2 pointsby rstnpce13 hours ago3 comments
  • JohnFen12 hours ago
    > I mean, think about it, when you finally understand a math problem and get that AHA-moment, this is the biggest hit of dopamin you can ever imagine, no?

    Not really, but I do get that when I've completed a challenging project. I love learning and engage in it constantly, but it's never given me a dopamine hit.

    > the biggest difference between being addicted to learning vs. social media is the delay of gratification.

    That may be a factor, but I really do think the largest difference is being mentally passive vs mentally active. Social media requires no effort. You let it wash over you. It's the same as television: mental candy, empty calories. Learning requires mental effort. It's like a full meal.

    All that said, people vary a lot on this sort of thing and so a tool like this may be very useful to many.

  • 08234987234987212 hours ago
    Could you maybe provide an annotated transcript showing how the algorithm nudges the AHA-moment? I tried a path giving both correct and incorrect answers, but didn't see anything that would make me believe there was any more going on than straight gamification.
  • drpossum12 hours ago
    > this is the biggest hit of dopamin you can ever imagine, no?

    No. I would imagine the biggest hit of dopamine would be literally injecting dopamine into my system.