[PDF] https://primer.prooftrading.com/assets/pdf/Proof-Market-Stru...
No mention of FTDs, the DRS/transfer agents, SEC scandals, the possibility of waving of margin requirements at the whim of 1 person at the FTC (making margin requirements essentially meaningless for some participants), etc.
A more general one about how the markets (don't) work: Naked, Short and Greedy Wall Street's Failure to Deliver - Susanne Trimbath (book)
So your thesis is that the market is rigged, and has always been rigged, but this time it's going to work out for you when it never has before and after 4 years of being wrong?
A comment containing a few terms I can google and educate myself on, if I'm curious, has far more value to me than "having a conversation" (or whatever engagement metrics you're optimizing for).
Or better yet I'm wrong and he can tell me why GME is going to moon soon and will explain why with data instead of numerology.
No biggy, (naked) shorting to the tune of more than every share every issued by the company?
What is the point you're trying to make? That FTD's don't exist?
Or that not delivering stock that investors have purchased (not at all or not on time) is super obviously not a big deal in any market?
That margin requirements cannot be waved?
Yes, the markets are poorly regulated. Everybody knows that. You've been consistently wrong for years and have been losing money but are incapable of learning from your mistakes.
Where is the conspiracy theory in what I shared and why?
Why are you so angry?
So you're just pointing out that markets are poorly regulated and it's a total coincidence you're repeating all the talking points that apes never shutup about?
Wow, I had no idea. Thank you for providing the valuable additional context of the above being potentially from one of those "GME to the moon"... pauses ... people.
I had it totally completely backwards.
Any evidence at all is an improvement over throwing out a buzzword salad with no explanation how it works.
Oddly, the direct hyperlink to this page doesn't seem to work properly though: https://primer.prooftrading.com/lifecycle-of-order/
That's striking. Trades that are cancelled happen in bunches - after a trade completes, there will be orders placed in the next few milliseconds to re-probe the market, then relative quiet.