Which was discussed a few days ago:
300 points by CharlesW 4 days ago | flag | hide | past | favorite | 178 comments
that said, reading the linked article it appears that the dock in OSX is not just a reskinned version of the NeXTstep dock, but written from scratch on MacOS9, and only then ported to OSX afterwards. i find that surprising.
> because it shortens your screen by about 15%!
it doesn't because it's hidden
Plus, spotlight (or alternatives like Alfred/Raycast) are more convenient app launchers anyways. And switching apps is a bit better via cmd-tab, or better yet, raycast shortcuts or rcmd.
(Alfred, cmd+tab, cmd+` (and occasionally Exposé) are all I use to open and switch apps outside of the terminal.)
Deep down there it probably extends NSDock or something like that.
You can't decouple multiple windows of the same app.
IIRC it insists on disappearing if you are in fullscreen on another display.
It also wastes more space than other taskbars to be usefull and look decent.
(disclaimer: I dislike MacOS globally)
Why are programs still "open" when they have no open windows? Why am I able to cmd-tab to applications with no open windows and have nothing happen?
I'm a few macOS versions behind what's current, so it's possible things have changed, but historically in OS X/macOS your description applied to apps that could have multiple windows. Any app that could only have one window—for example, System Preferences—would quit when the one window was closed.
System Preferences (especially the iOS-ified version) breaks a lot of rules. The "classic" version is really similar to the System Prefs in Next/OpenStep. The classic version was a single document interface, and it used a back arrow to go back a level. The new one has more persistence IIRC with the list down one side.
Set dock delay (when it's hidden and you move the mouse to the side of the screen) to instant:
> defaults write com.apple.Dock autohide-delay -float 0.0001; killall Dock
> defaults delete com.apple.Dock autohide-delay; killall Dock
Looks like a polished copy from CDE.
(The site is horrible. White on light gray. I didn't expected this from a Mac developer).
And both are slightly above "minimum contrast", nothing good about it despite what the checker sites says