[0]: https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/why-writing-by-ha...
Handwriting is extremely important.
Anecdote: been learning Mandarin for almost a month now, I've been typing the pinyin of each character and my retention did not improve significantly. So, for the past week, I've been learning how to write it on my phone Chinese drawing keyboard and so far I've learned over 60 new characters all in the past 5-6 days with a surprisingly strong retention rate.
Thank you very much for the feedback!
I successfully entered my credit card details (4 times), yet it still says I don't have an active subscription. So besides not being able to try this app, there is also no way to cancel my automatic payments, which starts on Jan 18.
After fixing this onboarding problem, I suggest making it possible to try without giving any personal information. (I expected the video player on the landing page to be functional, but I guess just the note section is.)
Also there are many typos on the site. Like "loged in as"
Typos are also my fault as english isn't my mother language, Will check that also.
The main reason I signed up was for a nice way to search through YouTube transcripts. YouTube requires many clicks, and the transcript is jammed into a small div.
Another reason I signed up was because I was curious how the YouTube videos were being embedded. It seems like just via the YouTube API?
This can be done programmatically with YouTube Transcript API [0]
But you may get IP blocked if you do it a lot so you can use a Tor proxy [1].
Afterwards, you can just cmd/ctrl+f through it or throw it at an LLM.
Another typo is "Acess to the entire platform"
upstream (outlook-com.olc.protection.outlook.com.) temporary error: Unknown error: transient error (451): 4.7.650 The mail server [] has been temporarily rate limited due to IP reputation
I don't know how to deal with this so right now you can contact me on n0vella@outlook.com
2. I use brave browser on mobile to watch youtube, so videos automatically set to m.youtube.com/whatever. In order for me to try TubePem on mobile I had to drop the leading "m" subdomain and switch youtube to TubePen. Not sure if you could get things working with the subdomain m.tubepen.com, but it might be nice.
Anyway, cool idea. I hope it does well. :)
On mobile isn't possible to make new selections yet, but you can still open a video pasting the url on the box in the home page, that should work with "m." url also.
1. Make it so we can just paste the video URL instead of editing it ourselves. Way easier. 2. Let people try it without logging in first. Login walls are hurt conversions!
Seriously, though, this has so much potential. Can’t wait to see where it goes!
I have been tought so much about the login wall, I look to what other solo developers are doing and they use to set a paywal, I left a free trial, but I need some compromise because I have no resources to let people abuse. I now it difficult conversions, but is the best I can do right now. Also even without trial it's a cheap service.
Since the HN launch I added phone support and a "Advanced" LLM plan with auto summarization of videos. I'm working to add a quiz mode tho this plan trying to offer a more complete solution.
Suggestions are welcome!
To solve the server IP sometimes being blocked by YouTube, the app fetches the transcripts in the browser.
All browsers I have been used had an editable url field, this should be easy. On desktop by double-clicking the word youtube it should select it an you can just write there.