129 pointsby rbanffya day ago9 comments
  • binary132a day ago
    I feel like the dynamic typing crowd are slowly coming around to the fact that having a typesystem is just better.

    While we’re on the topic, a better typesystem is better than a worse typesystem. Thanks for coming to my TED talk.

    • scott_wa day ago
      I don’t think that’s strictly true. Python developers are finding there are advantages to having a type system in larger programs such as readability and a reduction in certain classes of bugs.

      That said, I’ve found Python’s approach lets me still build things through experimentation then fixing the types when I’m a bit more confident that I’ve built the right thing.

      As a comparison, I found Go really clunky when I tried to learn it because it wouldn’t compile if the code wasn’t totally correct. It makes it hard to find the right solution through experimentation.

      • josephga day ago
        Python’s problem is that there’s multiple 3rd party type checkers and they all disagree in subtle ways about what the spec says. It’s a mess.

        Python is probably an all-round better language than JavaScript. But typescript absolutely embarrasses Python’s “gradual” type system with just how good it is in comparison.

        • setopt21 hours ago
          I would love to instead have one official upstream runtime type checker which can be enabled per function, class, or module via decorators. Basically, providing opt-in strong typing as a language feature.

          Currently, I’m using the third-party Beartype decorators to provide this feature, but I would prefer something built-in and ideally something with more readable error messages for users when type errors occur, which might be easier to provide if it was built into Python.

          (I use Pyright too, but I find the runtime type checking to be more robust since it understands also the types returned by highly dynamic untyped code.)

        • scott_wa day ago
          I don’t see that as a problem since you’re not going to run multiple type checkers over your code, much like most C++ codebases pick a compiler and stick to it.
          • josephg21 hours ago
            Nobody wants to recreate the mess of mutually incompatible c++ compilers.

            And it does matter when 3rd party libraries are involved. Types are a wonderful gift to anyone who imports & needs to figure out your library.

            • scott_w21 hours ago
              > And it does matter when 3rd party libraries are involved.

              That's a fair point.

      • noelwelsh21 hours ago
        Two things here:

        1. You need to understand how to express concepts in a form the type system can understand. Each type system will have patterns it understands, and patterns it does not.

        2. Go isn't a great example. It has a Java-circa-2000 type system. Modern type systems are much more expressive.

        • scott_w21 hours ago
          > Go isn't a great example.

          I picked Go as an example of a language that gets a lot of praise specifically for having strict compiler rules.

          I've also tried Scala and found it clunky but I do suspect most of its problems came from the insane operator overloading and opaque build system rather than the type system. I understand it's gotten better since I looked 8 years ago but I've not had a reason to check it out again.

          • never_inline19 hours ago
            Those people haven't used Java 11+ or Python with types.

            Python with types is a double edged sword. If you can enforce other collaborators and SDKs use strict typing, it's a very pleasant experience to write, coupled with Pydantic for defining POJO-like structs. For CLI tools Click + Poetry build system.

            Java17+ type system is pretty good. Way better than Go in terms of dev experience. you may need a POJO generation tool (Lombok, Autovalue) and preferably validation libraries. I'd still write java over Go if efficiency and single binary is not a concern.

            • js210 hours ago
              > For CLI tools Click

              Once you're using types, I would recommend Typer instead. Built on-top of Click but configured via type hints:


          • noelwelsh20 hours ago
            Yeah, the early days of Scala were a bad time for people going crazy with symbolic method names. Thankfully, most of that is in the past. (And Scala 3 is a much cleaner language in every way.)
      • sinfulprogenya day ago
        > then fixing the types

        man I wish my coworkers did this step

        • scott_wa day ago
          Having CI hard fail definitely helps. I won’t pretend I’d be so judicious without it.
          • camjw21 hours ago
            Sorry this is probably a stupid question - how do you make your CI hard fail if you don't have types? This sounds like the missing piece for me, someone who also prefers just to crack on without types and then add them later.
            • spacemanspiffii21 hours ago
              You can add `mypy` to your CI pipeline https://mypy.readthedocs.io/en/stable/running_mypy.html. Pyright is an alternative, and there are more.
            • EasyMark14 hours ago
              CI generally has a pipeline, no? Or even at worse a shell script that you built? Just add the equivalent of “exit()” when mypy (or whatever typing linter you’re using fails), and then the dev gets notified he broke the build for everyone. That’ll get them to fixing and checking their code before it goes in to the main branch. Peer pressure is underestimated these days I think.
            • scott_w21 hours ago
              I was referring more specifically to fixing the types. It looks like it's possible to enforce type-hinting with config files to mypy (but I've not tried it): https://stackoverflow.com/questions/55944201/python-type-hin...
            • jascha_eng21 hours ago
              Run mypy in strict mode and make that check required.
      • st3fan13 hours ago
        You can remove "larger programs".

        Personally I also find python typing useful in "smaller" programs and I use them pretty much everywhere.

        For example I use it in all my automation scripts which are usually not much longer than a few pages or a few modules. Adding type hints is a very minor task, really comes straight out of brain just like the code i type.

        Type hints have given me wonderful completion and documentation which has helped me to write more correct and bug free code. Often little things pop up that would only have been caught at runtime. Now I see those things as soon as I type them.

        Python + Type Hints == Awesome

        • scott_w8 hours ago
          If it works for you, great. I’ll also do that for the same reasons. What I really love, though, is I don’t need to be totally correct in my types all the time. If the code will run, it’ll run and, in plenty of simple cases, that’s good enough (even if mypy tells me I passed the wrong type).
      • maxbond15 hours ago
        > It makes it hard to find the right solution through experimentation.

        To me this suggests the tooling was insufficient. One of the things I value about type systems is being in a tight feedback loop with the compiler. Strong typing helps me run more experiments and to run them from within my editor. But without a good LSP and such, it would be miserable.

        • scott_w15 hours ago
          > To me this suggests the tooling was insufficient.

          Perhaps but I find that type systems usually introduce friction to getting things working that, for some types of projects, can be worthwhile and, for others, not worth the overhead.

          • maxbond13 hours ago
            I think what you perceive as "friction" I perceive as "feedback," and it helps me work faster while writing code that's as good or better. When I interact with unfamiliar untyped code, it takes me longer to find my footing. So I don't find that there's overhead.

            I'm not dogmatic, type systems aren't the end all. But I think a lot of the trouble people have with them comes from using the approaches they've developed in untyped systems and saying, "this is the same, I just get more warnings and errors." But the opportunity is in developing new approaches and habits that leverage the type system.

            For me the "aha" moment was watching Jon Gjenset's YouTube videos, and seeing him intentionally write code with type errors in order to figure out what the type of something was. This helped me make the switch from thinking of errors as drudgery to be avoided to errors as feedback I may want to elicit.

            Now I'm able to answer lots of questions within my editor that I'd previously need to use a REPL or consult the docs to answer. It's like I'm able to query my codebase, but the query language is just the language I'm already working in. The magic of strong typing is good tooling.

            • scott_w8 hours ago
              If it’s not clear: I like working with typed Python code. It absolutely solves a lot of issues that would require a stupid amount of testing and manual checking otherwise (dict-passing is a personal “favourite” I’ve seen).

              We shouldn’t pretend that it’s free. The fact is, sometimes running some code that I know works despite what the type system is telling me is very useful. Comparing to, say, Go, where I need to deal with everything (even if it’s incidental to the actual problem) adds friction. Sometimes I don’t want to deal with edge cases because this code will never leave my machine!

              • maxbond7 hours ago
                The cost of strong typing is increased compilation time, increased memory use during compilation, and increased complexity in learning the language. Time spent resolving type issues during development is time spent testing and debugging shifted left, and generally faster than chasing down bugs.

                I can recall times when I've neglected a special case to write a one-time script faster, but they were always external to the type system. Eg, "this regex is pretty sketchy, but I know it will work with this particular set of logs." So I'm confused on this point, am I missing something?

                All programs need to be type checked, even one-off scripts written in dynamic languages, to ensure that they function. The difference is whether the process is manual or automated. The computer is going to do it better and faster than I can, and that will free up mental bandwidth that I can apply to the problem at hand.

      • paulddraper9 hours ago
        > because it wouldn’t compile if the code wasn’t totally correct

        Go won't even compile if a variable is unused.

        Makes it really hard to comment-out lines when debugging.

      • pif21 hours ago
        • noelwelsh21 hours ago
          This is both rude and ignorant. There is great value to exploration and experimentation, particularly for beginner programmers. Type systems do get in the way, and I say this as someone with 20+ years experience of modern (Scala, Haskell) type systems.
          • pif21 hours ago
            > There is great value to exploration and experimentation

            I agree. Typing in some code and trying to compile it is experimentation. Trying to fix the error in your code is exploration. Discarding the compiler's output as getting in the way means ignoring very, very precious advice.

            • ebalit20 hours ago
              When you already know what you building, but not when you're doing exploratory data analysis for example.

              There is a good reason why the ML community took Python as the favorite language overall.

            • HelloNurse20 hours ago
              Expecting an incorrect program to compile and run is a reckless spoiled brat attitude, not "exploration and experimentation".

              On the other hand heavyweight type systems that demand preemptively writing code to cover cases that won't happen and/or aren't important, including cases that make sense but aren't needed yet, can waste time actual exploration and experimentation, compared to writing only useful code and being sometimes surprised by runtime errors when the program accidentally attempts something not implemented yet.

              On the third hand "exploration and experimentation" can suffice for a proof of concept, not for production code: tests and automated checks are necessary to be confident about your program, and even rudimentary tools like Python type annotations and type checkers can be useful.

        • scott_w21 hours ago
          > Please, do not ever come next to my working place

          Ok, I won't.

          > we have enough problems already.

          I agree.

    • btillya day ago
      No. It's that when people who prefer type systems go to use a popular dynamic language, they try to drag in features that they like from other languages.

      Very honestly, optional type systems tend to be the worst of all worlds. Because people who don't care, don't need to use it, you don't get safety. But people who enjoy ceremony can inflict verbosity on others. While missing the most important reason to do it.

      • gklitza day ago
        > No. It's that when people who prefer type systems go to use a popular dynamic language, they try to drag in features that they like from other languages.

        Very much. The “problem” people try to solve with things like dependency injection isn’t even a problem in python. 99.99% of the time you can just import you dependencies everywhere they are needed.

        So many times now I’ve had to unteach bulky OOP patterns for people coming from strictly typed languages to python believe are “good practices” or are “needed for reliable code” and you go from 20 different interdependent classes down to 3 functions that just directly do what they are supposed to do. And you always end up with someone being disappointed that all of these complex patterns they learned to solve problems that don’t exist in python aren’t needed, rather than someone just happy that you can proceed directly to a value adding solution and skip the crud and design pattern spam.

        And then they start arguing crazy stuff like the 200 extra lines unneeded code makes the solution “more readable” or “more reliable”, when in reality it’s just a desire to use the solutions they are used to even when the problems don’t exist.

        • indigo94521 hours ago

            > The “problem” people try to   
            > solve with things like  
            > dependency injection isn’t  
            > even a problem in python.  
            > 99.99% of the time you can  
            > just import you dependencies  
            > everywhere they are needed.
          That's... Just not the problem DI fixes in any language? Sure, in C++ or Java you can just create a global static instance and use that everywhere. That's pretty much equivalent to just importing the same thing everywhere. But the downside of both approaches is testability: it becomes much harder to test units in isolation when they access global resources.

          Consider a function with `import datetime`, that gets the current time and does something with it. You want to make sure that this function still does the right thing in the extreme case of the current time being 23:59:59. How do you write this test without DI?

          • wizzwizz420 hours ago

              from datetime import datetime, timedelta
              def f():
                  now = datetime.now()
                  future = now + timedelta(seconds=1)
                  return now.time() < future.time()
              from unittest.mock import patch
              with patch('__main__.datetime', spec=datetime, side_effect=datetime) as mockdt:
                  mockdt.now.return_value = datetime(2024, 10, 3, 23, 59, 59)
                  assert f()
            If `datetime.datetime` were implemented in pure Python, one could even use `patch.object` here, saving a line.
            • Hackbraten17 hours ago
              I feel reluctant about mocking types I don’t own, and prefer small, tailored abstractions instead:

                  from datetime import datetime, timedelta
                  def f(now = datetime.now):
                      timestamp = now()
                      future = timestamp + timedelta(seconds=1)
                      return timestamp.time() < future.time()
                  def mockdt():
                      return datetime(2024, 10, 3, 23, 59, 59)
                  assert f(mockdt)
              Admittedly, this approach adds _some_ noise to the function signature. On the other hand, it feels more honest. It makes it unmistakably clear that this API relies on, and uses, some external state.

              Also, this approach scales poorly with the number of dependencies, and that’s a good thing. If `f` were to also depend on a `db_connection` in addition to `datetime.now`, then this pattern automatically alerts the API designer that it might be time to redesign `f`.

      • HelloNurse19 hours ago
        Python type annotations are a good source of lightweight, easy to maintain metadata for many frameworks that provide valuable automatic handling of specific data types (for example defining deserialization and deserialization of nice class types with field declarations, like attrs/cattrs or Pydantic, or defining command line interfaces with function parameter declarations, like Appeal).

        Expecting type annotations to be more generally useful is mostly projected, baseless declaration anxiety: tools and methods that are useful in other languages are expected to be relevant in Python, certainly comforting for the type-addicted programmer but not necessarily useful. Declaring types is perceived as normal, as a necessary burden and dynamic typing is perceived as missing important structural elements.

        Consider the error pattern of accessing a value as if it had a different type: in C or C++ consequences are dire (possibly undetected and cascading memory corruption), likelihood is very high due to specific language features (pointers and references, raw arrays, casts, weak typing in general) and detailed type declarations are a useful mitigation because they turn run time catastrophes into actionable compile time reports, while in Python, thanks to robust duck typing without dangerous complications, consequences are mild (reasonable error messages or wrong results, before corrupting memory), likelihood is low (specific instances of unexpected and malformed data or gross API misunderstandings) and type declarations do nothing.

      • binary132a day ago
        I’m not into the whole optional typing thing either. I would consider that far down the “worse typesystem” end of the spectrum I mentioned, only slightly better than “types are just arbitrary labels the language doesn’t even know about”, which is maybe even worse than lean dynamic typesystems, because you might make the mistake of believing in the shadows on the wall.
        • jimmaswella day ago
          “types are just arbitrary labels the language doesn’t even know about” is ok if you're aware of the limitations. I add typedefs and other jsdocs to javascript just because it makes it easier to work with in an IDE. it's nice to hover over a variable and see what it's "supposed" to be (if all went well this object should have a .id, might have a .name, etc), sometimes even declared as two types like "this variable is either an int or a boolean". I don't really want to bother learning typescript or trying to get coworkers to do so/put it in the pipeline so it's the best I can do and it certainly makes life a bit easier.
          • pistoleer19 hours ago
            > if all went well this object should

            Why not make it easier for yourself and be able to turn that into

            > The compiler will tell me when this object won't

      • paulddrapera day ago
        Optional types are the best.*

        I can prototype, script, move fast. Then I can solidify, stabilize, collaborate.

        * To get top performance, of course you'll need compiler, types, static dispatch.

        • binary132a day ago
          I find that good types help me model the problem and solution with clarity, and the procedures and functions take a back seat. After all, most procedures are just transformations of structured data, so putting the datastructure first makes good sense and keeps the code clean and lean. I used to believe in the “moving fast with no types” thing but in practice I find myself modeling the problem either way, it’s just clumsier without strong types.
          • josephga day ago
            Yep. And even when prototyping, I make a lot more dumb mistakes without a type checker watching my back.

            It’s amazing how quickly a few interfaces / typedefs repay the time you spent typing them in.

          • paulddrapera day ago
            It depends how large the problem is.
        • btilly18 hours ago
          Common Lisp was the first language I'm aware of with optional typing. In theory, what you're saying is true. In practice there's a lot of pressure to ship the working prototype, and retrofitting types on it later doesn't actually happen. The result was a reputation for being slow. (This was back when computers were slow enough that the overhead of being dynamic was pretty painful.)
    • BiteCode_deva day ago
      Have an optional one is nice for python. Would suck to be forced to use it all the time.
      • khafraa day ago
        I guess you could just write the program in Python, then have ChatGPT automatically translate it into a strongly-typed language.
        • maleldil20 hours ago
          That misses the primary reasons many people use Python: the ecosystem and network effects. I would not use Python if it weren't the only language my colleagues know (many of them not computer scientists by training) and if it didn't have the best (or second/third best) libraries for almost everything.
        • yen223a day ago
          What is ChatGPT written in?

          Because it would be hilarious if ChatGPT was itself written in Python.

          • josephga day ago
            I have no inside knowledge. But given the performance and scale chatgpt runs at (and the caliber of the team), I think it’s safe to assume a lot of their production code is written in C++ / cuda.
            • binary1329 hours ago
              Python is really popular for both training and inference, and in both cases it uses native-compiled libs under the hood to ameliorate performance problems. I mean, maybe they’re chasing the last few % now, but it looks to me like most of their R&D is focused on their models and their interactive capabilities.
      • vrightera day ago
        a type system is useless if you have no guarantees whether it will be used by any code you use. And if any code that declares types can violate them at will.

        Optional is equivalent to no type system at all, in my opinion.

        • nickm12a day ago
          Just because a type system is optional doesn't mean it doesn't do anything, it just means that you can control how much checking you get, both in terms of the code that is typechecked and how strictly it is checked. Avoiding some type errors through type checking is much better than not having any type checking. Or put another way, optional seat belts are much better than not seat belts at all.
        • binary1329 hours ago
          Most people using strong typesystems care less about safety of imported code and more about usability of their own codebase.
      • globular-toast21 hours ago
        Yes. I like to use type annotations on functions because it's documentation. If you use good names then it makes docstrings redundant. I'm thinking something like this:

            def bounding_box(points: list[Point]) -> Box:
        A decent IDE will be able to quickly jump to definition of those Box and Point etc. if you need it. This is much better than having a docstring and having to look stuff up manually. The fact you can run a static type checker like mypy is a bonus!

        I also really like being able to document the imperative code like `def do_thing() -> None`. Of course, it's completely up to the programmer to follow the rule of not doing side effects in routines that return something.

        But having to do it everywhere? Ugh. I don't think people realise how powerful duck typing is for doing polymorphic code. I can write something like:

            def mean(things):
                return sum(things)/len(things)
        And I don't care what concrete type you pass me as long as it supports `sum` and `len`. What am I going to do, define an ABC or typing.Protocol called `ListLike` or something? Hell no, I've got better things to do.

        But of course learning when to define static types vs when not to comes down to experience. Python treats you like an adult. I feel like a lot of people who want static typing everywhere want it as training wheels for other devs they don't trust to make the right judgement calls.

        • maleldil20 hours ago
          You picked a poor example for `mean` because there's a very easy answer: collections.abc.Sequence – typing.Sequence in earlier versions – an object that supports __getitem__ and __len__. You can check the collections.abc documentation[1] for the available protocols; you might be surprised about how much they cover already. I often use Sequence/Iterable or Mapping as parameter types instead of concrete types like list or dict.

          > I feel like a lot of people who want static typing everywhere want it as training wheels for other devs they don't trust to make the right judgement calls.

          Now, I want it because it makes my life a lot easier. It finds many classes of errors before runtime and improves auto-completion in my editor. For most programs, it's not a lot of effort. The frustrating part is interfacing with untyped libraries while using strict type-checking, but thankfully, more and more libraries are adopting typing. The type system itself is fine: most things you want to express are doable, but it's not at the same level of complexity as Typescript. It's certainly a better type system than Go's for example.

          [1] https://docs.python.org/3/library/collections.abc.html

          • globular-toast20 hours ago
            Hmph, I knew someone would point out that `Sequence` exists or whatever... The point was really that this could be a new type that isn't fully captured by something built in.

            As for `collections.abc.Sequence`, using an ABC sucks because then you have to define a class and inherit from it. I don't want to do that. I just want to pass something that conforms to the duck type. Are these now also defined as structural types/Protocols?

        • gpderetta18 hours ago
          > But having to do it everywhere? Ugh. I don't think people realise how powerful duck typing is for doing polymorphic code.

          Duck typing is indeed powerful, but it does not need to be a runtime check.

          > What am I going to do, define an ABC or typing.Protocol called `ListLike` or something?

          Yes, how am I going to know what types I can pass to mean instead? I would go to the extreme of saying that a lot of python code should be type annotated (if annotated at all) with protocols instead of concrete or base classes.

          Of course until type checking is properly integrated in the interpreter this is all kind of pointless.

          • globular-toast17 hours ago
            > Yes, how am I going to know what types I can pass to mean instead?

            Oh, if I'm writing it for you (ie. I'm writing a library) then I'll put documentation (probably as type annotations, as I said in the first half of my comment). But a lot of code I write is just for me, or is going to be part of a completely self-contained project and it would be obvious from context what to pass. Like I said, it's a judgement call that Python expects you to be able to make.

      • echelona day ago
        As an undergrad, Python was my favorite language. Now it's one of my least favorite because of dynamic typing and the poor dependency management.

        Python dicts, when used as composite types or records, are a literal hellscape. Grepping through the code to find out where stringly-keyed fields get written takes way more time than thinking about types ever would. These should be structs.

        Static typing has so many advantages:

        - It lowers the software defect rate. All type errors are caught for free at compile time instead of runtime. This makes the software strong and rigid instead of brittle, and it removes an entire category of tests you would have to write and maintain.

        - Static typing makes code maintainable for other people, including future you. It's self-documenting. You know precisely what things are in the immediate scope.

        - Static typing makes bug-free automated refactoring with tools possible. There is no greater pleasure than mutating code via its AST.

        Static typing is not hard, either. Most typed languages don't require type declarations except in structs and function declarations - that's really not a lot of effort.

    • jgb1984a day ago
      I've been writing python for a living for almost 20 years. Big projects. Never felt the need for static typing. And I strongly dislike the verbosity and complexity it adds to the language. Python is beautiful because it's simple, easy to read, easy to understand. The typing tagged on to it looks like an ugly word salad to me.

      I'll keep my dynamic typing, thanks!

      • IshKebab21 hours ago
        Have you ever tried static typing though? I suspect you don't know what you're missing. Static types make Python way easier to understand.
        • maleldil20 hours ago
          Unfortunately, when many people hear of static typing they think of C++ and Java, which understandably leads to these kinds of conclusions. If they ever bothered writing typed Python for a little bit, especially in new packages or projects where the surrounding code is also typed, they might realise how useful it is.

          There's a world of difference between the experience you get with untyped Python and typed Python that you check with strict mypy or Pyright. After using typed Python for a while, I don't think I could go back to a completely untyped codebase.

        • diggan18 hours ago
          > Have you ever tried static typing though? I suspect you don't know what you're missing. Static types make Python way easier to understand.

          I'd probably call myself within the "dynamic typing crowd" and I've tried plenty of static typing. It mostly just slows down iterating on something, prevents issues that I/my projects don't really suffer from in the first place, and gets in the way more than it helps.

          The statically typed languages I've tried are: C#, Crystal, Elm, Go, Haskell, Haxe, Java, Kotlin, Nim, Rust, TypeScript and probably more I'm forgetting about. Out of those, I've probably written most Rust code. I wouldn't say I despise static typing, but I'm not getting the same value from it that others seem to get.

          I still come back to Clojure, ClojureScript or just straight up vanilla JavaScript, as they're much more effective at actually helping me solve the problem I have in my practical day-to-day.

          • binary13213 hours ago
            I love Lua but I spend way more time than is fair hunting through my codebase to find the name of that one thing I was trying to access but that doesn’t seem to be present any more and where and when it was created. (Inb4 “better unit tests!” — typesystems do that bit of thinking for you…)

            I feel the same way about Lisps, but more strongly. It’s really fast and fun to sketch stuff up until you’re about 3 or 4 functions deep trying to figure out the shape of that one inner associative array and what made you think this little adventure was a good idea in the first place.

            • diggan13 hours ago
              > It’s really fast and fun to sketch stuff up until you’re about 3 or 4 functions deep trying to figure out the shape of that one inner associative array and what made you think this little adventure was a good idea in the first place.

              But that's exactly the situations where lisps shines! Select the form in your editor, evaluate it and your editor tells you exactly what it is, both runtime and compile-time data, pure magic :)

              • binary13212 hours ago

                that time

                but maybe not next time

                • diggan12 hours ago
                  What do you mean? Why wouldn't it work next time?
          • IshKebab12 hours ago
            > I'm not getting the same value from it that others seem to get.

            Another reason I've seen people not realise how good static types are is if they aren't using a proper IDE with code intelligence.

            The benefits of static typing are:

            1. Fewer bugs.

            2. Makes code easier to understand, because you know what types things are. That gives you a lot of information (even "business domain" things) that usually aren't documented in dynamically typed code.

            3. Navigating code in an IDE that understands the language is a lot faster. E.g. you can just ctrl-click something to go to its definition, auto-complete works reliably, you can find all the uses of an item reliably, etc.

            4. Refactoring code becomes tractable and easy. You can rename an item and it will automatically update all the usages. Anything you miss will get caught by the type checker.

            If you don't use a proper IDE you're missing out on half of that.

            Even so, I don't really see how you can say it gets in the way more than it helps. Unless you're working on really small & one-off projects, the amount of time you'll save by not having to deal with type errors or spend ages deciphering code just to figure out what type something has easily offsets any time adding the types.

            • diggan12 hours ago
              > If you don't use a proper IDE you're missing out on half of that.

              Ok, does Visual Studio Code and/or Visual Studio and/or the various JetBrains IDEs count as "proper IDE"? If so, those are the editors I tried, and while they're nice and all, none of those things you listed got better compared to my non-static typed languages usage. In fact, I'd argue that some of those things get worse when using statically typed languages, especially #2 and #4.

              > Even so, I don't really see how you can say it gets in the way more than it helps. Unless you're working on really small & one-off projects, the amount of time you'll save by not having to deal with type errors or spend ages deciphering code just to figure out what type something has easily offsets any time adding the types.

              I don't have to spend any time figuring out what type something has because that's not a typical problem I have when reading and writing code in for example Clojure. And if I do wonder about the shape of the data or whatever, I evaluate that snippet of code in my editor and it shows me what data is inside of whatever I had selected.

              It's OK that we have different ways of working and our brains work differently. Static typing is not objectively better, some things just work better in one way for some people. I really love the feedback cycle of "Read code, evaluate it, change it, evaluate it, write a test, evaluate it, save file" for producing/modifying code, and others want a cycle of "Read a lot, type a bit, run type checker, run unit tests" or whatever, and that's perfectly fine.

    • zephyrfalcona day ago
      There is definitely a push for it; not all of us think it's an improvement. When I see modern Python code, it looks nothing like the (relatively) clean, smallish and easy-to-understand language that it was 25 years ago. I get it, things change. The language now caters to a different crowd and attracts different people.

      But I have often wondered, if someone wants static typing, why not just use a statically typed language?

      • vundercind17 hours ago
        > But I have often wondered, if someone wants static typing, why not just use a statically typed language?

        A very high proportion of Python devs aren’t using it for the language, but for the libraries and ecosystem. Also lots of them weren’t the ones who picked it.

        Meanwhile, not at least having the kind of autocomplete and documentation that type hints provide is kinda hellish on any project of more than 200 or so lines. The time savings from spotting runtime bugs before they happen is just a bonus.

        Personally, I almost never need to add a type hint outside high-level definitions and function/method signatures, so they’re not really in the way even when I’m being pretty thorough with them.

      • Philpax20 hours ago
        I would and do, but a lot of existing code (especially ML code) is Python and I find myself having to interface with it. It's not an awful lot of fun, especially when there are no annotations to record what the code expects and what it outputs.
    • RHSeeger17 hours ago
      Having a type system provides benefits. Having a type system also comes with costs. The trick is whether (you believe) your specific use case gets enough out of those benefits to pay the costs.
      • binary1329 hours ago
        I can’t think of a time I have paid more for using a typesystem than I have been empowered by it. If you’re using types properly, it should be very empowering, and the cost not really perceptible. If anything, it reduces cost by moving things out of my brain and tests, into the typesystem.
        • RHSeeger5 hours ago
          If you're using dynamic systems properly, it should be very empowering, and the lack of types is not really perceptible. If anything, it reduces the time code my moving things (having to consider types) out of my brain. I can just imagine what I want the code to do and type it, and most of the time it just kind of works out.

          Mind you, I prefer a type system. I'd prefer to use Typescript over Javascript, etc. But I've also used a number of dynamic languages that let me work a lot faster when needed; Tcl, Ruby, and Python are examples of these.

          I've also used some type systems that lift a heavier load, letting me pay more attention to the type definitions and know that it will "just work" at the end, because, mathematically, it works. Haskell falls into this category (though I rarely use it for anything other than fun).

          I get it, you haven't use a dynamic system in a way that it works out for you. But that doesn't mean they're wrong... just that others have different experiences.

    • a day ago
    • lyu0728219 hours ago
      or perhaps a bad typesystem is worse than no typesystem at all? I think typing in python is obviously getting better, it just feels something went wrong when they constantly have to fix design mistakes other languages never made to begin with. Typescript is fun, its powerful and strict, typing in python is ugly and frustrating.

      If this is the first time people are introduced to static typing in programming I can understand their frustrations and opposition to it. Its probably the worst type system in any modern, popular language out there, except perhaps when things like clojure(script) pretends to have types (shudder).

    • zo1a day ago
      Python's optional type-hinting is leaps and bounds better than a static typing system (on its own). It's fluid, allows expressibility whilst balancing guard-rails, and is making crazy cool use of "execute-time" or "import-time" time concepts (as an alternative to design-time and run-time).

      So no, we're not coming around. Static typing as dictated by a heavy-handed and super-strict compiler has it's place, but has gimped our industry for decades.

      However, we do have to be very careful. Static, compile-time typing has kept the hipsters and junior-devs at-bay, and kept them from causing too-much havoc as we've seen in the JS world. So it's definitely an up-coming hazard for us to navigate around and make sure we don't fall prey to. Otherwise python will turn into another JS dumpster fire. Luckily, the JS developers are too-distracted and enthralled with node.js to jump ship.

    • lucasyvas15 hours ago
      Statically typed languages are in fact so much better nowadays that the industry should drop all dynamic / scripting languages for application development

      That will sadly probably never happen given the momentum they’ve built so the only choice is to retroactively add static typing and begin enforcing it in individual projects.

      When starting a new project, I would suggest nobody choose a dynamically typed language. Between Swift, Kotlin, C#, Go, Rust, etc… there’s no need for anything else. As long as front end web is around you might need TypeScript - and as long as ML is Python centric you might benefit from using a bit of it. But I wouldn’t make them the primary language.

      Context: Recovering dynamically typed language addict of 12 years. They’re slow, error prone, and don’t scale to a large engineering team.

  • miohtamaa day ago
    Reasons to use dataclass(slots=True) instead of TypedDict

    - Faster attribute access: your code is faster

    - Slotted classes take less RAM, less L1 cache pressure, your code is faster

    - Wrist friendly to with .foobar instead of ["foobar"]

    - Runtime error if you misspell an attribute name

    • fovca day ago
      It’s Python. Does L1 matter at all? I assume anything you’re accessing is behind a few pointers and __dict__ accesses anyway.

      For me it’s mostly about .attribute being more in line with the rest of the language. Kwargs aside, I find overuse of dicts to clunky in Python

      • gshulegaarda day ago
        Nope, __slots__ exist explicitly as an alternative to __dict__:


        Whether or not the performance matters...well that's somewhat subjective since Python has a fairly high performance floor which makes performance concerns a bit of a, "Why are you doing it in Python?" question rather than a, "How do I do this faster in Python?" most of the time. That said it _is_ more memory efficient and faster on attribute lookup.


        Anecdotally, I have used Slotted Objects to buy performance headroom before to delay/postpone a component rewrite.

      • josephga day ago
        > It’s Python. Does L1 matter at all?

        In many ways it matters more because it’s Python.

        I’ve met a lot of teams throughout my career who struggle daily with a badly performing Python codebase. You can write a no-frills web service in c#, go, rust or JavaScript. And, so long as you don’t do anything stupid, it’s usually plenty fast enough from day 1 to handle your users. But in my experience, the same isn’t true of Python. I’m sure Python web services can be made to run ok, but because it’s slow by default, I bet a lot more time is spent optimising Python programs around the world than optimising JavaScript.

      • zemoa day ago
        > It’s Python. Does L1 matter at all?

        depends on the type in question. If you are fetching and operating on a large number of records then it can matter. But otherwise the answer is more often that it does not really matter.

    • Spivaka day ago
      Better than both use Pydantic. You'll never want to use anything else ever again. It's truly transformative in how you write code. Full type hinting support as well as strong verification that your data actually conforms to the types you set. Full recursive parsing of types arbitrarily nested and can parse tagged and untagged unions.
      • serjestera day ago
        TypedDicts are enormously helpful in defining args a function takes. You can’t do that with either dataclasses / pydantic without passing instantiated objects as args - which is really cumbersome.
        • Spivaka day ago
          I actually have a function for this! I use it all the time and it's super helpful.

              T = TypeVar("T")
              U = TypeVar("U")
              V = TypeVar("V")
              P = ParamSpec("P")
              def modelargs(model: Callable[P, U]):
                  def _modelargs(func: Callable[[T], V]) -> Callable[P, V]:
                      def __modelargs(*args: P.args, **kwargs: P.kwargs) -> V:
                          return func(model(*args, **kwargs))  # type: ignore
                      return __modelargs  # type: ignore
                  return _modelargs
              class MyModel(BaseModel):
                  foo: str
                  bar: int = 4
              def test_func(model: MyModel):
                  print(model.foo, model.bar)
                  return 4
              test_func(foo="Hello", bar=20)  # -> prints Hello 20
          If you look in your editor you'll see that the type signature for test_func is `(*, foo: str, bar: int = 4) -> int`. It's unfortunate that you have to write the model type twice but in exchange you don't have to write the args twice.
          • FreakLegiona day ago
            I think serjester was talking about PEP 692 for typing kwargs with TypedDicts. Your recipe is a bit different.

            Pydantic is targeting other use cases. The point of TypedDicts is compile-time safety without run-time overhead. Pydantic is useful for a lot of things, but performance isn't exactly its strong suit (written as of 2.9.2, I was just revisiting it earlier this week).

            Anyway, in the same spirit of function signature hacking, I've found the following useful for "inheriting" them:

              _T = TypeVar("_T", bound=Callable)
              def inherit_signature(_function: _T) -> Callable[..., _T]:
                return lambda f: f
              # Requests for example has some long signatures (via typeshed).
              class CustomSession(requests.Session):
                  def post(self, url: str, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> requests.Response:
            And now for CustomSession.post the editor sees:

              def post(
                self: Session,
                url: str | bytes,
                data: _Data | None = None,
                json: Any | None = None,
                params: _Params | None = ...,
                headers: _HeadersUpdateMapping | None = ...,
                cookies: RequestsCookieJar | _TextMapping | None = ...,
                files: _Files | None = ...,
                auth: _Auth | None = ...,
                timeout: _Timeout | None = ...,
                allow_redirects: bool = ...,
                proxies: _TextMapping | None = ...,
                hooks: _HooksInput | None = ...,
                stream: bool | None = ...,
                verify: _Verify | None = ...,
                cert: _Cert | None = ...
              ) -> Response
          • rattraya day ago
            Interesting! How does that work for nested properties?
      • neeleshsa day ago
        The author touches upon why typeddicts with total=False are more ergonomic than Pydantic for the examples they have.
      • darkteflona day ago
        Really like Pydantic - assuming you’re happy to step outside the standard library. It does have a few sharp edges, but out of the box it includes all the stuff you eventually end up needing anyway. attrs is the other big Python parsing / validation library. I know nothing about it other than it’s also popular and that it distinguishes itself philosophically from Pydantic in a number of ways.

        Don’t forget to use ‘ConfigDict(frozen=True)’ absolutely everywhere!

        • ddejohna day ago
          Huge proponent of Pydantic.

          That said, there's also msgspec [1], which I've not used yet but plan to for my next project. It is supposedly quite a bit faster than Pydantic in de/serialization.

          [1] https://jcristharif.com/msgspec/

        • richrichiea day ago
          I looked up the docs as to what frozen does:

          > whether or not models are faux-immutable, i.e. whether __setattr__ is allowed (default: True)

          Seems everything is “faux” in Python world when it comes to typing ;)

          • Spivaka day ago
            Python very much lives up to its goal of being a language for consenting adults. It's part of the culture that you don't write code that tries to forbid users of your code from doing "wrong" things and such efforts are mostly futile anyway. You can reach right into a Python object's internal data and modify it directly, taking away __setattr__ is just a suggestion. It's the same as in C where you can modify const variables if you're determined enough.
            • richrichiea day ago
              I love Python and use it extensively. I just find the extensive typing rituals a bit funny. If one needs this much bandaid (essentially for code editors), then Python is not a good choice for the task.
          • stavrosa day ago
            Unfortunately I can't downvote, but this comment is just flamebait.
            • richrichiea day ago
              Ah, sensitive type you are! Read my reply above.
    • a day ago
  • calibasa day ago
    I feel like this needs to be mentioned more: If you don't have some kind of system to enforce types, then TypedDict does nothing at all.

    You can store a float in an attribute annotated as a string, and default Python will not stop you, or display any kind of warning. The typing is purely for development, and does nothing once compiled.

    If you want typing to actually be enforced, you need to use something like Pydantic.

    • MrJohza day ago
      Counter argument: this is actually a myth that gets repeated far too often, and misses the point of what static types do.

      If your input data is the correct type (big if #1), and if your types are sounds and consistent with each other (big if #2), then you don't need something like Pydantic, because the types guarantee that there will never be a float stored somewhere that's annotated as a string. It cannot happen, because as soon as you try to store a float in a string attribute, your type checker (Pyright, Mypy, etc) will complain. And if you're consistently running that type checker over your code, e.g. in a CI job that runs over your codebase for every push, then you can never have checked-in code where the types are incorrect.

      There are the two big caveats above, but these turn out not to be such big deals. Caveat #1 is that you can't rely on external data to match the types you've described internally. This is an ideal use case for Pydantic, like you say: you check external types once, at the boundaries of your program, and then internally you can be confident that the types will always be correct.

      Caveat #2 is that you don't break the type checker's limits. This generally means avoiding things like `Any`, and ensuring that your typed code always calls other typed code, and never untyped, un-annotated code. The easiest way to do this is to start by typing the leaf files in your program (the ones that only get imported, and never import anything in turn). These can't import untyped code, so if they're fully typed and the type checker passes, then you can be confident that their types are correct. Now sure, a bad caller could try and call one of these functions with invalid input, but as they say, Python is for adults, and you're free to call a function with the wrong arguments, and you're free to deal with the results.

      Now, you can add types to code that only imports typed code, and because you've checked the imported code you know it's correct, so if you also check the importer and it's also correct, then you can be confident at that level too. You can keep going until you've added types to the entire codebase, and now you can be confident that the entire codebase always passes the correct types, and therefore that no runtime enforcement is necessary.

      There is a third caveat, which is that this relies on having a powerful enough type system to model all the things that you were originally doing in Python's dynamic type system. This is hard, because you can do some pretty wild things in Python, and my own experience with Python type checkers has been a bit disappointing - they handle more boilerplate-heavy code fairly well, but seem to struggle on more idiomatic code that uses Python's dynamic features. However, that seems to be improving all the time, and Typescript demonstrates that it's certainly possible to model a dynamic language with static types to a very reasonable accuracy.

      • calibas14 hours ago
        What exactly is the "myth" that I'm promoting?

        Type annotations do nothing in default Python, they require some other system to enforce them.

      • vrightera day ago
        the lsp will complain about i~.

        The language happily does it anyway.

        • MrJohza day ago
          Which is why you use a type checker to ensure that it never happens in the codebase. If there is no line of code that ever does something like

              int_field: int = "string"

              self.int_field = "string"
          Then you can be confident that the language will never store a string value in that integer field. And if you expand this to cover all fields and variables in your codebase, you can see that, if you use the type system correctly, the language won't violate those constraints.

          There are some exceptions to this, like I said in the previous comment, but I think when getting started with typed Python, it's easier to assume that the types will be valid, because that's the case almost all of the time. Usually, overriding type assertions requires some kind of explicit cast or statement, and this is usually documented.

  • flysand7a day ago
    > Here we have a problem, for subscription does None mean don't change or remove subscription

    I read this like 10 times and I still dont understand this mess of grammar. Am I having a fucking stroke rn?

    • dan-robertsona day ago
      I’m going to send you some json to update your object – an HTTP PATCH request. There are three possible updates I might want to make to the subscription field:

      - change it to a new value

      - set it to None

      - leave it as-is

      In the json the first two options are specified by sending an object with a "subscription" field, either set to a string or to null. The third case is expressed by omitting the field.

      The OP asks how all three cases could be represented in python, and points out that one could not use subscription=None to represent both case 2 and 3 above.

      • RHSeeger17 hours ago
        If you need to be able to represent what looks like a tree of data

            set       - no value
                      - new value
        (sorry about the horrible tree) then it seems like you should represent the data like that. Pass in action (set/ignore) and value (value for set, no value for ignore). Or even (set/unset/ignore), which allows you to have some sanity checking that, if the action is set, an actual value is provided (and vice versa for unset).
    • roywigginsa day ago
      for "subscription", does `None` mean "don't change", or "remove subscription"?
      • Ericson2314a day ago
        Quoting, important when (meta-)programming and in natural language!
    • gorgoilera day ago
      Here we have a problem:

      If the “subscription” part of the “patch” data-structure is set to “None” it is impossible to tell if this means:

      1/ leave the “subscription” unchanged; or

      2/ set the “subscription” to None.

      You could solve this by requiring that a subscription is either a value or some other sentinel value meaning “not subscribed”:

        from typing import Union
        class T: pass
        NotSubscribed = T()
        Subscription = Union[int, T]
        def f(s: Subscription): pass
        f(None)  # wrong
      Is there a better way of doing this? (One that isn’t just “use Haskell” :)
    • syockita day ago
      Better punctuated:

      > Here we have a problem: for subscription, does None mean don't change or remove subscription?

  • jjtheblunta day ago
    "thank you think" in a title is overtly condescending...you know your audience and their educational deficiencies?

    "than i thought" would be compelling to read.

    • tptaceka day ago
      This is the kind of copyediting advice ChatGPT gives. I think everyone gets that the author doesn't know what you, in particular, think about TypedDicts. Read things more charitably; this is not a good use of time to discuss.
      • I’m not a big fan of the “my opinion is fact” or “your opinion is wrong” headlines. They can be mildly funny in the right context, but it’s been done so much that they’re just a bit boring now. I’m especially bored of seeing this convention in conference presentation titles.
      • Or people could post what they think, since that's the point of an internet forum.
        • binary132a day ago
          And here I thought the point of Internet forums was to prove who has the bigger uppey votey number!
        • tptaceka day ago
          Please don't pick the most provocative thing in an article or post to complain about in the thread. Find something interesting to respond to instead.


          • selcukaa day ago
            Ironically, you seem to have found the most provocative comment to respond to.
          • Seems a little ironic and self righteous since stories are upvoted based on the most provocative titles.
          • zo1a day ago
            Honestly, right now it looks like you are the one derailing the discussion. And when it didn't go your way, you started quoting the "guidelines" as if to smack us over our fingers for misbehaving. This entire sub-thread at time of writing this is like 20% of the entire discussion; and that's sad.
          • the_gorillaa day ago
    • crazygringoa day ago
      Yup, using "you" in headlines is a pattern that needs to die.

      I get that it's attention-grabbing, but it's because it's rude.

      You don't know anything about me. You don't know what I think or what I already know or what I won't believe.

      I know it's not a big deal in the grand scheme of things, but it's just one of those little aggravating things that makes life just a little bit worse each time you come across them.

      • robswca day ago
        The one I hate the most is:

        "X thing did Y, here's why Z"

        Where X and Y can range from meaningless to national security but Z always remains an opinion (usually uninformed too).

        Just search "here's why that's bad/good" on google news and there's so much "slop."

      • jjtheblunt9 hours ago
        "you" in headlines is better said, a better criterion for skippable articles, agreed! good point
    • sqeakya day ago
      100%! If people are dumb enough to think I am dumb, then they generally aren't saying anything worth listening to.
    • code_runner19 hours ago
      The irony of a typo in this meaningless and overly sensitive reply is hilarious
      • jjtheblunt13 hours ago
        i agree (!), and it was my typo (amid Figaro the rescue kitten helping with the keyboard) and attempt to remark that such titles probably don't even get clicked.
    • lopatina day ago
      It's a qualifier. In a sense, they do know their audience fairly well because someone who clicks on that link is intrigued and feel they have more to learn about it. Anyone who is pretty knowledgeable about the subject will go "pff .. yeah right" and not even click on it.

      That said, it does annoy me too.

      Also what annoys me is that I constantly try to play devils advocate for things like this even if I don't always agree with the conclusion of the advocate.

  • psd115 hours ago
    The article doesn't mention my train for loving TypedDict.

    I worked on a python app built by a man with a stronger will to succeed than ability to code.

    Data was passed as dicts. Many methods (in the god object, natch) destructured, unwrapped or mutated before passing the new dict to some other method.

    TypedDict allowed me to annotate these shitty dicts. It became possible to reason about the code without spending two hours tracing code paths.

    The real solution is to be better at code. But, given an app written by a dict fetishist, it's a pretty good solution.

    • sevensor15 hours ago
      I’ve been in the same boat. The amount of pain you can reduce by pushing type annotations through a codebase like that is spectacular. And although I love dataclasses, the non-totality that you get from typeddicts is key for modeling the kind of mess you describe.
      • psd115 hours ago
        TypedDict is a drop-in solution. Dataclasses is a big scary refactor. I'd use dataclasses in a new app, but it was not really an option in that app.
  • benmmurphya day ago

  • BiteCode_deva day ago
    TypedDict features are nice, but the syntax to declare it is aweful
  • fat_cantora day ago