how spoiled we are for music production tools now days. I have a full studio in my laptop for way less than the cost of a single DX7 or my bad investment in a Roland XP-80 back in the day. I'm using Ableton on a windows box mainly because there are so many tutorials for Ableton. I don't think I could get the confidence to try out any of those collaborative tools.

      • cowboylowrez2 months ago
        I'd love to try ableton but its out of my price range, I don't even bother running windows. Def not thrilled with linux sound at the moment but I think I can improve things if I can find an audacity replacement. Reaper looks really good but I don't want to start the trial period without scrounging up license money so still just working on simple stuff.

        I really need to practice guitar, I don't even have callouses enough to play for very long and I keep missing strings but I'm having a good time trying to get things to work!

  • _spduchampa month ago
    I'm trying to finish off a final mix of a weird album. It's a 36 minute composition made from recordings done over 2023/24. It is all rotary magnetic bow on electroduochord and metal wire rack shelving, and will be on Bandcamp soon. https://stefanpowell.bandcamp.com/
  • _DeadFred_2 months ago
    To get things started. Style is weirdo dance music. 10 years of piano lessons. 5 years of saxophone. 30 years making music as a hobby and I'm happy to waste a weekend on a 4 bar vocal loop (not me singing) and ARP variations of E,D,B.


  • 2 months ago
  • harikshorea month ago
    Im a music producer as well as a techie. Not working anything rn, as upskilling for a better day-job

    But you can find my tracks here - https://harikshore.com/#music

  • Rochus2 months ago
    I play my one-man live band almost every day, and everything I play is automatically recorded; from time to time I check the recordings and then master a few tracks and put them on my website: http://rochus-keller.ch/?p=1317
    • _DeadFred_2 months ago
      So the bass lines are all played with your organ style setup? Pretty cool. I think my brain would split doing left hand, right hand, and feet.
      • Rochus2 months ago
        I play the drums with my pedal board and the bass with my left hand. It's just a matter of practice.
  • 2 months ago