In a market, reducing buyers access to information will increase the prices buyers pay. It has long been the goal of sellers to present a single option and force buyers to take it or leave it. Amazon had hoped that the Echo would encourage buyers to simply ask Amazon to order a product, and Amazon would order whichever gave them the largest profit. This failed, because customers would rather review available information and make a choice that provides a better deal, despite Amazon's barely functional search feature that is easily gamed completely unable unable to sort by price, despite stating it is doing so.
Operating systems for phones and tablets not only have poor usability/accessibility but they are far worse at memory management, and web browsers are memory hogs, so not only is it difficult to switch between multiple web pages, but the page you switch back to may need to reload, clearing any information entered into the page, even on hardware with the same capabilities as a laptop or desktop computer.
Using my phone for "important" purchases or decisions/actions just feels incorrect to me.