7 pointsby BaudouinVH17 hours ago9 comments
  • susam12 hours ago
    I haven’t kept track of how much traffic it brings to the whole website but I have some data about how much traffic it brings to the particular page that is trending on the HN front page: https://susam.net/from-web-feed-to-186850-hits.html

    To summarise that post, it brought me about 95000 hits on the first day. That was a simple, static, standalone HTML page and the traffic was way below what Nginx can handle without breaking a sweat, so never had any trouble on the web server.

  • throwaway16816 hours ago
    10000 visitors an hour is less than 3 per second.

    30000 visitors per day is 20 per minute.

    With stats like that, break out an AWS XL and ensure your Lambdas are ready.

  • pamoroso16 hours ago
    One year ago or so one of my posts ended up within the first few items of the home page and my blog got about 35K views over 2 days. The blog is hosted on a commercial platform and had no server issues.
  • remyp11 hours ago
    I shared some stats here [0] from a front page Show HN. The data is a handful of years old, though.

    [0] https://jeremyphelps.com/blog/from-idea-to-revenue-in-5-work...

  • yen22315 hours ago
    30k unique visitors when my project hit the front page (not #1) a few weeks ago
  • MrDunham17 hours ago
    10 years ago a post from @Bluehat for something we were working on* made #1 and generated about 7k clicks in 2 days.

    Would suspect that number is much, much higher now.

    * The Hacker Fair reverse job fair at the Hacker Dojo. #2 was "the CIA got hacked". Proud of that one.

  • yellow_lead13 hours ago
    It's pretty common for sites to crash, especially those relying on some AI or GPU backed service.
  • xlinux17 hours ago
    Front page post got about 22k unique users over 2 days and never crashed (had CDN by the way).
  • 17 hours ago