16 pointsby m463a day ago4 comments
  • Ukv19 hours ago
    I don't see an issue with the notification having a summary opposed to the truncated text - seems useful so long as it works well. Feels like a fairly low bar for dystopia, even if it is summarizing bad news.
  • gnabgiba day ago
    Small discussion (14 points, 8 hours ago) https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=41803983
  • KingOfCodersa day ago
    I don't understand the article.

    "Man learns he’s being dumped"

    Did the person learn from the AI that his gf would break up?

    But then his gf texted him, which the AI summarized upon this

    "we’re done, i want my stuff."

    So did he learn from the AI extrapolating implicit messages or from his gf?

    • netsharc21 hours ago
      Read it again, King...

      > We reached out to Spreen directly via email and he delivered his own summary of his girlfriend's messages. "It was something along the lines of i can’t believe you just did that, we’re done, i want my stuff. we had an argument in a bar and I got up and left, then she sent the text," he wrote.

    • m4637 hours ago
      > "No longer in a relationship; wants belongings from the apartment," Apple AI summarized.
  • floydnoel17 hours ago
    personally, i've been loving the notification summaries. they really are one of the best applications of local LLMs