4 pointsby bookofjoe4 hours ago4 comments
  • h2odragon2 hours ago

    If the put a "FREE" sign on them makers and rednecks will come and take them.

    We can cap the power lines and scavenge refrigerants if need be.

    I figure there's gotta be some worthy motion hardware in there and some cool sensors.

    I saw a redbox machine while i was at the store today. I'm wondering if anyone will object if i just show up and take it. If anyone asks I can just say "see the WSJ story, someone called me and said come get it"

    Probably better done the next town over. This place wouldn't fall for that twice.

  • AStonesThrowan hour ago
    They should donate to YouTube's Technology Connections and Techmoan!
  • coderintherye3 hours ago
    John Fenley should buy these up and put the Murfie's cds into them.