156 pointsby yu3zhou42 days ago19 comments
  • terminaltrove2 days ago
    If you're looking for more or new tools, we have lots at Terminal Trove and continuously add new ones.



    Every tool added has images/gifs and a quick way to install it.

    We love this list and sponsored the development of fd which we heavily use ourselves!

  • donatj2 days ago
    Eternal Terminal `et` when we worked from an office where our connection would drop regularly was a life saver. It's like Mosh but less opinionated and doesn't interfere with scrollback.


    Probably goes without saying, but for anyone who doesn't know about it, `jq` is life changing, was kind of surprised not to see it. It's a sort of query language for querying JSON blobs. I use it almost every single day. It's indispensable.


    • ExtremisAndy2 days ago
      I have never heard of “jq”. Oh my goodness. Your comment may have just changed my life. I cannot emphasize enough how many times I have needed a tool like this (and, yes, shame on me for not making a better effort to find one). Thank you!
      • dredmorbiusa day ago
        The syntax (and theory behind it) are really arcane, but jq is phenomenally powerful.

        For websites which can publish JSON extracts, piping that through jq to get just what you want and how you want it is an absolute lifesaver.

        • wwader7 hours ago
          Yeap the syntax and semantics is quite different to other languages and it really took me a long time and deep understanding to really appreciate how expressive and damn well designed it is.
      • wwader2 days ago
        As a heavy jq user and now a days also maintainer i say welcome! happy to help if you run into some problem
    • anyonecancode2 days ago
      I also like jless:


      For when you aren't manipulating or querying json and just want a nice UI for exploring it.

      • darkteflon2 days ago
        Coincidentally, yesterday I decided I needed a JSON TUI and landed on fx (https://github.com/antonmedv/fx), which seems to have come out of the Wave terminal project and looks quite similar to jless. Also uses vim keybindings. I like it so far.
    • alsothismthelp2 days ago
      This is a command line tool which lets you inspect the keys recursively and then use the resulting keypath to query the value.


  • defrost2 days ago
    Whether you're a black or white hat or more simply just a grunt pushing stuff out; Pillager (or Gitleaks) is worth having on the sanity checklist



        powerful rules functionality to recursively search directories for sensitive information in files. 
        At it's core, Pillager is designed to assist you in determining if a system is affected by common sources of credential leakage as documented by the MITRE ATT&CK framework.
    Good for catching those Oops I deployed the company password list again SNAFU's.
  • KneeAwn2 days ago
    I love these tools. A few more I like are: eget - good for getting these little tools (https://github.com/zyedidia/eget) dust - fd is to find as dust is to du (https://github.com/bootandy/dust) yank - nice to quickly copy things from the command line (https://github.com/mptre/yank)
    • blacksmith_tb2 days ago
      Hmm, yank looks useful on Linux, on macOS there's just pbcopy[1]?

      1: https://ss64.com/mac/pbcopy.html

      • ashenke2 days ago
        pbcopy puts all stdin in the clipboard, whereas yank gives an interface to pick a subselection of the input
    • jftuga2 days ago
      eget looks great! Thanks for mentioning it.
  • netol2 days ago
    exa is abandoned. There is now a maintained fork called eza: https://github.com/eza-community/eza
    • yu3zhou42 days ago
      I just ran `brew install eza` and I'm overwhelmed with amount of dependencies it installs. Among many others - openjdk, qt, node - what is going on?
      • quadhome2 days ago
        You’re likely running on an old version of MacOS that isn’t able to use the precompiled binaries. So, brew is installing all the dependencies necessary to build eza from scratch.

        Intel-era Mac?

        • IshKebab2 days ago
          But why would it need all of those dependencies?
          • Aaron22222 days ago
            From what I can tell, it doesn't:

              $ brew deps --include-build eza
          • groby_b2 days ago
            Because all dependency managers at some point devolve to "install ocean, then boil ocean".

            (If you care, "brew deps <package> --tree" will tell you.)

            • yu3zhou42 days ago
              brew deps eza --tree prints:


              └── libgit2

                  ├── libssh2
                  │   └── openssl@3
                  │       └── ca-certificates
                  └── openssl@3
                      └── ca-certificates
            • 2 days ago
          • jasonpeacock2 days ago
            Because most of those are dependencies required to build the actual dependencies.

            There's (generally) 4 types of dependencies:

                - Toolchains (frameworks, compilers)
                - Build (headers and libraries)
                - Runtime (libraries)
                - Test (frameworks, headers, libraries)
            And those dependencies all bring their own dependencies...
        • yu3zhou42 days ago
          MacBook Air M2 2022, macOS Sequoia 15.0
          • zbentley2 days ago
            Your Homebrew may not be configured to pull only the runtime dependencies; as others in this thread have mentioned, it's pulling in all those dependencies becauase it's building "eza" (or something, perhaps one of "eza"'s few transitives) from source, which brings in quite the list, including openjdk as you saw.

            Homebrew can accidentally end up configured to do this in a number of ways. Some of these may no longer be issues; this list is from memory and should be taken with a grain of salt:

            - You might be running an outdated homebrew.

            - You might have homebrew checked out as a git checkout, thus missing "brew update" abilities. "brew doctor" will report on this.

            - You might have "inherited" your Homebrew install from a prior Mac (e.g. via disk clone or Time Machine), or from the brief transitional period where Homebrew was x86-via-Rosetta on ARM macs, thus leaving your brew in a situation where it can't find prebuilt packages ("bottles") for what it observes as a hybrid/unique platform. Tools, including your shell, which install Homebrew for you might install it as the wrong (rosetta-emulated) architecture if any process-spawning part of the tool is an x86-only binary. More details on a similar situation I found myself in are here: https://blog.zacbentley.com/post/dtrace-macos/

            - (I'm pretty sure most issues in this area have been fixed, but) you might have an old or "inherited" XCode or XCode CLT installation. These, too, can propagate from backups. Removing Homebrew, uninstalling/reinstalling XCode/CLT, and reinstalling Homebrew can help with this.

            - The HOMEBREW_ARCH, HOMEBREW_ARTIFACT_DOMAIN, HOMEBREW_BOTTLE_DOMAIN, or other environment variables may be set in your shell such that Homebrew either thinks the platform doesn't have bottles available or it shouldn't download them: https://docs.brew.sh/Manpage#environment

            - Perhaps obvious, but your "brew" command might be invoked such that it always builds from source, e.g. via a shell alias.

            - Homebrew may be unable to access the bottle repository (https://ghcr.io/v2/homebrew/core/), either due to a network/firewall issue or a temporary outage.

            • yu3zhou42 days ago
              Thank you for such a comprehensive guide! I’ll try to resolve the issue today with your help
              • zbentleya day ago
                You’re welcome! One more issue that I missed calling out: a bottle may not yet be available for your platform (Sequoia) as it is very new. In that case, patience.
            • specialist2 days ago
              Your (awesome) comment reminds me...

              Noob me has had to troubleshoot homebrew. Like keeping laptop and desktop in sync. Like fixing stuff I've somehow borked.

              So I tried a handful of GUIs (wrappers). Like these two top hits:



              But sort of bounced off.

              Noob friendly homebrew seems like such a great idea. I especially want just one strategy which spans both utils and apps (casks). Versus cobbling together Apple App Store, SetApp, and homebrew.

              Those GUIs would be even more useful if they spotted and explained the config issues you listed. (I have no idea if "brew doctor" suffices.)

    • gitaarik2 days ago
  • jasonpeacock2 days ago
    I really enjoy `glow`, it makes me smile when I use it:


    It's a commandline markdown viewer/renderer.

  • sandreas2 days ago
    Herr is mine..

      # dra - download releases from gh
      # bat - modern cat replacement
      # btop - process explorer
      # difftastic - better diff
      # eza - modern ls replacement
      # fd - find replacement
      # fzf - fuzzy finder
      # gdu - disk usage analyzer similar to ncdu but faster
      # jless - json viewer
      # jq - json query tool
      # lazydocker - terminal docker management ui
      # pandoc - document conversion tool
      # pandoc dependency
      # restic - repository based backup tool
      # rg - ripgrep, better grep tool
      # rga - ripgrep-all, grep for PDF
      # starship - powerlevel10k replacement
      # tone - audio tagger
      # yazi - terminal file manager
      # zellij - terminal multiplexer
      # zoxide - modern cd replacement
    • ibash2 days ago
      In addition to restic: rustic


      It’s a rewrite of restic in rust, but has a few more quality of life features and a config file for setting params (instead of restic only having cli flags).

      It’s what changed my backups from something I’d poke at every few days to completely on autopilot.

      • sandreas2 days ago
        I'd prefer rededup (technology wise), but it has not many convenience features and a small userbase.

        Killer feature is backup without providing the decrypt key, but restic has a huge userbase and a more promising future

      • Timber-65392 days ago
        The readme has this note.

        > Stability rustic currently is in beta state and misses regression tests. It is not recommended to use it for production backups, yet.

  • joemi2 days ago
    Do the creators/maintainers of these tools ever try to get their improvements merged into the tools they aim to replace? And does it ever happen? For a while I've heard about things like ripgrep and such that seem to be so much better and faster than grep, so why wouldn't those kinds of improvements get brought into grep?

    (Note: I'm not asking this from a "down with the old ways!" perspective, but just out of curiosity. I assume there's a reason people are making separate tools instead of improving the existing ones, I just don't know what that reason is.)

    • burntsushi2 days ago
      One of the biggest improvements reported by my users is the smart filtering enabled by default in ripgrep. That can't be contributed back to GNU grep.

      Also, people have tried to make GNU grep uses multiple threads. As far as I know, none of those attempts have led to a merged patch.

      There are a boatload of other reasons to be honest as well.

      And there's no reason why I specifically need to do it. I've written extensively on how and why ripgrep is fast, all the way down to details in the regex engine. There is no mystery here, and anyone can take these techniques and try to port them to another grep.

      • joemi14 hours ago
        Thanks, it's really nice to get an answer from the creator of one of these tools!
    • arp2422 days ago
      I've written some tools like this; some released, some not (mostly because unfinished). The problem with "merging it upstream" is that it's just a lot of friction. There are also some ideas I have and having my own tool gives me the freedom to explore and experiment without worrying too much what other people think or compatibility.

      And then there's the language choice, as well as code quality. I don't really want to start a huge discussion about this, but it should be pretty obvious that many people are more comfortable and productive using languages that are not C, and that some of these tools don't have the best C code you can find.

      A lot of "Rewrite in Rust" (or Go, Python, what-have-you) isn't really about the "Rewrite in Rust" as such, but rather about "Rewrite so I can play around with ideas I have".

      Also see my comment from a while ago when someone asked "why do this when $other_tool already exists?": https://github.com/arp242/elles/issues/1#issuecomment-216855...

    • landr0id2 days ago
      Some algorithm improvements ripgrep uses could be brought into grep, but ripgrep at its core just operates differently. It uses threads by default, assumes unicode, has a completely different regex engine, amongst other things. It could also probably be argued that some things from ripgrep would be pretty difficult to port from Rust to C or C++ safely.

      burntsushi has a blog post on it here: https://blog.burntsushi.net/ripgrep/

      • 3eb7988a16632 days ago
        All of the behind the scenes improvements aside, ripgrep just has significantly better defaults. Recursiveness, ignore binaries, parsing .gitignore, etc. I do not think it would be possible to get grep to alter these configurations. It would break decades of ossified scripts.
    • gitaarik2 days ago
      Ripgrep is written in Rust while the original grep in C. So it doesn't make sense to try to combine them. Ripgrep is rather the modern rewrite, and we keep the old grep around for backwards compatibility.
  • skdd82 days ago
    I love ranger: https://github.com/ranger/ranger It is a file manager inspired by vim and midnight-commander.
  • steph-1232 days ago
    I really enjoy `x-cmd`


    A vast and interesting collection of CLI that can then bootstrap lots of other programs / functions in a consistent and structured way (X bootstrap 1000+ tools and your scripts)

  • thiht2 days ago
    One rarely mentioned tool I absolutely love is hyperfine: https://github.com/sharkdp/hyperfine

    It’s a benchmarking CLI tool that can be used as an alternative to `time`. I often use it to detect flacky tests, I run something like `hyperfine —show-output -n=100 'go test ./… -count=1' and it helps me catch tests that fail unreliably

  • petepete2 days ago
    xh is a clone of httpie written in Go, it's a little snappier if that's important to you.
  • umvi2 days ago
    The problem (for me) with using non standard CLI is that whenever I'm using some other computer (i.e. a VM I spun up, server I'm ssh'd into, etc) said custom tools are no longer available unless I go out of my way to install them and I have to fall back on standard coreutils. So for me it only seems worth custom CLI tooling if you are relatively stable in your work environment.
  • jftuga2 days ago
    I've recently made a new command line tool:


    Golang package and CLI to compute the difference between date, time or duration

    Here is a more detailed announcement:


  • grakker2 days ago
    I've never been a fan of aliasing new commands to coreutils commands. Just use the new name, or make a unique alias.
  • gigatexal2 days ago
    Zoxide looks really cool
    • marcinreal2 days ago
      I didn't like frecency in this and similar tools. I would often get put in directories that I didn't want. I wrote my own simple script that just uses recency, and if there's multiple possible matches you get to choose which one you want (though this is configurable).


      • BeetleB2 days ago
        > I would often get put in directories that I didn't want.

        I solved this by combining it with fzf. Get all the directories you've ever visited and pass on to fzf (sorted by frequency). Then do your matching. You can trivially see if the match is taking you where you want. If not it is likely the second or third match. You're no longer constrained to navigating only to the top matched directory.

        I have this bound to a keystroke in my shell.

      • I_complete_me2 days ago
        I use dirjump [1] for this. I use zoxide alongside it. [1] https://github.com/imambungo/dirjump
    • kstrauser2 days ago
      I adore it. `z <project I'm working on>` is my brain's hardwired shortcut to get back to what I was doing.

      Pair it with dotenv to automatically set my my shell environment for that project, whatever it is I'm doing at the moment, and it's sooo ergonomic to bounce around between tasks.

    • darkteflon2 days ago
      I used and loved z for years but migrated to zsh-z (https://github.com/agkozak/zsh-z) when MacOS switched the default shell and it became apparent that z wouldn’t be compatible with it.

      Anyone have a view on whether I should switch from zsh-z (~2k gh stars) to Zoxide (~22k stars)?

    • stared2 days ago
      It is a simple tool, yet it makes a day-and night difference when traversing directories.
    • elmariachi2 days ago
      It is! It's saved me quite a bit of typing since I started using it.
  • ibash2 days ago

    It’s a cli that lets you query anything table-like with sql. csv, excel, parquet, and other dbs all in one comfy sql interface.

  • AtlasBarfed2 days ago
    IS EXA PARSEABLE????!!!???

    It's a slowly developing trend, but I also wish that a --json output flag was a part of all cli utility output.

    Tldr sounds interesting. Man pages are awful for quick reference. At this point it should be possible to collect the statistically ranked most common example usages of commands and provide them, especially if there are very very common associated commands that are piped with them.

    • dingnuts2 days ago
      I tried out tldr a few years back and in practice tldr never seemed to have what I want in it

      now, for the same use case, I search for the man page on Kagi, use the LLM "ask this page questions" feature to ask the man page how to do what I want, and then ctrl-f with the flags it outputs and read the man page entries for those to ensure no hallucinations.

  • Twelveday2 days ago
    I always try to predict what tools are mentioned in these posts and this time I was pretty close to get them all :)

    I recently started using forgit and find it really usefull without having to change my workflow too much.

    And instead of tldr i just do `curl cheat.sh/tar`