user: | daeken |
created: | Mar 21, 2008 |
karma: | 17340 |
about: | Founder of DaeStar Emulation, previously of DigitalOcean, HackerOne, Optiv, Mozilla, Matasano Security, and a couple startups. My primary background is reverse-engineering, but my work is all over the board. My work has been featured in Forbes, H+ Magazine, Hacker Monthly (issue #10), EDN, and my mother's fridge. I've spoken at Defcon (2019), 44con (2019), and BlackHat (2012). Nothing I say here is in any way representative of the views of my employer nor anyone else with whom I am affiliated. My email is; feel free to contact me about anything, just include 'HN' in the subject, please. I'm on HN Office Hours: [ my public key:; my proof: ] |