152 pointsby LorenDB2 days ago3 comments
  • apsec1122 days ago
    This was already submitted, upvoted to the front page and then flagged:


    • hn_throwaway_992 days ago
      Hmm, I can imagine the comments would be a shit show, but I personally am glad I saw this submission. It's something I hadn't seen previously before, and while Hinton's views on AI safety are well-known at this point, I didn't know he had such a strong opinion of Altman. The quote from the article is:

      "I’m particularly proud of the fact that one of my students fired Sam Altman."

      Like, that's not subtle, and he said that while accepting his Nobel! I think that alone makes it relevant and newsworthy and not deserving of a flag.

      Edit: As an aside, has dang or anyone else ever said why HN doesn't support a "lock comments" option, instead of just an outright flag? While I definitely think that most of the value I get from HN is from the comments, there are cases like this one, where particularly flame war-inducing topics still have informative value in the article.

      • infecto2 days ago
        There can definitely be cases where interesting links get immediately flagged due to bias but often times mods will pick it up pretty quickly. Locking is an interesting idea though.

        In this case this techcrunch article is baiting garbage. They cherry-picked a single statement from something that is much more interesting. All this article serves to do is continue the boring regurgitation of pro or against sama.

        • hn_throwaway_992 days ago
          Looks like the original article (linked in the top comment) was switched to the full interview of Hinton, so glad dang made that change and unflagged it.
        • 7e2 days ago
          TechCrunch is doing me a service; I was not going to watch the Geoff Hinton video, so I would have remained ignorant of this important bit of news without TC highlighting it. Now I am going to watch the entire video, so it's a win all around. HN censorship, on the other hand, is doing us all great harm.
          • infectoa day ago
            On the flip side I find opinions like yours boring and not really adding any value. TC generated rage bait that folks like yourself eat up and feel so proud to share. I have no real opinion on sama, I have never worked for him but the flaming does not add much to the discussion.
      • 2 days ago
    • 7e2 days ago
      That post was also heavily censored to protect Sam Altman under the bromide of "intellectual curiosity."
  • indigo00862 days ago
    Why is everyone being pulled into this gossip fest around particular CEOS? This is pure yellow journalism inspired hate mongering. Its not even politics which would make sense
  • rattlesnakedave2 days ago