105 pointsby hodgesrm4 hours ago25 comments
  • dcchambers3 hours ago
    Matt has handled this whole thing so poorly. I wanted to be on his side but everything that has come out is just not a great look.

    He could have had basically the entire internet on his side just by laying out the facts: "They use our product for free, generate hundreds of millions in revenue, and don't contribute back. It's just not fair. Please contribute more."

    Instead this tantrum has turned a bunch of people that would be in his camp against him and he's dragged Wordpress.org into the mud.

    Single handedly destroying a legacy.

    • ecshafer3 hours ago
      This sums up the situation nicely. Though the part where Matt tried to extort wp engine into paying him personally an absurd sum didn't help put him on the right foot.

      It seems like every step Matt makes just makes the whole situation worse.

      • dcchambers2 hours ago
        Yup...that and (allegedly) trying to extort the rival CEO with a job offer/threat.
      • Brian_K_White2 hours ago
        Plus I don't know how you give that threat before the speech with a straight face.
  • swatcoder3 hours ago
    Expect to see this kind of drama happening regularly and frequently as the gazillion dollar commercial industry continues to subvert every ideal of the original open source ethos.

    Some of the best and now most commercially critical open source software started a long time ago, by people buying into RMS-like visions of the future.

    Turns out, we did not arrive in that future.

    We arrived in the one where both $xxxB companies and their countless cargo cultists explot every means possible to profit from open source software, making angry demands on volunteers and small teams, while giving back as little as possible.

    It's essentially a test to find every open source developer's breaking point. Recently, we found Matt's. Next month, it'll be someone else's.

    • lolinder3 hours ago
      Agreed, but Matt is not the innocent and distressed open source maintainer who hit a breaking point, he's the extremely wealthy CEO of a company that brings in hundreds of millions a year in revenue. The CEO who recently tried to extort another large company for tens of millions of dollars per year to be directed to his personal for-profit company.

      The problem with Open Source as a movement isn't just the megacorps using it, it's also that paying for the project's ongoing development stopped being the goal for many monetization efforts—making the shareholders or the maintainers themselves (or in this case both) wealthy (or in this case even more wealthy) has become the new goal.

      That is why it's such a problem that these companies don't "give back". Having the software in the world doing its job is no longer the primary goal of starting an open source project, and the "takers" are encroaching on the founders' market cap.

    • Brian_K_White2 hours ago
      RMS was and still is right.

      If you care what someone else does with free software beyond making the source available, that is a you problem.

    • gamblor956an hour ago
      Matt is worth $400 million off the backs of open source developers. He is the big bad in this scenario.

      He's just mad someone else is also making money.

    • beaconify3 hours ago
      I do see OSS as free labour for Bezos, Altman et. al. and act accoringly.

      Closed source (but open data formats) may be the new open source.

    • FireBeyond2 hours ago

      WordPress was a fork of B2 and quickly intended to make money.

      Matt and Automattic bought into WPE. They were the ones who sold their shares to the Private Equity firm that now owns it!

      The only other board member of the Foundation is ... drum roll ... the Managing Partner of another Private Equity firm, that Matt himself appointed.

      All his hand wringing about PE is to distract from the simple fact that he has repeatedly been an asshole through this process, and it's not because he "reached his breaking point" as an open source developer. This is so apologistic it's not funny.

      He reached a breaking point as a CEO, because he made a horrible business decision to buy Tumblr, which has been nothing but a money pit, ever since.

      Since then, MATT's for profit business has had this boat anchor around it, so he's looking for extra cash.

      That's why he demanded their royalties be paid to Automattic, his for profit company, not the open source project.

      > by people buying into RMS-like visions of the future.

      Horseshit. People with RMS-like visions for the future don't see the commercial potential for an open source project, immediately spin up a Foundation with themselves as President, and immediately grant their own for-profit company a perpetual, exclusive and irrevocable commercial use license for said open source project. (They may however release self-congratulatory press releases talking about how they are champions of open source for assigning ownership of the project to their Foundation while neglecting to mention the licensing that they[1] signed off on, that very same day.)

      You have apparently fully bought into the narrative.

      > making angry demands on volunteers and small teams

      What "angry demands" has WPEngine made of the project? I'd love to hear of at least one.

      [1] I say 'they' but really, the licensing was signed for the Foundation by "Matt Mullenweg, President", and for Automattic by "Matt Mullenweg, President and CEO".

      • 2 hours ago
  • arp2423 hours ago
    Wordpress.org Login: "I am not affiliated with WP Engine in any way" - https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=41791369 - Oct 2024 (240 comments)

    WordPress contributor banned for asking about new checkbox - https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=41788704 - Oct 2024 (8 comments)

  • kemayo3 hours ago
    The checkbox on WordPress.org is such a bad look, and is dragging the theoretically non-commercial parts of WordPress into this big (stupid) licensing fight.

    It continues to reinforce that the entire WordPress.org / Foundation / Automattic cluster has turned out to just be Matt's personal fiefdom... which worked out okay when he was pretty chill, but is terrible when he decides to burn it all down.

  • gwerbret2 hours ago
    In psychiatry, the concept of insight is used to describe an individual's ability to view their actions, beliefs and overall situation with what would be considered a normal perspective. It's probably best exemplified in popular culture by the movie "A Beautiful Mind". In the movie, a loss of insight is shown as one characteristic of schizophrenia, but it is by no means limited to that disorder.

    I'm just a rando on the internet, and this isn't a diagnosis, and you shouldn't diagnose either, kids; but given the relatively sudden onset of Mr. Mullenweg's public situations, and the associated seeming complete loss of insight, I can't help but wonder if there is a known or unknown mental health challenge in the background underlying all of his actions. Such things are invariably complicated by a person being "post-economic", with the lack of the usual checks and balances that come with that state of privilege.

    • 8490109481an hour ago
      Agreed. It is frowned upon in public discourse to be an armchair psychiatrist, but I am seeing this implosion as the second-order effect of some condition afflicting Matt's mind. This situation can be seen in mechanical terms, the end-user effects like vendor-lock in, legal conflicts, profit and loss... or maybe Matt just woke up one day and, for some reason, felt like he's had it with everything. For some reason nobody knows. And also happened to be a few clicks away from the WordPress.org admin console.

      I am reminded of Kayne West. I think some people latched on to what he said in a literal sense instead of just ignoring it outright as the rants of a diagnosed bipolar person. To be sure what he said was deplorable at face value in a public space. But behind all the dialogue, the entire event might have been nothing more significant than the inevitable progression of a disease, one which leaves consciousness just intact enough to keep one recognizable, yet also compels one to say the most polarizing things.

      Also related, an article about one of Cloudflare's founders who was afflicted with a neurodegenerative disease that largely destroyed his personality. It went unnoticed for so long because his actions were taken at face value - he was just tired and disengaged from daily life - instead of as originating from a disease of the brain.


  • pocketsand3 hours ago
    For me, the fact he tried to compel the WPE CEO to work for him or else he would expose that she was in negotiations with him is the most unhinged thing I’ve ever heard in a hiring process. Quite literally an affront to freedom.

    My most charitable guess at what is going on is severe mental illness.

    • kemayo3 hours ago
      It did all seem to blow up around when he came back from a sabbatical, presumably taken because he really needed a break. Though I guess that he also had a bit of a PR disaster with Tumblr during that sabbatical, so...
    • tptacek3 hours ago
      "Quite literally an affront to freedom"? Really? Say more.
      • pocketsand3 hours ago
        Work for me or I will publicly shame you, try to damage your reputation, and make your employees potentially question your loyalty.

        Threatening people if they don’t take a job with you is in the most literal way a challenge to your autonomy as a human being.

        • tptacek3 hours ago
          I think a lot of this whole saga is easier to understand if you just remember that WordPress is a major open source project and a company, so you get to see a lot of the stuff every company --- almost none of whom run major open source projects --- does in the ordinary course of business.

          Anyways, if you thought there was any freedom or purity to the tech job market, bad news for you.

          • FireBeyond2 hours ago
            > Anyways, if you thought there was any freedom or purity to the tech job market, bad news for you.

            Ahh, "everyone else does it" - no, have never been threatened that if I refuse a job offer, or otherwise decline, that my current employer will be told all about how disloyal I was to them.

            • tptacekan hour ago
              Hey, to be clear, I'm not sticking up for it, I'm just saying: commentary about this whole saga sometimes feels like people have lost some perspective, and are holding WordPress to a standard that pure commercial companies aren't held to. Hiring is ruthless! Executive hiring in particular!
      • appendix-rock3 hours ago
        Americans relating everything back to “freedom” is so jarring for literally everyone else.
  • Glant3 hours ago
    Can't wait for Matt to show up in the comments here saying how he isn't a bad guy and banning people who ask questions is actually for the benefit of WordPress.
    • Spivak3 hours ago
      God why are you taking the petty checkbox I unilaterally added seriously, you're just supposed to check the box unless you're someone I think is a doo doo head /s.
      • jb19913 hours ago
        Hey Matt, I sent you an email. I know you probably are getting a lot of emails right now, so I just wanted to let you know here. Whenever you get a chance, I have some additional questions about this. Thanks!
  • ValentineC28 minutes ago
    Someone on r/Wordpress pointed out that Matt suffered a nosebleed during a podcast:


    It's very possible that he's ill.

  • alwa3 hours ago
    Wait. From TFA I’m to understand that this Matt person, posting as Wordpress.org, tweeted:

    > We’re still getting lots of questions about this [checkbox]. What if an agency is part of your affiliate program[…]?

    …addressing the WP Engine firm whose users he’s been weirdly bullying with all this?

    He attempted to frame his own ambiguously menacing checkbox-cum-loyalty-oath as somehow being of its target’s making? What?

    Is that type of… duplicitous? dissociative? schizophrenic?… tactic common these days in twitter kinds of spheres?

    • beaconify3 hours ago
      Glad I am not the only confused person. I marked it down in my "ah well i dont understand 10-20% of social media inside baseball" category.
  • rty323 hours ago
    This is stunning.

    Once a dedicated user of WordPress, I never thought I would ever say this, but here it is -- I hope WordPress dies as soon as possible and gets replaced by something else. Well, a better outcome would be Matt goes away, but I don't see that happening.

  • mikeortman3 hours ago
    This checkbox will absolutely not look good in front of a jury. It's petty at best.
  • badlibrarian3 hours ago
    He's been in ego preservation mode since at least February and he really, really needs to get the hell off the internet for six months and possibly heal. It's a spiral and it's painful to watch.


  • gnabgib3 hours ago
    Small discussion (27 points, 2 days ago, 8 comments) https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=41788704
  • nashashmi3 hours ago
    The word affiliate is so loose that it could mean anything. IANAL but I recommend everyone read that word with the tightest of definitions. That means you are not an affiliate if: you are not wpengine, you are not their employee, you are not doing work for wp engine, you are not owned by wpengine, nor do you work for any wpengine companies, and you don't have any ownership in organizations or companies that wpengine also has ownership or control in. And none of wpengine's board of directors or any of the board of directors of any companies wpengine has ownership or control in are your employees or managers.

    Effectively, they want to ensure wpengine is not interfacing with wordpress.org through undisclosed ways like shady shell companies. That is the reason for the checkbox.

    If you are selling stuff on wpengine or being paid by wpengine for selling stuff on there, you are not an affiliate. you are a seller. if you are selling wpengine subscriptions, you are not an affiliate; just a seller. if you are advertising wpengine services, you are not an affiliate. you are an advertiser.

    • lolinder2 hours ago
      > IANAL but I recommend everyone read that word with the tightest of definitions.

      Why would you recommend that when Matt/WordPress is on record questioning WP Engine's common sense interpretation?

      In a Twitter thread linked in TFA WP Engine put forward an interpretation like yours in an attempt to make their customers less nervous and WordPress (probably Matt) replied with a "what if..." casting doubt on that interpretation.

      We're talking about a guy who is currently following through on a threat to wage "nuclear war" (his words) and has very clearly shown that he does not care how much collateral damage he causes. It's totally reasonable to take the broadest interpretation of the checkbox possible.

    • takinola2 hours ago
      The challenge is this is a commonsense interpretation of the checkbox. The legal interpretation could be much broader. If you have something to lose (ie you are a money making entity), you are much less willing to take the risk that someone someday will decide to interpret the checkbox in a manner that you did not expect.
  • AnonHPan hour ago
    photomatt, if you’re reading this, you need to step away from all things WordPress and let someone else lead it. Focus on the lawsuit at hand and spend time away from the internet as much as possible. These kind of knee jerk and extremely petty actions don’t add any value to whatever you think your moral or legal position is. On the contrary, you (and you alone) are making things far worse for yourself.
  • xnx3 hours ago
    It's not enough for some people to be rich beyond all needs and comfort, they also want to be richer than their peers and be influential and be well liked.
  • throwaway888abc3 hours ago
    Why is Wordpress(TM) not open source ?

    Like under Apache foundation or something


  • evantbyrne3 hours ago
    The checkbox is so outrageous I thought it was just a meme the first time I saw a screenshot of it. This will result in WordPress being forked.
  • 23B13 hours ago
    Dear Matt,


  • DannyPage3 hours ago
    I saw an interesting tweet from DHH to Matt that seems relevant:

    > I have nothing but the out-most respect for what you've built with WordPress. It's an incredible achievement, and you're been justly rewarded for that accomplishment. No need to squeeze the lemon that hard. It's undermining open source as a whole. [1]

    A lot of folks had compared it to DHH/Basecamp because of the voluntary severance. But for the most part, those issues did not spill into Rails like this. I think if anyone can talk Matt down from the ledge, it would be another "Benevolent Dictator".

    That said, I think DHH misses something: lots of people built Wordpress, not just Matt. And we are slowly seeing the most engaged people, some who do it for the love of Wordpress instead of the money, either back away or get forced out. THAT is what will kill the ecosystem that has been built. Any harm that WP Engine may have been doing cannot compare with the harm that's happening right now from their own spiteful actions.

    1: https://x.com/dhh/status/1843809648123752586

  • kemayo3 hours ago
    Threadreader of the linked twitter thread with all the Slack discussion (since X was completely not working for me): https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1843963052183433331.html

    ...Matt doesn't come across well in it. Lots of refusing to state what he thinks the checkbox that he added means.

  • GiorgioG3 hours ago
    Matt is just burning WordPress down with one dumb move after another.
    • beaconify3 hours ago
      From a PR and Marketing point of view certainly. I love WP but wary to use it now. This stuff make me nervous. WP is it's ecosystem, and these moves may slowly kill that. I see WP as the quiet never talked about on HN nocode superpower! Here is hoping for no more drama.
  • dmitrygr3 hours ago
    Is there a TL;DR on this story? I feel like I missed the start of it and am now hopelessly behind on the drama-du-jour.
  • sergiotapia3 hours ago
    so tl;dr this is like redis/amazon thing where $CONGLOMO takes open source and bleeds it dry and doesn't contribute enough back to the open source project? i'm so disappointed in open source. there has to be a better way for projects to get something out of the deal.
    • rty323 hours ago
      You might want to actually understand what's happening instead of simplifying the whole thing as tldr.
      • sergiotapia2 hours ago
        is this not true?

        Main Points of Contention Trademark and Branding Issues Mullenweg accuses WP Engine of misusing the WordPress trademark and causing confusion among users1. WP Engine has since changed some of its plan names to address these concerns1. Open Source Contributions Mullenweg criticizes WP Engine for not contributing enough to the WordPress open-source project relative to their profits5 . Core Feature Modifications WP Engine is accused of altering core WordPress features, particularly disabling post revisions by default2. Mullenweg argues this compromises the integrity of WordPress and its promise to users2.

        • Brian_K_White2 hours ago
          Like they said, go read up on it, since no this is not the story at all. By now there are many good write-ups.
  • chacha1023 hours ago
    This is a plague on both houses. People want stability and reliability, not drama. And what they're getting feels and awful lot like drama.