4 pointsby gtirloni6 hours ago7 comments
  • itohihiyt2 hours ago
    Wrong question.

    Question should be: What are you replacing Chrome with?

  • al_borlandan hour ago
    Interesting timing that my company just emailed me this week to tell me they will be removing Firefox from my system for “security reasons”. They suggest I move to Chrome, Edge, or Safari (with no App Store access).

    I had been using Firefox for years, as I try to avoid Chromium based browsers at all costs. It’s only a matter of time before they block Safari.

    • itohihiyt43 minutes ago
      Did they specify what those security reasons were?
      • al_borland29 minutes ago
        No, and any time I’ve tried to question anything I’m met with shrugs. I’m not sure who makes these decisions.

        Funny enough, Firefox is still listed as software I can download and install through the company software portal, at the same time as I’m being told they are going to remove it.

  • cebert6 hours ago
    I use Firefox and don’t have any issues.
  • slater6 hours ago
    Firefox is right. there.
    • thomassmith655 hours ago
      Yes. Whenever possible, I avoid Google products, but say I had been using Chrome and I read:

      "Chrome Canary just killed uBlock Origin and other Manifest V2 extensions"

      My takeaway would be: Google is against the way I use Chrome, and they will continue introducing ways to stop it.

      Personally, I would want the matter resolved once and for all.

      So I would either (a) give up on ad-blockers and privacy add-ons, or (b) switch to a browser I don't have to fight (eg: Firefox, or a Firefox-based offshoot)

  • christophilus5 hours ago
    I use Firefox, and Brave is my backup.
  • tssva4 hours ago
    uBlock Origin Lite
  • anthk4 hours ago
    A hosts file from https://github.com/stevenblack/hosts, not using JavaScript with LibreSJS + https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/workarounds-f... to browse on some pages which require JS.

    Also I use the News Waflle service from gemini://gemi.dev from Lagrange and Offpunk (a Gemini protocol client) which can cut down a web size to a 3% of the original. OFC no ads are shown.

    Before anyone jumps into me on the motto but news sites need money to run, blah, blah..., most newspaper sites in Spain have more than 700 tracking related cookies and tons of bloat in form of JS. I am not exxagerating. 700, FFS.

    Browse https://elindependiente.com from a web browser. Then, paste the full URL into gemini://gemi.dev/cgi-bin/waffle.cgi/view and open any news.

    As a test under Lagrange or any Gemini client:


    Open any link, don't worry if you don't understand Spanish. Just scroll down to the bottom, and read the line on the saved up size. It varies between 90% and 99%. And that with a web scrapper and converter into Gemini.

    If we compared the whole size of the webs against the cut-down Gemini site (but with the whole news), the percentage of saved data wound't be lower than 98% for sure.