(The law is still silly, but for other reasons.)
An iffy 3d-printed gun using crappy materials can technically work for a few hundred rounds doesn't mean much in a country full of lots of legal guns of all sorts. And while I don't want TdA mass-producing RPGs, but that's not a problem solvable by regulating milling machines.
The problem is some people want total, invasive, inconsistent control over what other people can do, make, and be for ideological reasons rather than rational ones.
It's not fully 3d printed. 3d printed parts are fragile.
So what exactly are they banning?
Why not ban the electrochemical machining instead?
A good site to find and share designs is
I'm pretty sure the average SUV can do more damage than the average 3D printed firearm.
The any components of a firearm phrase seems the one that makes this opaque to what printers will be covered. One could see this apply to all printers depending on who you classify part
It's like being stupid is a requirement to get elected to the NY Senate.
It’s as if (1) criminals can’t easily find someone clean to print them guns (2) they can’t go to Jersey (3) there are laws preventing the import of plastic gun parts from other places.
I almost forgot: Mangione was a criminal. Oh wait, nvm.
Why not do something about recidivism instead of hiring people to process 3D printer background checks?
The author is clearly smart enough to know she’s playing a game.
" [A] few days ago I finished making a twenty two caliber pistol. This took me a long time, for a year and a half, thereby preventing me from working on some other projects I would have liked to carry out. Gun works well and I get as much accuracy out of it as I'd expect for an inexperienced pistol shot like me. It is equipped with improvised silencer which does not work as well as I hoped. At a guess it cuts noise down to maybe one third. It is said that it is easy for machinist to make a gun, but of course I did not have machine tools, but only a few files, hacksaw blades, small vice, a rickety hand drill, etc. I took the barrel from an old pneumatic pistol. I made the other parts out of several metal pieces. Most of them come from the old abandoned cars near here. I needed to make the parts with enough precision but I made them well and I'm very satisfied. I want to use the gun as a homicide weapon"
You know what you can't easily manufacture at home? Bullets.
Draw your own conclusions on why that isn't up for regulation here
Draw your own conclusions on why that isn't up for regulation here
New York already requires background checks for ammunition purchases.
None of the components are controlled. The setup cost can be as low as $700 and you can make a bullet in about 45 seconds.
And if background checks are not useful for keeping weapons/ammo out of the hands of criminals, then what purpose does this bill serve?
Conservatives will view it as more overreach by the nanny state, and progressives with any critical thinking skills will see it for what it is, useless.
If guns were eliminated, or everybody suddenly started loving everybody else, the problem would be solved. I'd be happy with either.
Nonetheless, New York already requires background checks for ammo purposes.
If it wasn't this, it would have been something else eventually. All things tend toward closed top-down controlled systems or whatever brings the most profit/power to the fewest people. It is our way.
Enjoy the time of 3D printer innovation and open use while it lasts.