51 pointsby program3 days ago5 comments
  • legitster3 days ago
    At this point, I am not even sure what Wordpress.org is anymore other than a marketing department for Automattic. It's hard to know if this is a real position with real people reporting to it or if the entire org is a paper department.
    • cdolan15 hours ago
      IMO that is why .org was not named in the lawsuit - it is simply an alter ego of MM
    • that_guy_iain3 days ago
      I suspect we'll only find out when WP Engine makes them explain it all out in court.

      WP Engine, the hero we didn't even know we needed. /s

  • DonnieBurger3 days ago
    Apparently Automattic states she's back working for them: https://x.com/automattic/status/1843750645037445200

    So then what is WordPress.org in this context?

    • pluginvulns3 days ago
      WordPress.org seems to be used to refer to Matt Mullenweg [1], as he apparently personally owns it, though one of Automattic's lawyers said last week that it is a non-profit that is separate from the WordPress Foundation [2].

      The previous Executive Director of WordPress was also an Automattic employee. When they were announced in the role their employment with Automattic also wasn't disclosed [3].

      [1] https://www.pluginvulnerabilities.com/2024/10/02/who-or-what... [2] https://www.pluginvulnerabilities.com/2024/10/03/automattic-... [3] https://make.wordpress.org/updates/2019/01/16/expanding-word...

      • photomatt3 days ago
        All the information in the links you shared is totally wrong. Our lawyers have never said that WordPress.org is a non-profit or owned by the Foundation. It's owned and run by me personally, and I have a trademark license from the WordPress Foundation to use the WordPress name and brand on the site.
        • pluginvulns3 days ago
          Here is the original source for the claim, which is on Automattic's website: https://automattic.com/2024/10/02/wordpress-trademarks-a-leg...

          The author is identified as Neil Peretz, who it says is an associate general counsel at Automattic. He says:

          "The Foundation also licensed the name WordPress to the non-profit WordPress.org, which runs a website that facilitates access to WordPress-related software."

          A graphic included in the post similarly claims that "Right to use name as part of non-profit activities" went to WordPress. With the arrow coming from the WordPress Foundation.

          We contacted Automattic's press email for clarification on that claim on Thursday. We have yet to hear back and the post hasn't been updated.

          • neilperetz3 days ago
            Hi, it's Neil Peretz. I was just alerted to your post. I understand there's a question you have. How can I help you?
            • legitster3 days ago
              I will ask on behalf of the entire Wordpress community - is there any part of the Wordpress cluster of organizations that do not ultimately answer to Matt?
              • neilperetz3 days ago
                Hi Legitster. I will work with colleagues on a response to your question. It's a broad topic given how many facets there are to the WordPress community.
                • DonnieBurger3 days ago
                  I'll take that as a "no." unless proven otherwise.
                  • neilperetz3 days ago
                    While I love pronouns, they can lead to misunderstandings if not carefully defined. Above it was written "I'll take that as a 'no'".

                    Could you explain what "that" refers to in your statement. I am asking because, lacking a clear definition of the question, I cannot say whether the answer is Yes, No, or something else.

                    • ThePowerOfFuet2 days ago
                      "that" was referring to your reply to their straightforward yes/no question being anything but.
                      • neilperetz2 days ago
                        So you interpret "is there any part of the Wordpress cluster of organizations that do not ultimately answer to Matt?" as being a YES or NO question?

                        I interpret it as a request for information about what is Matt's role in the ecosystem and I was gathering information to share about that.

                        However, if you are not interested in factual information, the answer is: YES, there are various parts of the the Wordpress cluster of organizations that do not ultimately answer to Matt.

                        • slenk2 days ago
                          Which ones aren't under his control? HR? Legal? Because no sane person would be letting him do this
                        • pwillia7a day ago
                          While I love the use of passive aggressive language, in this case, as it was originally written, "However, if you are not interested in factual information, the answer is: YES" causes some globule of confusion to the primary reader --

                          Is this to imply that the answer Yes to the question about Matt's control over the organizations named WordPress is _not_ in fact factual?

                          Dictated not read.


                    • pwillia7a day ago
                      Ironic, this is the same confusion WP users are having over a word that is not a pronoun -- WordPress
                    • a day ago
                  • deffnotabot3 days ago
                • jonnypants833 days ago
                  come on, Neil... you just published 700 words on the topic. You even made flow charts! Are you now saying you don't actually have a solid understanding of the situation?
                  • nchmy3 days ago
                    Given how poorly written that article is (and how he has no control of his client), its not clear that Neil is actually a real lawyer
                    • neilperetz3 days ago
                      Despite our sometimes fervent wishes, lawyers don't control clients. We are not puppeteers.
                      • NeonNautilus3 days ago
                        Matt has also claimed that you or someone else on his legal team has signed off on his posting. https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=41726834

                        Is that true or false?

                      • deirdresm21 hours ago
                        If lawyers only had perfect clients, they wouldn’t have clients.

                        (Analogously, If software engineers only worked for perfect companies, companies wouldn’t have software engineers.)

                      • nchmy2 days ago
                        So what you're saying is that you "fervently" think your boss should shut up because he is giving his legal opponent fuel for their case against his extortion and other charges? And that he's making you write things that you don't understand or particularly agree with?

                        I promise you, your integrity (or at least your license to practice law) are worth more than Matt's sinking ship. I hope you can move on to do something meaningful with you practice

                        • Ballantara2 days ago
                          he's never going to move on to anything meaningful, he's fully cooked
                        • neilperetz2 days ago
                          No, that's not what I am saying. Nice try with the leading question though.
                      • wasteduniverse2 days ago
                  • neilperetz3 days ago
                    Clearly your question is beyond the scope of the article -which means you want more than 700 words. Otherwise you could just read the article.
                    • mthoms2 days ago

                      Thanks for participating. I have an honest question:

                      How do you reconcile your post [0] claiming that Automattic controls all commercial aspects of the trademark with Matt's previous claim that "the most central piece of WordPress’s identity, its name, is now fully independent from any company" and that Automattic had "give[n] up control" of the marks? [1]

                      [0] https://automattic.com/2024/10/02/wordpress-trademarks-a-leg... [1] https://ma.tt/2010/09/wordpress-trademark/

                      • neilperetz2 days ago
                        I appreciate the question and it deserves a lengthier blog post reply that I will work on and share. In the interim, some brief thoughts on the topic that may be relevant.

                        The WordPress community operates on an open source, non-commercial basis. The community decides what is included in each release of WordPress, how it's tested, what documentation accompanies it, etc.

                        Because the WordPress Foundation, not Automattic, owns the WordPress trademarks for non-commercial use, Automattic has no control or veto of what code is stamped with the WordPress label.

                        By contrast, if Automattic retained non-commercial control over the WordPress trademarks it could refuse to affix the WordPress label to work done by and released by core contributor groups.

                        In case you are not familiar with how WordPress decisionmaking works: Volunteer contributors self-organize into groups that set their own goals, interface with other groups, allocate resources, plan a schedule, and resolve issues according to a Community Code of Conduct (see https://make.wordpress.org/handbook/community-code-of-conduc...). You can learn about how decisions are made in the WordPress project at https://learn.wordpress.org/course/how-decisions-are-made-in....

                        I am going to operate under the assumption that others may have similar questions, which is why I think this is a good topic for a blog post.

                        • mthoms2 days ago
                          Neil, thanks for your response. But (as you noted) there is still lots of confusion.

                          >Because the WordPress Foundation, not Automattic, owns the WordPress trademarks for non-commercial use, Automattic has no control or veto of what code is stamped with the WordPress label.

                          Respectfully, how the "code is stamped" wasn't the question, and nobody was worried about that. What people were worried about around the time of Matt's post (previously linked) was corporate control over the marks. That is the context under which Matt made the claim.

                          Given that context, would you describe the trademarks as being "fully independent from any company"?

                          If I may pick your brain some more; Where does this distinction between commercial and non-commercial use come from? The trademark assignment does not appear to make any such distinction: "..an exclusive, fully-paid, royalty-free, perpetual, irrevocable, worldwide, sublicensable right and license to use and otherwise exploit the trademarks...".


                          Which brings up something else I hope you can clarify: how can The Foundation grant wordpress.org a license if the licence granted to Automattic is exclusive? Wordpress.org as you know, is not a non-profit.


                          • neilperetz2 days ago
                            Hi mthoms. The question you asked is: "how can The Foundation grant wordpress.org a license if the licence granted to Automattic is exclusive? Wordpress.org as you know, is not a non-profit."

                            One need not be a non-profit corporation to engage in non-commercial use. Distributing open source software at no charge is not a commercial activity.

                            An analogy might be you or I volunteering at a community event. We are individuals, not non-profit corporations, however we would be engaged in non-commmercial activity.

                            • jonnypants832 days ago
                              Do you consider a site privately owned by Matt that advertises Matt's commercial products to be non-commercial because it also hosts open source code?
                            • mthoms2 days ago
                              Thanks Neil. I disagree strongly about dot org being non-commercial. Jetpack and Akismet (Automattic commercial products) have been "featured" plugins since time immemorial. That means they show up ahead of 60,000 other plugins, every time. There is massive commercial benefit to that.

                              Just one more question if you don't mind -

                              Where does this distinction between commercial and non-commercial use come from? The trademark assignment does not appear to make any such distinction: "..an exclusive, fully-paid, royalty-free, perpetual, irrevocable, worldwide, sublicensable right and license to use and otherwise exploit the trademarks...".

                              • ValentineC2 days ago
                                > Where does this distinction between commercial and non-commercial use come from? The trademark assignment does not appear to make any such distinction: "..an exclusive, fully-paid, royalty-free, perpetual, irrevocable, worldwide, sublicensable right and license to use and otherwise exploit the trademarks...".

                                Not the parent commenter, but I'm guessing it comes from the usage part after:

                                > in connection with the hosting of blogs and web sites that utilize any version or component of the WordPress open source publishing platform product or open source successor of any of the foregoing on or in connection with www.wordpress.com and www.wordpress.tv (each and collectively, together with any subdomains of any of the foregoing, "Automatic Sites"), providing support for the Automatic Sites, and/or substantially similar uses in connection with the Automatic Sites.

                                • mthomsa day ago
                                  Right, but none of that says anything to the effect of "excluding non-commercial use". It's a blanket assignment for "hosting of blogs and web sites that utilize any version or component of the WordPress open source publishing platform product or open source successor..."

                                  That means Automattic's rights ares not restricted in any way despite their claims that The Foundation has exclusive non-commercial rights and Automattic does not.

                        • aimazon2 days ago
                          If the WordPress Foundation is controlled by Matt, Automattic is controlled by Matt and WordPress.org is controlled by Matt, how can there be independent decision making? As Matt has demonstrated by blurring the lines between WordPress.org and Automattic by introducing the ban on WP Engine "affiliates" accessing WordPress.org because of the lawsuit against Automattic, there's no distinction.

                          Matt has tweeted about his final approval over WordCamp events despite members of the volunteer groups operating under the belief they had the final say, which undermines any attempt to claim these volunteer groups have any control (only the illusion of control): https://x.com/ryancduff/status/1841834672059199590

                          Automattic just poached Jason Bahl from WPEngine to bring WPGraphQL into core WordPress, demonstrating very clearly that Automattic have control over WordPress core: https://wordpress.org/news/2024/10/wpgraphql/

                          Matt has shared that he owns WordPress.org personally but that Automattic employs hundreds of people to work on it and spends millions of dollars financing it.

                          Ultimately, you work for Automattic and report to Matt so you're obligated to share his version of the world, but the version of the world you're describing only exists in Matt's head. There's no way to frame what is happening as independent of Automattic. I know that it doesn't matter to you personally, this is just a job, and once you leave Automattic you'll look back and laugh at the absurdity of this situation. I guess the point of my comment is to say: we all know that you know this is nonsense, you're convincing nobody. If you actually believe this nonsense (which I doubt, you're not an idiot) then you need to do a much better job of convincing people.

                        • pluginvulnsa day ago
                          It appears you do not know what is going on with WordPress.

                          The person who ultimately controls what is included in a release of WordPress is the Release Lead. They are an employee of Automattic. We compiled a list of Release Leads going back to 2019: https://www.pluginvulnerabilities.com/2024/10/10/automattics...

                          It has been Matt Mullenweg 12 of 15 times. The other Release Leads were Josepha Haden Chomphosy and Matías Ventura, who were Automattic employees at the time.

                          So Automattic obviously does have control and a veto.

                        • ThisIsOli2 days ago
                          Are you saying that Matt has never and will never veto a contribution that the contributor team has agreed on?

                          Are you also saying that Automattic employees have not led and had controlling power on teams that are making commits to WordPress?

                        • 2 days ago
                        • FireBeyond2 days ago
                          > Because the WordPress Foundation, not Automattic, owns the WordPress trademarks for non-commercial use, Automattic has no control or veto of what code is stamped with the WordPress label.

                          Who are the board members of the WPF, and how active are they? My understanding is that there are three, and two are active.

                          Who is the CEO of Automattic? Let's not be naive and pretend that Automattic has "no control" over the WordPress Foundation when they share Presidents.

                          For one simple example, why did Matt Mullenweg, President of the independent, "no control from Automattic", WordPress Foundation disinvite WP Engine from a community event they sponsored, because they were in a legal dispute with Matt Mullenweg, President of entirely independent, arms-length Automattic?

                    • NeonNautilus3 days ago
                      Did Matt really send you here without even explaining what the conversation was about? And then you didn't even bother to read it for yourself?

                      The article you wrote claims "The Foundation also licensed the name WordPress to the non-profit WordPress.org, which runs a website that facilitates access to WordPress-related software."

                      Matt in his comment claims "All the information in the links you shared is totally wrong. Our lawyers have never said that WordPress.org is a non-profit or owned by the Foundation."

                      So which of you have it wrong?

                      • neilperetz2 days ago
                        I believe there was a typo in the post. If you read this thread you'll see a note below from Matt yesterday that the post was corrected.
                        • FireBeyond2 days ago
                          "Asbolutely" is a typo.

                          Don't white wash a completely inaccurate and misleading statement as a typing error - that treats people like fools.

                          ESPECIALLY since this is one of DOZENS of recently citable instances where Matt refers to WP.org, Automattic, and the Foundation almost interchangably.

                          "Rushing to fix years of (intentionally/conveniently) muddy waters on org structures" is not "a typo in the past" - this is insulting to your audience.

            • pluginvulns2 days ago
              We don't have any questions, but there are possibly several inaccuracies in the post you wrote. At least the information appears to contradict other information provided on your side.

              The post has been updated to say that "The Foundation also licensed the name to the website WordPress.org, which facilitates widespread access to WordPress-related software at no charge." Websites presumably can't have trademark licenses. There must be a legal entity. Matt Mullenweg is claiming that he personally has the second license for the trademark [1], so not a website. A graphic included in the post similarly still claims that "Right to use name as part of non-profit activities" went to WordPress. With the arrow coming from the WordPress Foundation. There doesn't appear to be a non-profit.

              The post states that "The right to use the WordPress marks for commercial purposes (e.g., selling software, hosting, and agency services) is owned by Automattic." The publicly available license states that Automattic has the right to use the trademark "in connection with the hosting of blogs and web sites [2]." So it looks like Automattic's rights are more limited. Maybe the license has been amended or there is an unstated belief that the license has a wider scope than the plain language of the license suggests. Having the foundation release all licenses agreements it has would help to clear things up, possibility for you, but definitely for everyone else.

              In explaining how the license agreement between the foundation and Automattic happened, the post says that 'In order to effect a valid license agreement, there needs to be an actual exchange of value from both sides, which lawyers call "consideration."' But Matt Mullenweg [3] and what appears to be an Automattic employee writing for the WordPress Foundation [4] both stated at the time that Auomattic donated the trademark. Legally, a donation can't involve a consideration [5]. That would suggest there isn't a valid license agreement or there wasn't actually a donation.

              We would suggest you consult with a lawyer about all that, but you are a lawyer.

              [1] https://youtu.be/OUJgahHjAKU?t=442 [2] https://assignments.uspto.gov/assignments/assignment-tm-4233... [3] https://ma.tt/2010/09/wordpress-trademark/ [4] https://wordpressfoundation.org/news/2010/trademark/ [5] https://www.law.cornell.edu/wex/donation

              • neilperetz2 days ago
                You wrote: "In explaining how the license agreement between the foundation and Automattic happened, the post says that 'In order to effect a valid license agreement, there needs to be an actual exchange of value from both sides, which lawyers call "consideration."

                Indeed. And there was a lot of Consideration given in this exchange. Automattic owned 100% of the WordPress trademarks. Automattic's "Consideration" was to give all the non-commercial use of those trademarks to the WordPress Foundation.

                Consider a simple, but apt analogy. You own a car. You decide to give someone else the right to drive your car on the weekends, however you retain the right to drive it during the week. Did you provide Consideration for the right to drive the car during the week? Of course - the recipient previously had nothing and you gave them the right to drive your car on the weekend. The only lack of Consideration here was that the person getting the weekend driving rights gave you nothing in exchange for those.

                • ValentineC2 days ago
                  > Indeed. And there was a lot of Consideration given in this exchange. Automattic owned 100% of the WordPress trademarks. Automattic's "Consideration" was to give all the non-commercial use of those trademarks to the WordPress Foundation.

                  If I understand your comment correctly, you are saying that Automattic is still the owner of the WordPress trademarks, and granted licenses for non-commercial use to the WordPress Foundation?

                  • metamichael2 days ago
                    It's clear from what he's saying that Automattic once OWNED the trademarks, but transferred those trademarks to the WordPress Foundation, and thus Automattic is NO LONGER THE OWNER of said trademarks.

                    What Automattic has is an exclusive license to use and sell the commercial licenses of the trademark.

                    • jonnypants832 days ago
                      I don't think that's clear.

                      >Automattic owned 100% of the WordPress trademarks. Automattic's "Consideration" was to give all the non-commercial use of those trademarks to the WordPress Foundation.

                • pluginvulns2 days ago
                  You need to keep reading the rest of what we wrote there. We were not disputing that explanation of a consideration. We are saying there can’t be a consideration in a donation and two employees of Automattic contemporaneously claimed it was donation. Either there wasn’t a donation or there isn’t a valid license agreement.

                  You also didn't address the other issues at all.

          • FateOfNations3 days ago
            It seems like they used "non-profit" in that sentence to mean:

            "an undertaking being conducted for a purpose other than making a profit"

            …rather than…

            "an organization that has been recognized by the Internal Revenue Service as being organized and operated exclusively for exempt purposes as set forth in section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code."

            • LordAtlas2 days ago
              You would think an attorney of all people would be more careful with their words, especially with terms like "non-profit".
              • neilperetz2 days ago
                Sorry that even attorneys can have typos.
                • meltdownMatt2 days ago
                  That’s a pretty meaningful mistake, given that the nature of the non-profit entanglement is fundamental to several claims. It seems like you were as confused as the community was, which sure doesn’t help any of Matt’s claims about everything being “open” and “transparent” all along.

                  Well, I guess this thread answers the question of “how can Matt’s lawyer possibly be encouraging this?”

                  Penny-wise and pound foolish.

                • pwillia7a day ago
                  Which word was meant to be used instead of non-profit here?
          • photomatt3 days ago
            Sorry for that error, the post has been updated now.
            • kinkora3 days ago
              Thanks for clarifying on that error.

              I am not involved in the wordpress community in any shape or form but am fairly privy to what it is along with the open source world yet.. even I am finding it hard with confusing and/or conflating statements on what falls under the non-profit, foundation, commercial entity, etc.

              But even if you ignore random stranger me from the internet, wouldn't it flag something in you that your own legal representative got it wrong on an official company post clarifying the structure? Even if I apply the most charitable interpretation, it seems Neil is also equally confused or at least not on the same page as you since he is unable to respond consistently in the other threads?

              I am sure you will at least see why that everyone is just perplexed by how obtused the whole structure between the WordPress.org, WordPress The Foundation and Automattic.

              • neilperetz2 days ago
                As I noted above, we are preparing a blog post with further detail about Matt's role in the community. Of course, if that doesn't provide sufficient clarity, let us know.
            • meltdownMatt2 days ago
              How about how the non-profit Wordpress Foundation lists the Wordpress Plugins and Themes indexes as Foundation projects, while you maintain that they’re something you personally own, and are openly controlling for the sake of your profit-seeking conflict with WPE?


              It’s ironic that you make analogies to “getting Al Capone” while you yourself appear to be engaged in a decade-long tax fraud. But like your constant allegations of “astroturfing by WPE” to explain why everybody holds you in contempt, I guess it’s easily explained as narcissistic projection.

              It’s not astroturfing. Everybody can read you, Matt. And they don’t like what they see.

        • that_guy_iain3 days ago
          Considering you own wordpress.org and the third link, that you claim is hosting completely wrong information, is on Wordpress.org you should ensure it has correct information. Especially, since it appears to have been written by you.
        • vinnysgreen3 days ago
          You're so bad at this...
  • heymikebala day ago
    I reported up to Mary for a while at Automattic and she's a fantastic leader with low/no tolerance for drama or egos. I think .org is lucky to have her and I'm hopeful she'll bring true product leadership and perspective to it.
  • jaredcwhite3 days ago
    Does Mary Hubbard have the ability to kick Matt Mullenweg out of the org when he implodes? If not, she's not really an executive director of anything, but merely a puppet.

    I feel like I've seen this entire song and dance routine before with the "Rails Foundation" ­— aka a cozy insiders club built to prop up DHH and his worldview. I find all of this stuff distasteful and not at all in keeping with the spirit of open source.

    • nchmy3 days ago
      First, she's working for Automattic/wp dot org, not the WP Foundation.

      Also, an executive director never has control over the board - they serve the board.

      But a major difference between the WP Foundation and Rails Foundation is that the Rails one appears to be a legitimate foundation, with real budget and activities, real governance and transparency provided by actual, living, involved, knowledgeable humans who have agency.

      The Wordpress Foundation is a shell for trademark and tax fraud... It has no governance, transparency, or even seemingly any activities. And the TWO non-Matt directors are completely MIA, with one of them seemingly having no Wordpress affiliation while also working in Matt's much-maligned private equity industry (who also fund his own company!)

      Also, the Rails Trademark is under exclusive, seemingly transparent license to the Rails Foundation.

      Whereas the WP Trademark was ceremoniously "given" to the WP Foundation (controlled, in effect, exclusively by Matt) in 2010, and then secretly given right back to Matt the same day.

  • photomatt3 days ago
    I'm very excited to have Mary on board. :)
    • mattl3 days ago
      Can you clarify if "Executive Director of WordPress.org" is the same job as "Executive Director of the WordPress Foundation"?

      I know you personally own wordpress.org and not the foundation (as many people suspected) so this is unclear.

      • slouch2 days ago
        Executive Director of WordPress.org is simply a job title at Automattic. Josepha found out about the WP Engine ban from wordpress.org in real time along with the rest of the community.
      • bzmrgonz3 days ago
        There is a wordpressfoundation<dot>org, so I doubt it. In my opinion <dot>org is software repo/wp-inc HQ.. and <dot>com is commercial and hosting enterprise. But of course, let's hear from the horse's mouth himself!! :-P
      • photomatt3 days ago
        Totally different. The Foundation has no employees, only volunteers and three board members. (I'm one of them.)
        • vinnysgreen3 days ago
          What legal entity is WordPress.org insured under, and who cuts the checks?
          • ankleturtle3 days ago
            Wordpress.org isn't a legal entity. It's simply a domain owned by Matt. It seems Matt has a license to use the Wordpress trademarks.

            The Wordpress Foundation is a non-profit legal entity with a tiny budget. It appears the only thing it does is serve as a holding entity for the trademarks and the for-profit company than operates the WordCamp conferences.

            I suspect that Automattic is the one who foots the bill for the infrastructure behind Wordpress.org, but that's not clear.

            Matt talks about transparency, but how everything operates is a muddled mess.

            • FireBeyond3 days ago
              > Wordpress.org isn't a legal entity. It's simply a domain owned by Matt.

              Automattic's website (https://automattic.com/2024/10/02/wordpress-trademarks-a-leg...) says otherwise:

              > The Foundation also licensed the name WordPress to the non-profit WordPress.org, which runs a website that facilitates access to WordPress-related software.

              • ankleturtle3 days ago
                The article has been updated.

                > The Foundation also licensed the name to the website WordPress.org, which facilitates widespread access to WordPress-related software at no charge.

                • FireBeyond2 days ago
                  Matt is apparently in full-blown CYA mode.

                  He's far too used to just referring to, and treating, all these entities synonymously, and now that someone is pointing out all these glaring little admissions of exactly that, he is frantically trying to alter the record.

                  He's obviously paying close attention to HN, even when he's not on a posting binge making things worse. One can only imagine WP Engine's lawfirm is doing the same.

                • a day ago
              • ankleturtle3 days ago
                This is straight from Matt, himself:


        • mattl3 days ago
          I’d love to see something on the foundation website which explains this.

          Thanks for your reply.

          • neilperetz2 days ago
            Indeed, a blog post with more detail is forthcoming.
    • quintoni3 days ago
      Can you clarify when you're going to cease your public tantrums and your erratic idiotic behavior that is causing problems for Wordpress users worldwide?
    • mattbeck3 days ago
      Can you clarify if this is a 1:1 backfill for Josepha's role or if her scope will be different?
      • photomatt3 days ago
        The scope will be significantly broader as Mary brings a lot of talents to the ecosystem.