21 pointsby alexmolas3 days ago25 comments
  • waythenewsgoes2 hours ago
    I have always seen LeetCode problems as effectively hazing rituals in a job interview setting. A high pressure interview situation simply won’t bring out peak problem-solving capabilities in many people. At best you get some superficial insight into someone’s problem solving methodology, but at worst you filter out otherwise excellent fits for not being able to solve an ultimately inconsequential problem under pressure.

    LeetCode questions as interview questions are mostly theater. Most people who do well on these aren’t actually “solving them” on the fly from scratch. They just happen to have seen the exact same problem before and retake the steps they’ve memorized to get to the answer. Testing whether or not someone can regurgitate the solution they have memorized to a math problem doesn’t tell you much about how they will perform in a truly novel non-contrived constraint problem scenario, which is generally what most dev work entails.

    Perhaps if you are working at Bespoke Algorithms ‘R Us, benchmarking this would have more value to your org, but for most dev roles at most companies it is hard to see it as more than a compliance exercise, or maybe even as a tool to weed out those with families that can’t devote the hours/day to LC memorization.

    • GuB-425 minutes ago
      The thing is, all these arguments can apply to any test you do during an interview. It is always under pressure, and it will always be incomplete. You will never know for sure before you actually hire the candidate.

      If the interview for a coding job doesn't involve actual coding, how do you know that the candidate can code? What you may get are people who are just really good at selling themselves. Maybe a good fit for the sales department, but not so much for the technical position you are hiring for.

      LeetCode is not perfect, but no test is.

      As for the "memorization" aspect. You can certainly memorize solutions. But you can't just memorize every character of every solution and regurgitate it perfectly. You will need to make some generalizations, just to fit everything into your brain, and as you type it back, you will probably misremember something, and have to fix the bug or bridge the gap. Those are useful, real life coding skills.

    • OnionBlenderan hour ago
      I was looking at the Meta interview guide and it says:

      > Let us know if you’ve seen the problem previously

      and also:

      > In your tech screen, you’ll be asked to solve two problems in roughly 35 minutes. Practice coding solutions to medium and hard problems in less than 15 minutes each to help you be ready for the constraints during the interview.

      The only way I could solve two problems in 35 minutes is if I've seen them before or it is a variation of a problem I've seen before.

      • willio58an hour ago
        > Let us know if you’ve seen the problem previously

        Or just say “I’ve seen this one before” until they get to one you actually have seen before and ace it.

        Leetcode is a joke. I’ve hired a dozen or so high quality candidates using a short 2-3 hour take-home. It shows us more than leetcode ever could. And sometimes people take it places I could have never imagined, these are people we move quickly on and they are the highest performers in the org.

        • novok42 minutes ago
          people would usually ask for what the 'trick' is and you won't be able to give the correct answer if you lie like that
          • wakawaka2821 minutes ago
            A lot of the kinds of questions you'd want to skip have no trick. Also, presumably, if the question is to be swapped then they will not demand a full answer before doing the swap.

            I think it's stupid to try to judge if someone has seen the question before. The only time it's wrong to have seen the question before is if someone tipped you off to that specific company's questions. I think that most people are not good enough at writing reasonable questions to attempt it. For that matter they are not good at picking reasonable questions for an interview out of a collection of problems either. People often choose problems that are excessively difficult, ambiguous, or even impossible to answer.

      • the_gorillaan hour ago
        This was basically my experience in college too. There was no time to understand something, and tests didn't test your understanding. If you tried to solve a proof for the first time you'd run out of time and fail. You just had to grind homework and book questions until you could shit them out in 5 minutes each.
    • ipnonan hour ago
      At a certain point companies prefer employees who can memorize lots of trivial information and perform at a high level while being constantly monitored for adequate performance. Leetcode pop quizzes are excellent tests for this within an hour: POSIWID.[0] Should you work at these companies? Is this kind of employee optimal for company performance at an any given company size? I don’t have these answers.

      [0] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_purpose_of_a_system_is_wha...

    • jongjong31 minutes ago
      Yes pressure affects people differently. Under stress, my communication skills and creativity improves but my mathematical thinking and problem solving abilities decline (slow down).

      Creativity gets in the way of leetcode... Leetcode requires focus; you need to recall only the most relevant techniques for the problem, if you're being too creative and see too many possible solutions and you try to identify the most optimal one, it will slow you down and you will run out of time.

      I tend to do better if the problems are more difficult with more time given. I'm built for solving difficult problems without hard time constraints. I'm bad at solving easy problems within limited time slots.

    • erik_seaberg2 hours ago
      I don't try to add any pressure, but going on call will require some resilience from each team member.
      • waythenewsgoesan hour ago
        As long as you don’t wake me at 3AM to rotate a red-black tree, or find the median of two sorted arrays we should be good
        • ihumanablean hour ago
          Exactly this. As someone that’s served as an oncall engineer for years now, the skills you need to operate a cluster are completely different from the things leetcode tests for.
  • danjlan hour ago
    A good senior developer should be able to go out to lunch and know if the candidate has the skills and the right cultural match by the end. There's no need for coding tests or whiteboarding problems. I've seen some of the best developers I've worked with in 40 years of coding get turned away by Google and Apple because of their terrible interview processes. The only thing better than going out to lunch is working with the person for a couple of weeks. Ideally this happens on a paid contract basis. Of course our culture makes it more challenging to switch jobs if you want to work together first, but really no other interview process has ever provided good data.
  • geuis2 hours ago
    I did a lot of leetcode stuff this year. Dozens of interviews, no takers.

    What got me a job was that I was a solo founder running a business and learning how to make the most of limited resources. Aka I was someone that gets things done and spends the least amount possible to get there. Use the resources you have and show you can create value.

    Again, it all comes down to show don't tell.

    Leetcode is valuable as a way to practice and maybe reaffirm skills. It's not useful for hiring in a direct way.

  • habitue2 hours ago
    Leetcode is just a proxy for an IQ test. That's it. If you can study up and do well on leetcode, then you're smart. People getting hung up on how realistic the questions are, or whether you ever need to implement X data structure are confused.

    Fact is that no job can give a reasonable test for how it is to work there short of working there. There's team dynamics, developer / project fit, etc etc. All you can ever do is measure some proxies. Leetcode is just a much better proxy than the old "how many ping-pong balls fit in a school bus" questions.

    • willio58an hour ago
      I don’t know that people generally have a problem with testing their knowledge, I think most people that hate on Leetcode (including myself) just don’t like to code in front of strangers in a timed setting like that.

      I’ve never been good at tests in school. I probably averaged Cs on tests through college. Projects though? Aced them every time and sometimes got pulled aside and told I was highly exceeding the projects of others in the class. I just do well when I can think alone, or when I can actually work toward a solution with a coworker.

      I’ve made the companies I work for millions of dollars. But put me in front of a white board and ask me an algorithm question? You’d think I was fresh out of CS101.

      • fragmede22 minutes ago
        Yeah. Call it stage fright or performance anxiety or whatever you want. It doesn't matter if you want me to write code for you, being around other people makes me anxious and I can't think properly. I'm less anxious now compared to when I started my career, but coding interviews are the worst.
    • alexashka2 minutes ago
      By what measure is it a better proxy? Are you basing this on any data or just 'common sense'?

      Also, you happen to be good at leetcode, surely? But that's not informing your view at all, because you're too smart to present self serving bias as fact, right?

    • novok40 minutes ago
      IQ test questions are explicitly designed to be things you haven't seen before, solved within minutes per problem. If you've seen them before then the validity of the test is usually invalidated.

      Leetcode is effectively the opposite, because each one is usually a CS paper by itself, which by definition took a very hard problem a long time for a very smart person to create and test the solution.

      You cannot practically invent the a leetcode solution from whole cloth if you treat it like an IQ test question should be done. It's a sport and you get good at sports via drills until it become muscle memory.

    • graymattersan hour ago
      Actually - “how many golf balls fit into a VW Beatle” is a better proxy.
    • dilyevsky2 hours ago
      I agree. One could say that just administering proper iq test would be better but that would be seen as insulting or whatever and also potentially illegal so people resort to elaborate challenges like lc
    • 2 hours ago
    • gedyan hour ago
      I wish they'd just give IQ tests then.. I do just fine in those (~140) but not a leet coder at all.
    • slashdave39 minutes ago
      > Leetcode is just a proxy for an IQ test.

      What? No. You need to practice to be truly effective at Leetcode.

    • smarklefunfan hour ago
      yeah but what if you are smart but don't want to spend time on pointless bullshit?
  • MarkMarinean hour ago
    I have a couple great companies on my resume because I ground these leetcode questions, but now that I’ve been working and in industry for 14 years… I don’t have the time to do the grind unless I’m explicitly looking for a job. The DS&A skills are still there, I use them and I’m glad I have them, but when someone reaches out to me to join their startup out of the blue and then hits me with the leetcode hard question that I haven’t seen in 8 years… well I’ve not passed those interviews. Usually I don’t say “ok, I’ll study for 4 weeks before the rounds” so I go in cold.

    I never give these type of questions in my interviews of senior/staff+, I build out topical problems for the space I’m actually hiring for, then simplify it down to the interesting bits. I give a ramp, a simple problem, a more complex tweak to the simple problem that needs an interesting data structure (maybe needs a heap or similar) and then another tweak that forces them to abandon that data structure and do something novel. You can also fail this and still get hired.

    With junior engineers, I’m sorry but I need something that looks like leetcode so I know you put the work in, and I can’t ask the topical questions because they have no frame of reference. These questions are like the common denominator for someone with no real world skills. I need to see that you’re driven and self motivated enough to teach yourself this (probably useless, when is the last time you had to implement merge sort) skill.

    I also don’t think there is a great alternative. I put an extraordinary amount of work into making my questions that aren’t Leetcode, when they leak I’m heartbroken. I don’t want to just let a fancy school be the decision point, so I need to find a fair way to test. Asking people to do 1-2 days work or pair program… it’s usually caused a lot of dropping out of the funnel. So I would love to hear alternatives that are working for others

    • choppafacean hour ago
      Leetcode can work well for junior / new grad candidates if you help & hint them a bit. For example they probably forgot breadth-first search, but if you give a couple hints about queues and they show tremendous swiftness, then that can be a good sign they’ll learn very quickly on the job. Does not prevent false negatives but reduces the FN rate and gives them what they really want (learning experience).
  • eadwu2 hours ago
    If you are the type of person who writes a big brain log(n) solution instead of n solution when there is no real reason (compute wise) and the log(n) is a pain in the ass to maintain.

    I hope I never see you in my team.

    • slashdave36 minutes ago
      There is a lot to say about this. Due to technical limitations, the Leetcode site uses odd corner cases in their test suite to guide practitioners to specific, bespoke solutions. It's kind of insidious.
    • beaconify24 minutes ago
      Yes! Just say give me o(log(n)) dollars! Ah now you care about n and k.
  • trh0awayman3 days ago
    If you hire using LeetCode, you will surround yourself with people who enjoy blogging about LeetCode in their free time.

    LeetCode was never about LeetCode, it was always a stand in for culture.

    It's now a signal for baseline compliance. That's generally good for companies that require mostly operationalists.

    The problem is that anyone can learn to leetcode. If you're interested in doing something new and not just warehousing CS lawyers, you're gonna have to ask better questions than that.

    • beaconify21 minutes ago
      Leetcode is often one or two rounds. You also get tested for culture and design interviews. This is not ideal but hard to see how FAANGs are gonna do it. I guess FAANGs need operationalists though except for their research arms. Dynamodb works well. Your job is to make it work 0.01% better to save a few mill.
  • bearjawsan hour ago
    IMO the worst problem with leetcode challenges are the fact they are 100% in the training set of LLMs.

    They solve them instantly, and making matters worse they are 100% valueless to a company.

    What universe do we live in that hiring managers want staff that are 100% as skilled as an LLM but probably not as strong in areas that actually matter?

    The reality everyone with a brain is going to cheat on these, they are typically pretty early in the interview process and it will hopefully get replaced with a real world test.

    At my last job we just used example problems that we had seen in the past, usually REST API focused with just enough nuance to make engineers think through it and potentially refactor their code. Then you can ask them specifics of their thought process and get insight to their experience.

  • 000ooo000an hour ago
    >However, I usually trust my intuition quite a lot, and before giving it up I decided to find some strong arguments in favor of Leetcode (LC) interviews, and here they are.

    Sounds like confirmation bias to me..

  • mcslambley16 minutes ago
    These are not strong or well structured counter arguments. The first argument, for instance, reads as premature optimization via hiring practices.
  • joshdavhaman hour ago
    I would rather hire someone who has evidence of working on prior projects than someone who can solve brain teasers. There are many people who excel at LeetCode but struggle to build even simple software.
  • MichaelNolan37 minutes ago
    I think the article missed the biggest argument in favor leetcode style interviews - that they are quick and cheap to administer, and relatively unbiased/objective.

    The reason big companies use these interview methods, is because they have to interview tens of thousands of candidates per year. None of the common alternative interview methods that get tossed around can scale to thousands of applicants.

  • pajeets36 minutes ago
    my retort to this article is this simple question: if you can look things up in an encyclopedia, why are you forced to recite it?

    if even low parameter LLM can solve most of these leetcode examples that cost nothing to run, why are we using it to discriminate applicants to measure "how badly do you want the $250k/year"

    It's almost like the people hiring are optimizing for masochists and there lies the devil, you want hyper-rationality because they are the easiest people to manipulate and brainwash.

    Highly sensitive and type B personality aren't going to sit around and let them trade their life to destroy or trap large number of the population with addictive algorithms or drone target selection.

    Matter of fact IQ was invented specifically to filter out the most programmable minds, you wouldn't be able to run a country's intelligence agency without being able to brainwash people or a corporation. The promoters at the helms are usually the exact opposite of the producers, unwavering, unforgiving, uncompromising.

    • beaconify28 minutes ago
      L1 cache is useful (or maybe good processor design is the better analogy...)

      Being quick at the command line, using the right tools, can get around VS code quick, can solve the more trivial code problems quick (or quickly critique LLM output or a blog post). It adds up.

  • etse31 minutes ago
    This article was kind of lazy. It’s a lot of conjecture, a couple anecdotal observations, and some rhetoric for good measure. Basically, the content was a let down from the title. On the other hand, I didn’t know Data Scientist candidates would also be tested with LeetCode questions.
  • dherls40 minutes ago
    > These interviews can identify candidates with strong problem-solving skills and logical reasoning abilities.

    I would disagree with this premise. Leetcode identifies people who have just finished cramming for Leetcode questions. You don't need logical reasoning abilities to solve Leetcode, just encyclopedic knowledge of algorithms and data structures

  • hatthewan hour ago
    Coding assessments are definitely valuable in general. What isn't valuable are the class leetcode problems, where you have to use a heap, or DP, or some random useless data structure to solve a problem in O(n) instead of O(n log n) time. How about instead of asking a simple problem that has an obscure solution, ask a complicated problem with an obvious solution, but one that tests their software engineering skills. Make them ask clarifying questions about which of the many edge cases they are expected to handle, and verify which can be ignored. Add additional requirements that make refactoring necessary. Add constraints about the environment and ask how the candidate would handle that.
  • valenterryan hour ago
    > People that never done LC problems probably don’t even know how to implement some data structures. So when they face a difficult problem they will probably just use a brute force approach.

    You don't need leetcode for that. It's sufficient to talk about datastructures. In fact, that is a much better and actually reasonable thing to do in an in an interview.

    > I also like these questions because you can ask them to any kind of software developer, from frontend to DevOps.

    Only those that will apply at your place, which will exclude me if you require a leetcode interview. So, in fact, you will be biased by prefiltering candidates.

    It's like when companies say "we only hire the top 1%" and I ask "the top 1% of all engineers or the top 1% of the engineers that chose to apply at your company?"

  • jchw41 minutes ago
    > People don’t like LC interviews because they are bad at them,

    I enjoy that this assertion is made with essentially no attempt to justify it, it's just said matter-of-factly as if it's just obvious truth. Well, let me speak at least for myself: Absolutely not.

  • chrisbrandow2 hours ago
    There’s just so much guesswork with these as interview questions. The number of different problem spaces is non-trivial, and understanding the nature of the problem space for use in work is quite different from being able to work out a problem in 30 minutes in front of other people often in a code editor that is unfamiliar.

    We lack an agreed upon, specific way to evaluate someone’s talent in 30-90 minutes. LC problems are not a terribly efficient way to fix this.

  • ifihtan hour ago
    Welcome to your leetcode interview in the age of ai: https://leetcodewizard.io/
    • ifihtan hour ago
      Also I love these comments, thank you all for vindicating my disdain for this practice.
  • ihumanablean hour ago
    There are thousands, and I’m not exaggerating, literally thousands of leetcode problems.

    A lot of them require you to make, what to me at least, is some non-obvious clever observation about the problem. Sure the problem is talking about a guy robbing houses, but if you stand on your head and squint just right you’ll realize this is actually a graph cycle detection problem and you should use Floyd’s algorithm to solve it.

    Because there are thousands of these problems the amount of time it would take someone to become familiar with them is prohibitive. So you are at the mercy of the interviewer, have they picked a super clever one, are they going to be ok with removing duplicates from the answer by tossing stuff in a set or do they want you to pull some dynamic programming out of thin air.

    It’s the part where you have to divine the trick under pressure that measures nothing of value. I’ve been a professional software engineer for 2 decades. I’ve had times when I’ve been trying to solve some very tricky problem and done research and thought thoughts and come up with pretty clever solutions, or at least I think they are clever. Not once have I had to do this under pressure in a 45 minute time box with someone looking over my shoulder.

    That’s my objection to leetcode. Sure it’s great if a candidate can recognize that your riddle about topological map rain capture is actually just a restatement of Kolger’s postulate at first glance (a problem and postulate I’ve just made up because I’m not going to wade back into leetcode right now) but that’s an insane thing to optimize for.

    The vast majority of the problems programmers solve are actually just mapping business domains into code. The most common problems that need solving is taking squishy, incomplete, and contradictory requirements from multiple stakeholders and figuring out what needs to get done. People in the real world are rarely rolling their own data structures, because the red black tree you slap together is going to be infinitely worse than the battle tested highly optimized one you can pull out of the standard library or off your package manager.

    In my long career I’ve had a handful of occasions to actually build a data structure or solve a problem with some very clever algorithm. And in those cases you don’t really want people shooting from the hip anyways, you would want them to do research and see what prior art exists so they can discover something like Floyd’s algorithm for finding cycles in a unidirectional graph (ok this one is real).

    It is not clear to me what exactly leetcode tests. My best guess would be your ability to take a disguised questions and convert it into a handful of problem shapes and solve those. But if you grade leetcode like the website does during an interview, expect to lose a lot of perfectly fine candidates along the way.

  • cherryteastain3 days ago
    I feel like the author missed the most critical point: Leetcode style interviews are great at weeding out terrible coders (95% of applicants) early on in the hiring process, but don't carry an as strong signal for separating excellent candidates from the good ones.

    Asking standard array/string manipulation/sorting etc questions in a 30min phone screen is very valuable to save your engineers 5hrs on a poor candidate. Conversely, throwing an NP hard leetcode hard at a senior dev with 20 years of experience and excellent culture fit with your organization in the 9th interview is basically meaningless.

    • chongli2 hours ago
      Conversely, throwing an NP hard leetcode hard at a senior dev with 20 years of experience and excellent culture fit with your organization in the 9th interview is basically meaningless.

      Worse than meaningless, it's a great way to toss away a diamond in the rough.

      Leetcode problems skew towards competitive programming and grinders. They do absolutely nothing to show real-world programming skills which involve: 1) working within a large, existing codebase, 2) strong code documentation and commit message habits, 3) understanding of coding styles within the company culture so that you don't write in an unintelligible, bespoke style, and 4) communication skills and the ability to work within a team so that the candidate is not fighting strong headwinds.

    • 2 hours ago
  • neilv2 hours ago
    I'm so sick of LeetCode nonsense, I'm inspired to make a denylist of every company and blog and username that promotes it.
  • Apocryphon2 hours ago
    Aren't there supposed AI tools out there for cheating on these standardized tests?
  • 2 hours ago