created:May 23, 2008

Email: robin at

Director at Lambda Cambridge (

I offer software contracting and technical consulting services.

I am especially proficient in Javascript, Java, C#, Python and Ruby, but have completed projects in pretty much every modern commercial language as well as many academic ones.

I can also offer technical and team consulting, where I can help your developers with design and architecture, as well as process, tools, and how you work, either on a one-off or recurring basis.


  Head of Technology at Firefly ­–
  Head of Development at Unifyo
  PhD in Computer Science at the University of Cambridge, UK
  Intern at Google London working on Swiffy, the mad but
    cool Flash-to-HTML5 converter
  Experience in a wide variety of languages and environments,
    including low-level networking, web development,
    hardware design, and security.