57 pointsby bilsbie3 hours ago6 comments
  • prettyStandard3 hours ago
    Assuming selfish motivation: are they having trouble attracting talent? Maybe they see hiring trends turning around.

    Anecdote: My girlfriend, a recruiter, says she's seen more recruiters being hired.

    • winter_blue3 hours ago
      > she's seen more recruiters being hired

      This is a good sign for the whole industry at large, considering how bad the tech job market has been for the last two years.

    • adamnemecek3 hours ago
      That or forcing people into offices will make the best leave.
    • ashleyn3 hours ago
      Interest rates got cut.
    • Me0013 hours ago
    • tinyhouse3 hours ago
      Spotify is a good employer but they don't pay tier 1 salaries.
      • yufjalkdfuw2 hours ago
        Haha. I just checked levels.fyi and they get paid way more than I do. Anyone know if they are hiring for Haskell/Gleam/Rust/OCaml?
  • StarterPro3 hours ago
    Good. Unless you're creating a physical product, there is no need for everyone to be physically in the same space.

    The sooner we stop treating founders and CEOs like infallible job creators and start pushing back on all the RTO, the better.

  • malfist3 hours ago
    • ein0p3 hours ago
      I think _most_ of employees are not children, but some are incapable of doing work unless someone is constantly supervising them. As a rule they’re also the least productive employees in any organization, and the correct solution is to let them go, not breathe over their necks.
      • jvansc2 hours ago
        Yep, wish my employer saw this the same way. I (mid/senior level IC) have unintentionally found myself responsible for breathing down the neck of a flagrant remote non-worker.

        Very frustrating as someone who doesn’t really want to be a manager. Feels gross to say, but this field (and beyond?) needs to be better at recognizing who can/can’t be trusted with remote work. Not sure what the answer is though, because I sure as hell don’t want more egregious surveillance and/or a more PIP-happy employer.

        • ein0p2 hours ago
          Give it time. If I do another startup, I’m not even going to bother renting an office. For me the answer is pretty obvious, all work that can be remote should be remote.

          And the situation you’re describing can also happen on-site. I’m in that situation now, where I (a very senior IC, by choice) am expected to both deliver the “IC” stuff, and supervise 3 other people because their manager can’t tell a softmax from a hole in the ground.

  • paulcole3 hours ago
    • jjulius3 hours ago
      This take feels like something I'd expect to hear come out of the mouth of a teenager (read: a child) who's trying too hard to sound edgy.
    • jrflowers3 hours ago
      You make an interesting point that there are no adults and no one should be treated like one. While it might sound like something written on an ABDL kink website, this has management implicatio-
    • N3cr0ph4g1st3 hours ago
      r/Iamverysmart material right here
    • tjpnz3 hours ago
      Because they're being treated like children?
    • 383 hours ago
      wow you sound like a great boss :|
      • paulcole3 hours ago
        I’m actually a big baby!

        I’m an employed adult so I speak from experience.

  • candiddevmike3 hours ago
    • GuardianCaveman3 hours ago
      • genter3 hours ago
        While I doubt remote working contributes to the shitty app, the following specific things annoy me:

        * Opening the app on my phone while music is playing on my desktop causes it to start playing on my phone automatically at max volume.

        * Closing the lid of my laptop when music is playing on my phone causes my phone to pause the music. (Here's a tip: I'm closing my laptop because I'm leaving, therefore I want to use my phone.)

        * Having a weak internet connection causes the album page to take forever to load. (This is for albums that I've downloaded.)

        * Gaining/loosing internet connection while scrolling causes the scroll view to jump to the top.

        * Every time I reopen it I have to click on the album view.

      • ralusek3 hours ago
        I'll give some things I don't like, but I don't think they have anything to do with WFH:

        1.) I don't like that I can only see the top 10 for an artist. I'd like to see beyond the top 10 please. Unless I'm mistaken, there isn't a way to go to the artist's discography and sort by listens.

        2.) I don't like that you can only see stats about what you listened to in a particular year if you happened to save or view that weird reflection end of year thing they do. It would be nice to just be able to see a playlist of your songs for the year, and would be cool to see # listens for year and total listens.

        3.) It very frequently doesn't show me my top listened to podcast(s). Despite following them, I have to search for them every time.

    • ein0p3 hours ago
      To each their own. Their app and especially their recommendation algorithm are the best in the industry imo.
  • GiorgioG3 hours ago
    • 3 hours ago